List of anatomical topics

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Contents: Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


abdomen - abdominal aorta - abducens nerve - abducens nucleus - abducent - abducent nerve - abduction - aberrant - absence seizure - acalculia - accessory - accessory cuneate nucleus - accessory nerve - accessory olivary nucleus - accommodation - accommodation reflex - accumbens nucleus - acetabulum - acoustic - acoustic nerve - acromion - adduction - adenohypophysis - adenoid - adenoids - adhesion - Adie's tonic pupil - adipose - aditus - aditus ad antrum - aditus of the larynx - adrenal - adrenal gland - adrenergic - afferent - afferent limb - agger nasi - agnosia - agonist - agraphia - akathisia - akinesia - akinetic mutism - alaeque - alar ligaments - alba - albicans - albuginea - alexia - alimentary - allantois - allocortex - alpha motor neurons - alveolar artery - alveolar processes - alveolus - alveus - amatory anatomy - amaurosis - ambiguus - ambiguus nucleus - Ammon's horn - ampulla - amygdala - amygdalofugal pathway - amygdaloid - amylacea - anaesthesia - analgesia - analogous - anastomosis - anatomical pathology - anatomical position - anatomy - anconeus - anesthesia dissociated - anesthesia segmental - angiography - angiology - angular gyrus - anhidrosis - animal morphology - anisocoria - ankle - ankle reflex - annulus - anomaly - anomia - anosognosia - ansa - ansa cervicalis - ansa lenticularis - anserinus - antagonist - anteflexion - anterior - anterior belly of the diagastric muscle - anterior cerebral artery - anterior choroidal artery - anterior commissure - anterior communicating artery - anterior corticospinal tract - anterior cranial fossa - anterior ethmoidal foramen - anterior ethmoidal nerve - anterior funiculus - anterior horn cells - anterior horn of the lateral ventricle - anterior hypothalamus - anterior inferior cerebellar artery - anterior limb of the internal capsule - anterior lobe of cerebellum - anterior medullary velum - anterior nucleus of the thalamus - anterior perforated substance - anterior pituitary - anterior root - anterior spinal artery - anterior spinocerebellar tract - anterior tibial artery - anterior vertebral muscle - anterior white commissure - anterolateral region of the neck - anterolateral system - anteversion - antidromic - antihelix - antrum - anulus - anulus tendineus - anus - aorta - aphasia - aphonia - apneustic breathing - aponeurosis - apophysis - appendage - appendix - apposition - aprosody - aqueduct - aqueductal stenosis - aqueous humor - arachnoid - arachnoid granulations - arbor vitae - archaeocerebellum - archaeopallium - archicerebellum - archicortex - archipallium - archistriatum - arcuate - arcuate nucleus - arcus - area - area postrema - areola - Argyll-Robertson pupil - arm - arrector - arteria dorsalis pedis - artery - articular condyle of mandible - articular disc - articulation - aryepiglotticus muscle - arytenoid - arytenoid cartilage - arytenoideus muscle - aspect - aspera - astereognosis - asterion - asterixisi - astrocyte - astrocytes - asynergy - ataxia - ataxia cerebellar - atlanto-occipital joint - atlas - atresia - atrium - auditory - auditory aphasia - auditory cortex - auditory ossicle - auditory radiations - auditory tube - auricle - auriculotemporal nerve - auscultate - autonomic - autonomic ganglion - axial view - axilla - axillary artery - axis - axon - axon collateral - axon hillock - azygos -


babinski sign - back - band of Baillarger - Bartholin's gland - basal forebrain - basal ganglia - basalis nucleus of Meynert - basilar - basilar artery - basilar membrane - basilic - basis pedunculi - basket cell - basolateral amygdala - biceps - bifid - bifurcate - bilateral - biology - bipennate - bipolar cells of the retina - bitemporal heminopia - blood - blood brain barrier - body - bone - bony labyrinth - border - brachial artery - brachial plexus - brachiocephalic - brachioradialis reflex - brachium - brachium conjunctivum - brachium of the inferior colliculus - brachium of the superior colliculus - brachium pontis - brachium restiformis - brain - brain stem - brainstem - branchia - branchiomeric musculature - breast - bregma - brevis - bridging veins - Broca's aphasia - Broca's area - bronchi - bronchiole - bronchus - buccal - buccal fat pad - buccinator - buccinator muscle - bulbourethral gland - bulbus - bulla - bursa - butt -


