User:Tedius Zanarukando

Tedious Zanarukando (born on November 8, 1979), an erotophobic hardcore video game player, media democracy and free speech activist, antifeminist (especially against radical feminism), masculist, a family dissident, an anti-censorship person, an antifundamentalist, and a pro-beauty person, officially joined Wikipedia in July 2003 (at the age of 23). According to Wikipedia, he is of Generation X, but some sources state that he is of Generation Y. He was born at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, and raised in Laurens County, South Carolina, his mother's birthplace. He is the youngest and tallest of three sons. Only the middle of the three sons is a husband, as of April 2, 2000. He has African-American, Native American, and Caucasian ancestry. His father was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and is the second of seven children. His mother is the youngest of ten children. Many of his maternal relatives have served in the armed forces. His maternal grandmother's halfbrother served in World War I. Zanarukando has a maternal first cousin who served in the Persian Gulf War, and a maternal second cousin who is serving in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. Zanarukando's grandparents are deceased. His maternal grandfather, who was of the Lost Generation, died of lung cancer. His maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather were of the G.I. Generation. The former was married three times but she was survived by her last husband, who died five years later, and she died of natural causes. The latter died in a stairway accident, an unnatural death. Zanarukando's mother came from his maternal grandmother's second husband. Zanarukando's paternal grandmother was of the Silent Generation. She died of emphysema. Zanarukando's grandfathers are buried, but his grandmothers and stepgrandfather are cremated.

Zanarukando graduated from Laurens District 55 High School on May 26, 1998. He graduated from Piedmont Technical College of South Carolina with an Associate's Degree in Computer Technology on December 13, 2001. His sister-in-law graduated from that two-year college with an Associate's Degree in Surgical Technology on July 22, 2004. Like Dwight Eisenhower, Zanarukando was raised as a Jehovah's Witness as a child, but he left Jehovah's Witnesses as an adult. He gave up his religious heritage for video gaming, hence an apostate gamer. Then he coined the term apostate gamer, based on this regard. He is opposed to that religious organization, deeming it too restrictive and as an authoritarian cult of Christianity. He accused Jehovah's Witnesses of criticizing his video game interests, similarly in the case of Michael Jackson's music video of "Thriller", and that their moral code is too restrictive for him and that it led him to misogyny. He is opposed to religious, feminist, and political censorship, especially when it comes to video games, and he is a video game proponent. Therefore, he is one the left-wing side of the video game controversy, and he detests those who are on the opposite of the controversy. He is much more unhappy with living in his parents' home than many other people who are leaving their parents' homes. For one thing is his dark memories, and that his parents treated him inferior to his relatives and acquaintances. All his family ties with his Jehovah's-Witness relatives have been severed, due to his opposition to the teachings of his parents' religion Jehovah's Witnesses, and his great opposition to censorship. Therefore, he has no ties with his parents, brothers, sister-in-law, or his close maternal relatives.

The screen name Tedius Zanarukando is his universal screen name, with variations such as Ted Zanarukando, Teddy Zanarukando, Braska Spira, and King Mananan. His full screen name is Decimus Tedius Regio Zanarukando. At, he is called Braska Spira. The name of Tedius in the user name means one who does not believe in romantic love. The name of Zanarukando means a video game player who has given up religious faith or heritage for video games. This may be more commonly known as an apostate gamer. Its origin pertains to his favorite video game series, Final Fantasy. Tedius is a variant of Tidus, the name of the main character of Final Fantasy X. Zanarukando is Japanese for Zanarkand, a Final Fantasy X location.

Zanarukando has misogynous tendencies. His faith in the female sex has been tainted by his parents, mostly by his mother. His parents have been accused of influencing him to be a misogynist. He believes that the United States is a female-chauvinistic country. He has a strongly masculine opinion. He is blind as to understanding women. Men are more likely to befriend him. Women are more likely to oppress him. He can get along with men well, but he has a problem with getting along with women. He is believed to have Asperger's Syndrome by them, but he is not sensitive to gluten or casein.

Zanarukando entered into a workforce training center at a local South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Center on February 24, 2004. Then he would leave his parents' home in order to escape Biblical censorship from them, and to escape from restraint on free speech. He regards parental restriction on free speech to adult offspring as censorship. Zanarukando is technically a male pink-collar worker.