caecum - cafe-au-lait spot - calamus scriptorius - calcaneus - calcar - calcar avis - calcarine - calcarine cortex - calcarine fissure - calf - calix - callosum - caloric test - calvaria - calyx - canal - canal of Schlemm - canaliculus - cancellous - canine - canthus - capillary - capitate - capitulum - capsule - caput - caput medusae - cardiac - cardinal - cardiophrenic angle - cardiovascular system - carina - carneae - carotid - carotid bifurcation - carotid body - carotid canal - carotid groove - carotid plexus - carotid sheath - carotid sinus - carotid siphon - carpus - cartilage - caruncle - catheter - cauda - cauda equina - caudal - caudate - caudate nucleus - cava - cavernous - cavernous sinus - cavity - cavum - cavum septum pellucidum - cecum - celiac - celiac artery - celiac ganglion - celom - central - central canal - central nucleus of inferior colliculus - central retinal artery - central sulcus - central tegmental tract - centromedian nucleus - centrum - centrum semi - centrum semiovale - cephalic - cephalic vein - cerebellar peduncle - cerebellar projection - cerebellar tonsil - cerebellopontine angle - cerebellorubral tract - cerebellothalamic tract - cerebellum - cerebral aqueduct - cerebral arterial circle - cerebral hemisphere - cerebral peduncle - cerebral spinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrum - cerumen - cervical - cervical enlargement - cervical fascia - cervical spinal nerves - cervical spine - cervical sympathetic ganglia - cervical vertebrae - cervicothoracic ganglion - cervix - chest - cheyne-stokes respiration - chiasma - chiasmatic sulcus - choana - choanae - chondral - chorda - chorda tympani - chorea - choroid - choroid plexus - chyle - chyli - ciliary - ciliary arteries - ciliary body - ciliary ganglion - ciliary muscle - ciliary nerves - ciliospinal reflex - cilium - cillia - cinereum - cingulate gyrus - cingulum - circle of Willis - circulatory system - circumduction - circumflex - circumflex artery - cisterna - cisterna chyli - cisterna magna - cisterns - Clarke's column nucleus - claustrum - clava - clavicle - cleido - climbing fiber - clinoid - clitoris - clivus - cloaca - clonus - coccyx - cochlea - cochlear duct - cochlear nerve - coeliac - coelom - coeruleus - coli - collar bone - collateral - collateral eminence - collateral fissure - collateral trigone - colli - colliculus - collum - colon - columna - columns of the fornix - coma - comitans - commissure - common carotid artery - common facial vein - communicans - communicating veins - comparative anatomy - concha - conchae - condylar process of mandible - condyle - cones - confluence - confluence of the sinuses - confluens - conjugate eye movement - conjunctiva - connective tissue - conoid - consensual reflex - constrictor - contour - contralateral - conus - conus elasticus - conus medullaris - coracoid - coracoid process - cordotomy - cornea - corneal reflex - corniculate - cornu - corona - corona radiata - coronal - coronal plane - coronal suture - coronal view - coronary - coronary arteries - coronary sinus - coronoid - coronoid process - corpora quadrigemina - corpus - corpus callosum - corpus collosum - corpus striatum - corpuscle - corrugator - cortex - cortex cerebral - corticobulbar axons - corticomedial amygdala - corticopontine fibers - corticospinal tract - corticostriate fiber - costa - costal cartilages - costophrenic angle - coxa - cranial - cranial autonomic ganglia - cranial bone - cranial nerve - cranial nerve ganglia - cranial nerve lesion - cranial nerve nuclei - cranial nerves - cranium - cremaster - cribriform - cribriform plate - cricoarytenoid ligament - cricoarytenoid muscle - cricoid - cricoid cartilage - cricothyroid joint - cricothyroid ligament - cricothyroid muscle - crista - crista galli - cristi galli - crossed extensor reflex - cruciate - cruciate ligaments - cruciform ligament - crus - crus cerebri - crus of diaphragm - cubital - cuboid - culmen - cuneate - cuneate fasciculus - cuneate nucleus - cuneate tubercle - cuneiform - cuneiforms - cuneocerebellar fibers - cuneus - cupola - cupula - cusp - cutaneous - cyst - cystic duct - cystogram -


dartos - DCML - decerebrate - declive - decomposition of movement - decorticate - decussation - decussation superior cerebellar peduncle - deep - deep cerebellar nuclei - deep lingual artery - deferens - deglutition - dehiscence - deltoid - demyelination - dendrite - dendritic spine - dens - dentate - dentate gyrus - dentate nucleus - dentatothalamic tract - denticulate - denticulate ligament - dentine - depress - depressor anguli oris muscle - dermatome - dermis - descendens cervicalis - descending aorta - detrusor - deviated septum - diagonal band - diagonal band of Broca - diaphragm - diaphragma sellae - diaphysis - diastole - diencephalon - digastric - digastric fossa - digastric muscle - digastric triangle - digestive system - digit - diplioc veins - diploe - diplopia - diploë - discus - dissection - distal - diverticulum - doll's eyes phenomenon - dorsal - dorsal cochlear nucleus - dorsal column - dorsal column nuclei - dorsal funiculus - dorsal horn - dorsal root - dorsal root ganglion - dorsal spinocerebellar tract - dorsal trigeminothalamic tract - dorsolateral fasciculus - dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus - dorsum - dorsum sellae - ductless gland - ductus - ductus deferens - duodenum - dura - dura mater - dural septae -


ear - ectoderm - ectopic - edge - edinger-westphal nucleus - efferent - efferent limb - ejaculatory - ejaculatory duct - elbow - elevate - emboliform nucleus - emboliformis - embryo - embryology - eminence - emissary - emissary veins - encephalon - encephalopathy - endocardium - endocranium - endocrine - endocrine gland - endocrine system - endoderm - endolymph - endometrium - endoneurium - endorphin - endothelial tissue - endothelium - enkephalin - entorhinal cortex - ependyma - ependymal cells - epicanthus - epicardium - epicondyle - epicranial - epicranial aponeurosis - epidermis - epididymis - epidural - epidural hematoma - epidural space - epigastrium - epiglottic cartilage - epiglottis - epimysium - epineurium - epiphysis - epiploic - epithalamus - epithelial tissue - epithelium - epitympanic recess - erector - erigentes - esophagus - essential tremor - ethmoid - ethmoid bone - ethmoid sinus - ethmoidal air cells - eustachian tube - evaginate - eversion - excretory system - exocrine gland - exophthalmos - exoskeleton - exotropia - extend - extension - extensor plantar response - extensor posturing - external - external acoustic meatus - external auditory meatus - external capsule - external carotid artery - external ear - external iliac artery - external jugular vein - external laryngeal nerve - external medullary lamina - external nasal nerve - external occipital protuberance - external ophthalmoplegia - extraocular muscles - extraperitoneal - extrapyramidal - extrapyramidal motor system - extrapyramidal signs - extrapyramidal system - extreme capsule - extrinsic - eye - eyelid -


fabella - face - facet (anatomy) - facial artery - facial bone - facial colliculus - facial nerve - facial nucleus - facial vein - facilitate - falciform - false vocal cord - falx - falx cerebri - fascia - fascicle - fasciculation - fasciculus - fasciculus lenticularis - fastigial nuclei - fastigial nucleus - fastigium - fastigius - fauces - femoral artery - femur - fenestra - fenestra cochleae - fenestra vestibuli - fetus - fibre - fibril - fibrillation - fibrous coat of the eye - fibula - fields of Forel - filament - filiform papillae - filum - filum terminale - fimbria - finger/nose test - first thoracic ganglion - fissure - fistula - fixator - flaccid - flaccid paralysis - flaccidity - flavum - flex - flexion - flexure - flocculonodular lobe - flocculus - fluent aphasia - foetus - folia - folium - follicle - fontanelle - foot - foramen - foramen lacerum - foramen magnum - foramen of Luschka - foramen of Magendie - foramen of Monro - foramen ovale - foramen rotundum - foramen spinosum - forceps - forceps major - forearm - forebrain - formication - fornix - fossa - fourth ventricle - fovea - foveola - frenulum - frenulum linguae - frenum - frontal - frontal air sinus - frontal bone - frontal eye field - frontal horn of lateral ventricle - frontal lobe - frontal nerve - frontal plane - frontal pole - frontal sinus - frontalis muscle - frontonasal duct - fundiform - fundus - fungiform papillae - funiculus - fusiform - fusiform gyrus - fusimotor neurons -


gag reflex - galea - gall bladder - galli - gallus - gamma - gamma motor neurons - ganglion - ganglion cell - ganglion cell of the retina - gasserian ganglion - gastric - gastro - gastrocnemius - gastroduodenal artery - gastroesophageal junction - gastrointestinal tract - gaze palsy - gelatinosa - gemellus - genial - geniculate - geniculate bodies of the thalamus - geniculate ganglion - geniculocalcarine tract - geniculum - genioglossus muscle - geniohyoid muscle - genital - genitals - genu - genu of corpus callosum - genu of the internal capsule - gingiva - girdle - glabella - glabellar reflex - gladiolus - gland - glandula - glandular tissue - glans - glenoid - glenoid fossa - glia - global aphasia - globe - globose nucleus - globus - globus pallidus - glomerulus - glossal - glossoepiglottic fold - glossopharyngeal nerve - glottic - glottis - glove and stocking anesthesia - gluteal - gluteus - gluteus maximus - gluteus medius - gluteus minimus - Golgi cell - Golgi method - gonad - gracile - gracile fasciculus - gracile nucleus - gracile tubercle - gracilis - granular layer - granulation - granule cell - graphesthesia - grasp reflex - gravid - gray matter - Gray's Anatomy - great cerebral vein - greater auricular nerve - greater horn of the hyoid - greater occipital nerve - greater palatine artery - greater palatine canal - greater palatine foramen - greater palatine nerve - greater petrosal nerve - greater superficial petrosal nerve - greater wing of sphenoid - griseum - groove for right and left transverse sinuses - groove for sigmoid sinus - groove for the middle meningeal artery - gubernaculum - gustatory - gyrencephalic - gyrus -


habenula - habenular nuclei - haemorrhoid - hair - hair cells - hallux - hamate - hamstrings - hamulus - hand - hard palate - haustra - head of rib - heart - heel to toe walking - helicine - helicotrema - helix - hemianopia - hemianopsia - hemiballismus - hemidiaphragm - hemiparesis - hemiparkinsonism - hemisphere - hemothorax - hepar - hepatic - hepatic artery - hepatic flexure - hepatic veins - hernia - herniated disk - hiatus - hiatus semilunaris - hilar vessels - hilum - hindbrain - hip bone - hippocampal formation - hippocampal pyramidal cell - hippocampal sulcus - hippocampus - histology - history of anatomy - Hoffman's reflex - homologous - homonymous hemianopia - horizontal - horizontal plane - hormone - horn - human anatomical parts named after people - List of human anatomical parts named after people - human anatomy - human body - human skeleton - humerus - humour - hyaline - hymen - hyoglossus muscle - hyoid - hyoid bone - hyperacusis - hyperostosis - hypersexuality - hypogastric artery - hypoglossal - hypoglossal canal - hypoglossal nerve - hypoglossal nucleus - hypoglossal trigone - hypopharynx - hypophyseal artery - hypophyseal fossa - hypophyseal portal system - hypophysis - hypophysis cerebri - hypothalamic sulcus - hypothalamohypophyseal portal system - hypothalamohypophyseal tract - hypothalamoreticular tract - hypothalamospinal tract - hypothalamotegmental tract - hypothalamus - hypothalmotegmental axon -