Zanarukando is an insanely avid fan of the Final Fantasy video game series. He loves playing that game series more than anything, and he also plays several other video game series. He criticizes anti-Final-Fantasy people, for he detests religious and censorial anti-Final-Fantasy content (i.e. content encouraging restriction against that video game series) and organized religions that restrict video games (such religions are called conservative religions). He also feels sorry for the Greek video game community. He detests the pro-censorship lobbying group called Parents and Grandparents Alliance, Inc. (or simply, accusing the group of attempting to violate the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Since January 8, 2002, he has been studying piano at Austin Academy of Fine Arts in Greenville, South Carolina, for he wants to play Final Fantasy songs on the piano, and become one of Final Fantasy's biggest fans. He participated in Austin Academy honors recitals since 2003. In the 2003 recital, he performed "Seventh Street Blues" (composed by Martha Mier). In the 2004 recital, he performed "Isle of Palms" (composed for an island of the same name). In the 2005 recital, held on June 4, 2005, he performed "Bridge Over Nishigawa" (composed by Dennis Alexander). As for the type of music he listens to, Zanarukando listens to R&B, jazz, Latin, classical, and video game music. His favorite R&B artist is R. Kelly. His favorite jazz artist is Norman Brown. His favorite video game musician is Nobuo Uematsu. His favorite Super Smash Brothers Melee character is Marth from the Fire Emblem video game franchise, his favorite of Nintendo's franchises. His favorite Nintendo character ever is Ayra, from the Super Famicom game Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, one of the video games he has been playing lately. His favorite video game character ever is Yuna from his favorite video game Final Fantasy X and his second favorite video game Final Fantasy X-2.

Zanarukando is passionate about computers. He is a versatile computer user. is one of his favorite Web sites, along with,,,,,, and is his favorite Web site. His least favorite Web site is, because it glorifies Christian-fundamentalist censorship (similar to that of his parents' religion) and it influenced him to give up religion for freedom of expression. He certainly hates Biblical censorship, especially when it comes to computer and video games. As a Wikipedian, Zanarukando specializes in the study of video games, computers, television, motion pictures, religion, music, and gender studies. He also gives full names of the famous people. He has excellent grammatical skills. He can type up to 96 words per minute. For video games, he is a very avid Final Fantasy fan and video game proponent. He has given up religious heritage for Final Fantasy. He is also opposed to censorship, especially video game censorship.

As for politics, Zanarukando has a neutral opinion on George W. Bush and on the 2003 invasion of Iraq. That is because he was raised in a Jehovah's-Witness household. As for copyright law, he is opposed to international copyright law and digital copyright legislation that conduct "chilling effects" upon free speech. He is opposed to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

As for gender studies, he has some misogynous tendencies. He is a masculist, and he is opposed to most aspects of the feminist movement. He is strongly against male disadvantages manipulated by legal force. He is opposed to matriarchy, especially female U.S. Presidency. He labels females who seem to be disguised as males (or defeminated women) as wannabe-males, and despises them, and also labels them tomboys. Therefore, he is a pro-beauty person who does not believe in romantic relationship.

At message boards, he was looked favorably by many but criticized by others. His volatile views on the female sex and his views on romantic relationships spread controversy throughout the boards. That has made it difficult for him to get along some boards.

As a Wikipedian, Zanarukando's primary interests are electronic games, music, linguistics, motion pictures, television, and comics. His secondary interests include religion, politics, and biography. He has excellent grammar skills. He can type very fast. He is aware of typographical and grammatical errors.

As a Wiktionarian, Zanarukando works mainly on the definitions, translations, and Romanizations. He inserts entries by topic.

On November 13, 2004, Zanarukando, along with his father and his brothers, hosted a karaoke contest show at the local fairgrounds exchange center in Laurens, South Carolina.

On January 17, 2005, Zanarukando, along with his father, did a karaoke show for Laurens Disabilities and Special Needs Board. On May 3-17, 2005, he attended a Money Smart class at the local vocational rehabilitation center.

Due to his accussion of privacy invasion by his family on February 16, 2004, Tedius Zanarukando has requested that the names of his relatives should not be published without his permission. No copy of his formal introduction posted in the Internet forums he has attended should be ported to Wikipedia, including this user page, without his permission. That has happened before, and that resulted in a parental conflict. No one should dial his relatives telephone numbers without his permission.



Articles Started by Tedius Zanarukando

Other Articles that Tedius Zanarukando contributed to

Internet forum

There is an InvisionBoard Internet forum called Tedius Zanarukando's Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem Alliance (, a message board founded and run by him along with some of the Internet forum administrators from the Internet forums he has attended. Misandrous and anti-Final-Fantasy content is strictly forbidden at that Internet forum.