ideomotor apraxia - ileal vessels - ileocecal valve - ileocolic artery - ileum - iliac crest - iliac lymph nodes - iliac region - iliacus muscle - iliolumbar artery - iliopsoas muscle - ilium - immune system - impar - incisive foramen - incisor - incisura - incus - index - indicis - indusium - indusium griseum - infarction - inferior - inferior alveolar artery - inferior alveolar nerve - inferior cerebellar peduncle - inferior cervical sympathetic ganglion - inferior colliculus - inferior concha - inferior frontal gyrus - inferior gluteal artery - inferior horn - inferior meatus - inferior mesenteric artery - inferior mesenteric vein - inferior nasal concha - inferior oblique muscle - inferior olivary nucleus - inferior orbital fissure - inferior petrosal sinus - inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle - inferior pubic ramus - inferior rectus muscle - inferior sagittal sinus - inferior salivatory nucleus - inferior temporal gyrus - inferior thyroid artery - inferior thyroid vein - inferior vena cava - inferior vestibular nucleus - infra - infraglottic cavity - infrahyoid muscle - infrahyoid muscles - infraorbital canal - infraorbital foramen - infraorbital groove - infraorbital nerve - infraspinatus muscle - infratemporal fossa - infratentorial - infundibular nucleus - infundibulum - inguinal - inhibition - inion - inner and outer hair cells - inner table of skull - innervate - innominate - inquinal lymph nodes - insert - insertion - inspection - insula - integument - integumentary system - intention tremor - intercalated - intercondylar eminences - interdigitate - interhemispheric fissure - intermediate gray - intermediate horn cell - intermediolateral cell column - intermediolateral nucleus - internal - internal acoustic meatus - internal arcuate fiber - internal auditory meatus - internal capsule - internal carotid artery - internal cerebral vein - internal ear - internal iliac artery - internal iliac vein - internal jugular vein - internal laryngeal nerve - internal medullary lamina - internal oblique muscle - internal thoracic artery - internal thoracic veins - interneuron - internuncial - interpeduncular cistern - interpeduncular fossa - interstitial - interthalamic adhesion - intertrochanteric line - interventricular foramen of Monro - interventricular septum - intervertebral disc space - intestine - intima - intra - intrafusal - intrafusal muscle fibers - intralaminar thalamic nuclei - intramedullary - intrathalamic adhesion - intrinsic muscles of the tongue - introitus - inversion - involuntary movements - ipsilateral - iris - ischemia - ischial spine - ischial tuberosity - ischiorectal fossa - ischium - ispilateral - isthmus -


Jacksonian seizure - jargon aphasia - jaw jerk - jejunum - joint - joint capsule - joint space - jugular - jugular foramen - jugum - juxta -


keratin - kidney - kinesthesia - kinocilium - knee - koniocortex - kuru - kyphosis -


labia - labium - labrum - labyrinth - lacerum - lacrimal - lacrimal bone - lacrimal canaliculus - lacrimal fossa - lacrimal gland - lacrimal glands - lacrimal nerve - lacrimal papilla - lacrimal punctum - lacrimal sac - lactation - lacteal - lactic - lactiferous - lacuna - lacunae laterales - lacus lacrimalis - lambda - lambdoid - lambdoid suture - lamella - lamina - lamina papyracea - lamina terminalis - laminectomy - lanugo - large intestine - laryngopharynx - larynx - lata - lateral - lateral aperture - lateral cervical muscle - lateral corticospinal tract - lateral cricoarytenoid muscle - lateral cuneate nucleus - lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus - lateral fissure - lateral funiculus - lateral geniculate body or nucleus - lateral horn - lateral hypothalamus - lateral lemniscus - lateral olfactory stria - lateral posterior nucleus - lateral pterygoid muscle - lateral pterygoid plate - lateral recess of the fourth ventricle - lateral rectus muscle - lateral sclerosis - lateral semicircular canal - lateral spinothalamic tract - lateral striate arteries - lateral thalamic nucleus - lateral ventricle - lateral vertebral muscle - lateral vestibular nucleus - lateral vestibulospinal tract - latissimus - lattisimus dorsi - left atrium - left colic artery - left common carotid artery - left gastroepiploic artery - left mainstem bronchi - left marginal artery - left pulmonary artery - left ventricle - leg - lemniscus - lens - lenticular nucleus - lenticulostriate artery - lentiform - lentiform nucleus - leptomeninx - lesser occipital nerve - lesser palatine foramen - lesser petrosal nerve - lesser wing of sphenoid - levator - levator labii superioris muscle - levator palpebrae muscle - levator palpebrae superioris - levator scapulae muscle - levator velum palatini muscle - lien - ligament - light reflex - limbic - limbic system - limbus - limen - limen insulae - line of Gennari - linea - lingua - lingual artery - lingual nerve - lingual tonsil - lingual vein - lingula - lip - lipofuscin - Lissauer's tract - lissencephalic - List of human anatomical features - liver - lobule - lobulus - lobus - locus - locus coeruleus - loin - long ciliary nerves - longissimus - longitudinal - longitudinal fissure - longus - longus capitis muscle - longus capitus muscle - longus colli muscle - lower motor neuron - lp needle - lucidum - lumbar - lumbar artery - lumbar enlargement - lumbar spine - lumbar vertebrae - lumbosacral enlargement - lumbosacral plexus - lumbrical - lumen - lunate - lung - luteum - lymph - lymph nodes - lymphatic - Lymphatic system - lymphatic vessels -


macroscopic - macula - macular sparing - magna - magnocellular nuclei - main pulmonary artery - malleolus - malleus - mamma - mammae - mammary gland - mammilla - mammillary bodies - mammillary body - mammillothalamic tract - mammogram - mandible - mandibular condyles - mandibular foramen - mandibular fossa - mandibular nerve - mandibular notch - manubrium - manus - marcus gunn pupil - margin - massa intermedia - masseter - masseter muscle - masseteric vessels - mastication - mastoid - mastoid air cells - mastoid process - matrix - maxilla - maxillae - maxillary antrum - maxillary artery - maxillary nerve - maxillary sinus - meatus - medial - medial forebrain bundle - medial geniculate boby - medial geniculate nucleus or body - medial lemniscus - medial longitudinal fasciculus - medial meniscus - medial olfactory stria - medial pterygoid plate - medial rectus muscle - medial vestibular nucleus - medial vestibulospinal tract - median - median aperture - median eminence - median neuropathy - mediastinum - medilla oblongata - medius - medulla oblongata - medullary cavity - medullated - Meissner's corpuscle - membrane - membraneous urethra - membranous labyrinth - mengingioma - meninges - meningiomas - meniscus - mental - mental foramen - mental nerve - mentalis muscle - mesencephalic reticular formation - mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus and tract - mesencephalon - midbrain - mesenchyme - mesentery - mesial - mesoderm - mesosalpinx - metacarpus - metaphysis - metastatic lesion - metatarsals - metatarsus - metathalamus - metencephalon - metopic - Meyer's loop - microglia - micturition - midbrain - middle cerebellar peduncle - middle cerebral artery - middle cervical sympathetic ganglion - middle colic artery - middle concha - middle cranial fossa - middle ear - middle ear bone complex - middle meatus - middle meningeal artery - middle meningeal vein - middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle - middle sacral artery - middle temporal gyrus - midline nuclei - minimus - miosis - mitral cell - modality - modiolus - molar - molecular layer - monaminergic neurons - mononeuropathy multiplex - mons - moro reflex - morphology - mossy fiber ending - motor - motor aphasia - motor endplate - motor neuron - motor unit - mouth - mucoperiosteum - mucosal fold - multifidus - muscle - muscle spindle - muscles of the thorax - muscular atrophy - muscular system - muscular triangle - mydriasis - myelencephalon - myelin - myelogram - myelomeningocele - myelopathy - myenteric - mylohyoid - mylohyoid groove - mylohyoid line - mylohyoid muscle - mylohyoid nerve - myocardium - Myology - myotome - myotonia - myotonic dystrophy -


nares - naris - nasal - nasal bone - nasal choanae - nasal septum - nasal turbinates - nasion - nasociliary nerve - nasolacrimal canal - nasolacrimal duct - nasopalatine nerve - nasopharynx - natal - navicluar - navicular - neck - neo- - neocerebellum - neocortex - neonatal - neopallium - neospinothalamic axon - neostriatum - nerve - nerve of the pterygoid canal - nerve root - nervous system - neural - neural crest cell - neural foramen - neural groove - neural tube - neural tube defect - neuroectoderm - neuroglia - neurohypophysis - neurolemma - Neurology - neuromuscular junction - neuron - neuropil - nigra - nigrostriatal axon - nissl body - nociceptive - node - node of Ranvier - nodose ganglion - nodule - nodulus - norma - nose - notch - notochord - nucha - nucleus - nucleus accumbens - nucleus ambiguus - nucleus of Luys - nucleus solitarius - nystagmus -


obex - oblique - oblique orbital line - oblique view - oblongata - obturator - obturator externus muscle - obturator foramen - obturator internus muscle - occipital - occipital artery - occipital bone - occipital horn - occipital lobe - occipitalis muscle - occiput - occlusion - ocular bobbing - ocular dysmetria - oculocephalic reflex - oculomotor - oculomotor complex - oculomotor nerve - oculomotor nucleus - oculus - odontoid - odontoid process - oesophagus - olecranon - olecranon process - olfaction - smell - olfactory - olfactory association cortex - olfactory bulb - olfactory cortex - olfactory epithelium - olfactory nerve - olfactory striae - olfactory system - olfactory tract - olfactory trigone - oligodendroglia - oligodendroglial cells - olive - olivocerebellar axon - olivopontocerebellar degeneration - omentum - omohyoid - omohyoid fascia - omohyoid muscle - ontogeny - opacified - operculum - ophthalmic - ophthalmic artery - opponens - oppose - optic - optic canal - optic chiasm - optic disc - optic foramen - optic nerve - optic papilla - optic radiation - optic recess - optic tract - optokinetic nystagmus - ora serrata - oral - oral cavity - orbicularis oculi muscle - orbicularis oris muscle - orbit - orbitofrontal cortex - organ of Corti - organelle - orifice - oropharynx - oscillopsia - ossicle - ossify - Osteology - ostia - ostium - otic - otic ganglion - otolith - outer table of skull - oval window - ovary - ovum -