Zanarukando likes: Final Fantasy video game series, SimCity video game series, SaGa video game series, Seiken Densetsu video game series, Dragon Quest video game series, Front Mission video game series, Chrono video game series, Fire Emblem video game series, Breath of Fire video game series, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Star Fox video game series, Metroid video game series, several other video game series, many other Japanese-origin video games, positive and traditional video game reviews, computer role-playing games, enhanced remakes, Square Enix, LucasArts, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, X-Men, Marvel Comics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, manga, animes, posting in Internet forums, applied-acoustics video game music, emulator-format music, orchestrated classical music, rhythm and blues, jazz, pianos, flutes, trumpets, French horns, violins, cellos, the color blue (especially navy blue), chocolate, peanut butter, pancakes, waffles, raisins, beef, chicken, bacon, bacon bits, sausage, pork chops, barbecue, oranges, grapefruits, green apples, grapes, raisins, strawberries, blueberries, strawberry yogurt, blueberry yogurt, blackberries, muscadines, plums, cashew nuts, pistachio nuts, Fanta Grape soda, Fanta Orange soda, lemon-lime soda, Welch's Grape Juice, orange juice, grapefruit joice, lemonade, limeade, tea, seasoning salt, pepper, kelp, cattle, horses, pigs, rhinoceroses, giraffes, hippopotami, gorillas, chimpanzees, personal computers, typing, translation, programming, mathematics, science, high-resolution and high-polygon 3D computer graphics, computer-graphics motion pictures and television programs, masculism, male empowerment, sex segregation in educational settings, men's rights activists, vacations, beaches, cruises, amusement, amusement parks, gender gaps favoring males, anti-female discrimination that masculists consider inevitable, double standard favoring males, patriarchy, bear markets, price decrease, high-paying jobs, white-collar jobs, importing, heartfulness, freedom of expression and free speech, intellectual freedom, democracy, liberal democratic countries, liberal religious groups, liberalism, niceness and nice people, his supporters, computer role-playing game Web sites, anti-censorship Web sites (such as, hair care (excluding haircutting), Web sites that glorify long female hair, and feminine women.

Zanarukando dislikes: Video game censorship or regulation, repression of electronic gaming, video game reviews from or inspired by religious or other censorship-related sources, criticisms of video games for cute factor or preceived exploitation of sex appeal, pro-censorship Web sites or lobbying groups, pro-censorship text or speech, Christian or governmental censorship, use of spyware upon his computer screen, being barred off the Internet, pickles, lasagne, pasta, maccaroni, spaghetti, fettuccine, meatballs, potato salad, Miracle Whip, non-cow milk (especially human breast milk), V8 juice, pineapple or any beverage mixed with it, Candida control diet (which is very detrimental to him), McDonald's, Applebee's, the color red, (faux-)masculine women, female haircutting or headshaving (what Zanarukando calls femitonsure), radical feminism, female empowerment, feminist hate speech or sites, persecution of femininity, lesbian separatism, gender gaps favoring females, double standard favoring females, misandry, anti-male discrimination, pop feminism or female superiority or femachistas (people who believe that women are better than men in all situations), religious or feminist censorship, having a romantic relationship, chip music (for example: NES sound format and SID format), anti-enhanced-remake purists, old school purists (or old school gamers who detest new school games and new school gamers), emulated versions of ancient video games (especially NES games) on sixth or later generation video game consoles (practice known as ageware or necro-porting), minimalism, price increase, job loss, job offshoring, typically masculine dress codes (especially forcing women to wear pants), heartlessness, meanness or mean people, slavery, matriarchy, Hinduism, Jehovah's Witnesses (including his immediate family and other Jehovah's-Witness relatives) and other conservative fundamentalist religious groups (or the Christian Right), monasticism, being accused of a crime, pointless or unrealistic interdictions, laws that are detrimental to him, chilling effects upon free speech, countries where electronic gaming is prohibited, oppression, surveillance abuse, strictly Muslim countries, and undemocratic governments (especially the Taliban regime).

Likes by rank and category

And now, a list of some of Zanarukando's favorite things as categorized:

List of Web sites that Zanarukando recommends

List of Web sites that Zanarukando deprecates

Zanarukando strongly deprecates the following sites, considering them taboo:

These sites are strictly taboo among Zanarukando's supporters. They are his least favorite Web sites.


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