pachymeninx - pacinian corpuscle - palaeo - palate - palatine bone - palatine glands - palatine process - palatine tonsils - palatoglossal arch - palatoglossus muscle - palatopharyngeal arch - palatopharyngeus muscle - paleo - paleocerebellum - paleopallium - paleospinothalamic axon - paleostriatum - pallidal - pallidothalamic fiber - pallidum - pallidus - pallium - palma - palmomental reflex - palpate - palpebra - palpebral commissures - palsy - pampiniform - pancreas - pancreatic duct - pancreaticoduodenal branches - panniculus - papilla - para - paraaortic lymph nodes - paracentral lobule - paradidymis - paraesthesia - parafascicular nucleus - parahippocampal gyrus - parailiac lymph nodes - parallel fibers - paralysis - paramedian pontine reticular formation - parametrium - paraphasia - pararenal - parasagittal - parasternal - parasympathetic - paraterminal gyrus - parathyroid - parathyroid gland - parathyroid glands - paraventricular nucleus - parenchyma - paresis - paresthesia - paretic nystagmus - parietal - parietal bone - parietal bones - parietal lobe - parietooccipital fissure or sulcus - parotid - parotid bed - parotid duct - parotid gland - parotid papilla - parotid sheath - parous - pars - pars opercularis - parvicellular neurosecretory nuclei - patella - patellar reflex - patent - pecten - pectinate - pectineal - pectineus - pectoral - pectoralis - pectoralis major - pectoralis minor - pedicle - pedis - peduncle - pellucidum - pelvic diaphragm - pelvis - penis - pennate - pennatus - peri - periamygdaloid area - periamygdaloid cortex - perianal - periaqueductal gray - pericardium - perichondrium - pericranium - perikaryon - perilymph - perineum - perineurium - periodontal - periosteum - peripheral - peripheral nervous system - peristalsis - peritoneal cavity - peritoneum - periventricular nucleus - peroneal - peroneal artery - perpendicular plate of ethmoid - perpendicular plate of the ethmoid - perpendicular plate of the palatine bone - pes hippocampi - petit mal epilepsy - petrosal - petrosal ganglion - petrous - petrous bone - petrous pyramid - petrous ridge - phalanges - phalanges of the foot - phalanges of the hand - phalanx - phallus - pharyngeal plexus - pharyngeal recess - pharyngeal tonsil - pharyngobasilar fascia - pharyngotympanic tube - pharynx - philtrum - phonation - photoreceptors - phrenic - phrenic nerve - phylogeny - phytotomy - pia mater - pigment epithelium - pilar cell - pillar of fauces - pilomotor - pilus - pineal - pineal body - pineal gland - pineal gland or body - pinna - piriform - piriform sinus - pisiform - pituitary - pituitary gland - placenta - placode - plane - planta - plantar - platysma - platysma muscle - plegia - pleura - plexus - plica - pneumon - pollex - pollicis - pons - pons proper - pontine gaze center - pontine nuclei - pontocerebellum - popliteal artery - popliteal bursa - popliteal fossa - popliteal vein - popliteus - porta - portal vein - porus - position sense loss - postcentral gyrus - posterior - posterior atlantooccipital membrane - posterior auricular artery - posterior belly of the digastric muscle - posterior cerebral artery - posterior clinoid - posterior commissure - posterior communicating artery - posterior cranial fossa - posterior cricoarytenoid muscle - posterior ethmoidal foramina - posterior funiculus - posterior hypothalamus - posterior inferior cerebellar artery - posterior limb of the internal capsule - posterior lobe of the cerebellum - posterior nasal artery - posterior pituitary - posterior rib - posterior septal artery - posterior spinal arteries - posterior spinocerebellar tract - posterior superior alveolar artery - posterior tibial artery - posterior triangle of the neck - posterolateral fissure - postganglionic - postganglionic neurons - posture - pprf - precentral gyrus - precuneus - prefrontal cortex - preganglionic - preganglionic neurons - preganglionic parasympathetic neurons - preganglionic sympathetic neurons - premotor cortex - preoccipital notch - preoptic recess - preoptic region - prepuce - prepyriform cortex - presacral space - prevertebral - prevertebral fascia - primary fissure - primary olfactory cortex - primary sensory neuron - primary somatosensory cortex - princeps - procerus - process - processus - profunda femoris artery - profundus - projection fibers - prominens - promontory - pronate - prone - proprioception - proprioceptive - proprius - prosection - prosector - prosencephalon - forebrain - prosopagnosia - prostate - prostatic urethra - protract - protrude - protuberance - proximal - psaltarium - psoas - psoas muscle - pterion - pterygoid - pterygomandibular ligament - pterygopalatine foramen - pterygopalatine fossa - pterygopalatine ganglion - ptosis - puberty - pubes - pubic symphysis - public domain - pudendal - pulmonary - pulmonary trunk - pulmonary vein - pulmonary veins - pulp - pulposus - pulvinar - punctum - pupil - pupillary dilatation - pupillary light reflex - purkinje cells - putamen - pyelogram - pyloric valve - pylorus - pyramid - pyramidal cell - pyramidal decussation - pyramidal system - pyramidal tract - pyramids - pyriform cortex - pyriform lobe -


quadrangular - quadrangular membrane - quadratus - quadriceps - quadrigeminal body - quadrigeminal plate - quadrigeminal plate cistern - quadrigeminus - quadriplegia -


radial artery - radiation - radicle - radiculopathy - radiculopathy-cervical - radius - radix - rami - rami communicantes - ramify - ramus - raphe - raphe nuclei - rebound - receptor layer of retina - recess - rectum - rectus - rectus abdominus muscle - rectus capitis anterior muscle - rectus capitis lateralis muscle - rectus femoris muscle - recurrent - recurrent laryngeal nerve - red nucleus - reflex - Reissner's membrane - releasing factors or hormones - renal - renal artery - renal cortex - renal hilus - reproductive system - respiratory system - restiform body - resting tremor - rete - reticular - reticular formation - reticular nucleus of thalamus - reticulospinal tract - reticulum - retina - retinaculum - retinotopic - retract - retro - retrobulbar neuritis - retroflexion - retrogastric area - retromandibular vein - retropharyngeal space - retroversion - retrovisceral space - Rexed's laminae - rhinencephalon - rhombencephalon - rhomboid - rhomboid fossa - rib - ribs - right atrium - right colic artery - right common carotid artery - right gastroepiploic artery - right mainstem bronchi - right marginal artery - right pulmonary artery - right ventricle - rigidity - rima - rima glottidis - Rinne test - risorius - rod cells - rolandic fissure - Romberg sign - roof of acetabulum - roof of orbit - root of penis - root pain - rostral - rostrum - rostrum of corpus callosum - rotate - rotation - rotator cuff - rotatory nystagmus - rotundum - round window - rubro - rubrospinal tract - ruga - rugose -


saccade - saccule - sacral ala - sacral and coccygeal vertebrae - sacroiliac joint - sacrum - sagittal - sagittal plane - sagittal suture - sagittal view - salivary - salivary gland - salpinx - saphenous - saphenous vein - sartorius - sartorius muscle - satellite cell - scala - scala media - scala tympani - scala vestibuli - scalene - scalenus - scalp - scanning speech - scaphoid - scaphoid fossa - scapula - schwann cell - sciatic - sciatic neuropathy - sclera - sclerotome - scoliosis - scotoma - scrotum - scutum - secondary sensory neuron relay - secrete - sella - sella turcica - semen - semicircular canal - semicircular canals - semilunaris - semimembranosus - seminal vesicles - seminiferous - semitendinosus - sensorimotor cortex - sensory - sensory ataxia - sensory dissociation - septal area - septal cartilage - septal nuclei - septal vein - septum - septum pellucidum - serous - serous membrane - serratus - sesamoid - sesamoid bone - sex organ - short ciliary nerves - shoulder - sialogram - sight - sigmoid - sigmoid colon - sigmoid sinus - sinister - sinus - skeletal system - skeleton - skin - skull - small intestine - soft palate - sole - soleus - solitarius - solitary complex - solitary nucleus - solitary tract - soma - somatic - somatic motor nuclei - somatosensory and ascending cerebellar tracts - somatosensory association cortex - somatosensory radiation - somatotopic - somesthetic - somesthetic cortex - somesthetic radiation - somite - spasm - spastic diplegia - spasticity - specific sensory nucleus of thalamus - sperma - spermatic cord - sphenoethmoidal recess - sphenoid - sphenoid bone - sphenoid sinus - sphenoidal air sinus - sphenopalatine artery - sphenopalatine foramen - sphincter - spina bifida - spinal accessory nucleus - spinal cord - spinal lemniscus - spinal nerve - spine - spine of scapula - spinocerebellar tract - spinocerebellum - spinocervical pathway - spinothalamic system - spinothalamic tract - spinous process - spiral ganglion - splanchnic - Splanchnology - spleen - splenic artery - splenic flexure - splenic vein - splenium - splenium of the corpus callosum - splenius - splenius capitis muscle - spongiosum - squama - squamous - stapedius muscle - stapes - stellate - stellate cell - stellate ganglion - stereocilia - stereognosis - sternebra - sternoclavicular articulation - sternocleidomastoid muscle - sternohyoid muscle - sternothyroid muscle - sternum - stoma - stomach - straight sinus - strap muscles - stratum - stratum zonale - stretch reflex - stria - stria medularis thalami - stria medullaris - stria terminalis - striate cortex - striate nucleus - striatum - stroma - styloglossus muscle - stylohyoid muscle - styloid - styloid process - stylopharyngeus muscle - subarachnoid cisternae - subarachnoid space - subcallosal gyrus - subclavian - subclavian artery - subdural hematoma - subdural space - subglottic airway - subiculum - sublimis - sublingual fossa - sublingual region - sublingual salivary gland - submandibular duct - submandibular ganglion - submandibular gland - submandibular triangle - submental triangle - suboccipital muscle - subscapularus muscle - substantia - substantia gelatinosa - substantia innominata - substantia nigra - subthalamic nucleus - subthalamus - succus - sudomotor - sulcus - sulcus limitans - sulcus terminalis - superciliary - superciliary arch - superficial - Superficial anatomy - superficial cervical muscle - superficial temporal artery - superior - superior cerebellar artery - superior cerebellar peduncle - superior cervical ganglion - superior colliculus - superior concha - superior gluteal artery - superior jugular bulb - superior laryngeal artery - superior laryngeal nerve - superior meatus - superior mesenteric artery - superior mesenteric vein - superior oblique muscle - superior olivary nucleus - superior ophthalmic vein - superior orbital fissure - superior petrosal sinus - superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle - superior pubic ramus - superior rectus - superior rectus muscle - superior sagittal sinus - superior salivatory nucleus - superior temporal gyrus - superior thyroid artery - superior thyroid vein - superior vena cava - superior vesicle artery - superior vestibular nucleus - supination - supine - supplementary motor cortex - supporting cell - supra - suprachiasmatic cistern - supraclavicular nerves - supramarginal gyrus - supraoptic nucleus - supraorbital artery - supraorbital foramen - supraorbital nerve - suprapatellar bursa - suprarenal - sural - sustentaculum - sustentaculum tali - suture - sylvian fissure - sympathetic - sympathetic chain ganglion - sympathetic nerve - sympathetic nervous system - sympathetic trunk - symphysis - synapse - synaptic button - synchondrosis - syncytium - Syndesmology - syndesmosis - synergist - synovia - synovial - systemic vein - systole -


tabes dorsalis - taenia - tail of pancreas - talus - tandem gait - tanycytes - tapetum - tarsus - taste - taste buds - taste pore - tectorial - tectorial membrane - tectospinal tract - tectum - tegmen - tegmen tympani - tegmentum - tela - tela choroidae - telencephalon - temporal - temporal artery - temporal bone - temporal fascia - temporal gyrus - temporal horn of the lateral ventricle - temporal lobe - temporal lobe epilepsy - temporal pole - temporalis muscle - temporomandibular joint - tendon - tenia - tensilon - tensor - tensor tympani muscle - tensor veli palatini - tentorial incisure - tentorial notch - tentorium - tentorium cerebelli - teres - terminal vein - Terms for anatomical location - tertiary sensory neuron - testes - testicle - testis - tetralogy - tetrology - thalamic fasciculus - thalamogeniculate artery - thalamostriate fibers - thalamotomy - thalamus - theca - thenar - thigh - thigh bone - third nerve palsy - third ventricle - thoracic aorta - thoracic cavity - thoracic duct - thoracic spine - thoracic vertebrae - thoractic duct - thorax - thrombus - thymus - thyroarytenoid muscle - thyrocervical trunk - thyroepiglotticus muscle - thyrohyoid membrane - thyrohyoid muscle - thyroid - thyroid cartilage - thyroid gland - tibia - tibial tuberosity - tibiofibular articulation - tic douloureux - titubation - tomogram - tongue - tonotopic - tonsil - tonsil of cerebellum - tooth - torcular herophili - torticollis - torus - torus tubarius - torus tubarus - trabecula - trachea - tract - tract of Lissauer - tractus solitarius - tragus - transverse - transverse cervical artery - transverse cervical nerve - transverse colli artery - transverse colon - transverse facial artery - transverse process - transverse sinus - transversus abdominus muscle - trapezium - trapezius - trapezius muscle - trapezoid - trapezoid body - triangles of the neck - triceps - triceps reflex - trigeminal - trigeminal ganglion - trigeminal lemniscus - trigeminal nerve - trigone - triquetral - triticea - trochanter - trochlea - trochlear nerve - trochlear nucleus - true vocal cord - true vocal cords - truncus - tuber - tuber cinereum - tuberal nuclei - tuberal region of hypothalamus - tubercle - tubercle of rib - tuberculum - tuberoinfundibular tract - tuberosity - tunica - turbinate - turbinate bones - tympanic cavity - tympanic membrane - tympanic plexus - tympanum -


ulna - ulnar artery - ulnar neuropathy - umbilicus - umbo - uncal cortex - uncal herniation - uncinate - uncus - ungual - unicate process of pancreas - upper motor neuron - urachus - ureter - urethra - urinary bladder - uterine cavity - uterus - utricle - uvea - uvula -


vagina - vagus - vagus ganglia - vagus nerve - valgus - valgus position - vallate - vallate papillae - vallecula - valsalva maneuver - valve - valvula - varicocoele - varus - varus position - vascular - vascular system - vastus - vein - vein of Galen - velum - velum interpositum - vena terminalis - venogram - venter - ventral - ventral amygdalofugal pathway - ventral anterior thalamic nucleus - ventral cochlear nucleus - ventral corticospinal tract - ventral horn - ventral horn cell - ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus - ventral posterolateral nucleus - ventral posterolateral thalamus - ventral posteromedial nucleus - ventral root - ventral spinocerebellar tract - ventral trigeminothalamic tract - ventricle - ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus - vermiform - vermis - vertebra - vertebrae - vertebral artery - vertebral body - vertebral canal - vertebral column - vertebral vein - vertebrobasilar system - vertex - vertical - vertical gaze center - vertigo - vesica - vesicle - vesicula - vesiculae seminales - vestibular folds - vestibular ganglion - vestibular membrane - vestibular nuclei - vestibule - vestibulocerebellar fiber - vestibulocerebellum - vestibulocochlear nerve - vestibuloocular reflexes - vestibulospinal tract - vibrissa - vidian nerve - villus - vincula - visceral - visceromotor nuclei - viscus - Visible Human Project - visual agnosia - visual cortex - visual fields - visual radiation - vital - vitelline - vitreous - vitreous body - vitreous humor - vocal - vocal folds - vocal ligaments - vocalis muscle - vomer - vomiting center - vomiting reflex - vorticosae - vulva -


Weber test - Wernicke's area - white matter - withdrawal reflex -


xiphoid - xiphoid process -


zona - zona incerta - zonule - zootomy - zygapophysis - zygoma - zygomatic - zygomatic arch - zygomatic bone - zygomaticus major muscle - zygote -


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