List of Jewish history topics

This list covers topics related to Jewish history and religion. Changes to the articles listed here may be monitored by clicking on the Related changes link in the sidebar.

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| 1919 Arab-Jewish agreement (Faisal-Weizmann Agreement) | 1922 Text: League of Nations Palestine Mandate | 1947 UN Partition Plan | 1948 Arab-Israeli War | 1949 Armistice Agreements | 1956 Suez War | 1967 Six Day War | 1970 War of Attrition | 1973 Yom Kippur War | 1978 Camp David Peace Accords between Egypt and Israel | 1982 Lebanon War | 1990/1 Gulf War | 1993 Oslo Peace Accords between Palestinians and Israel | 2000 Camp David Summit (Camp David 2000 Summit between Palestinians and Israel) | 613 mitzvot | 92nd Street Y


| Abaye | Abbahu | Abba Eban | Abba Arika | Abishai | Abraham | Abraham ibn Ezra | Abraham Isaac Kook | Abraham Joshua Heschel | Abra-melin | Absalom | Adar | Adin Steinsaltz | Adoni-zedec | Aelia Capitolina | Afula | Agrippa | Ahad Ha'am | Akko | Albert Einstein | Alan Dershowitz | American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) | American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AKA JDC or Joint) | Amidah | AMIA Bombing | Amira Hass | Amora | Amos (prophet) | Amos Kollek | Anne Frank | Anti-Defamation League | Anti-Semitism | Anti-Zionism | Anti-Zionist committee of the Soviet public | Arab al-Mawasi massacre | Arab-Israeli conflict | Arabs and anti-Semitism | Ariel Sharon | Ark of the Covenant | Armageddon | Arthur Koestler | Asher ben Jehiel | Ashi | Ashkelon | Ashkenazi | Auschwitz concentration camp | Av | Avraham Stern | Azriel Hildesheimer


| Baal ha-Turim | Baal Shem Tov | Baal teshuva | Babylonian captivity | Balaam | Balfour Declaration 1917 | Bar-Ilan University | Bar Kokhba | Bar Kokhba's revolt | Barak Armored Brigade | Baraitha | Baruch Goldstein | Baruch Kimmerling | Baruch Spinoza | Beersheba | Beilis trial (Menahem Mendel Beilis) | Beitar Illit | Bene Israel | Benny Morris | Benjamin Netanyahu | Bet She'an | Beta Israel | Bethlehem | Bezalel | Bible | Bible and Tanakh | Bible conspiracy theory | Bilu | Birobidzhan | Black Book | Blood libel | Bnei-Brak | B'nai B'rith | Bombing of King David Hotel | Book of Amos | Book of Daniel | Book of Esther | Book of Ezekiel | Book of Ezra | Book of Haggai | Book of Jeremiah | Book of Lamentations | Book of Nahum | Book of Nehemiah | Book of Numbers | Books of Kings | Books of the Bible | Brit milah | British mandate of Palestine | B'Tselem


| Canaan | Cantonist | Cantor | Carmeli Brigade | Carmelit | The Case for Israel | Cave of the Patriarchs | Chabad Lubavitch | Chaim Herzog | Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl | Chaim Weizmann | Chanukah | Cheshvan | Chosen people | Christian-Jewish reconciliation | Christian Zionism | Christianity and anti-Semitism | Churchill White Paper, 1922 | The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations | Conservative Judaism | 9/11 conspiracy claims regarding Jews or Israel | Council of Four Lands | Culture of Israel


| Dabru Emet | Damascus affair | Daniel | Daniel M. Lewin | Daniel Pipes | Dating the Bible | David | David Abramovich Dragunsky | David Ben-Gurion | Deborah Lipstadt | Dead Sea scrolls | Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948 | Deir Yassin massacre | Dershowitz-Finkelstein Affair | Deuteronomy | Dhimmi | Dimona | Disputation | Doctors' plot | Documentary hypothesis | Dor Daim | Dovber | Dreyfus Affair | Druze


| Edgardo Mortara | Ehud Barak | Eilat | Eli Cohen | Elie Wiesel | Eli Yishai | Eliezer ben Yehuda | Elijah | Elijah ben Solomon | Elul | Elyakim Rubinstein | Emil Fackenheim | Eretz Israel (Land of Israel) | Esther | Etrog | Exilarch | Exodus | Ezekiel | Ezra


| From Time Immemorial


| Galil | Galilee | Gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls | Gaza | Gemara | General Jewish Labor Union (Bund) | Genesis | Geography of Israel | Ger tzedek, Giur | Gersonides | Ghetto | Givatayim | Givati Brigade | Gluckl of Hamelin | Golan Heights | Golani Brigade | Golda Meir | Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain | Government of ancient Israel | Great Jewish Revolt | Green Line | Gruzim | Gush Dan


| Haaretz | Habakkuk | Habima Theater | Hadassah | Hadassah medical convoy massacre | Hadera | Haganah | Haggadah | Haggai | Haifa | Halakha | Hanukkah | Haredi Judaism | Harry Oppenheimer | Haskalah | Hasidic Judaism | Hasidim | Hatikva | Haym Solomon | Hebrew language | Hebrew alphabet | Hebrew Bible | Hebrew calendar | Hebrew numerals | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Hebron | Hechsher | Heinrich Graetz | Herschel Grynszpan | Herzliya | Hezekiah | Histadrut | History of Israel | History of Palestine | History of ancient Israel and Judah | History of anti-Semitism | History of the Hebrew language | History of the Israeli Defence Forces | History of the Jews in Bessarabia | History of the Jews in Carpathian Ruthenia | History of the Jews in Colonial America | History of the Jews in England | History of the Jews in France | History of the Jews in Germany | History of the Jews in Italy | History of the Jews in Latin America | History of the Jews in Poland | History of the Jews in Russia and the Soviet Union | History of the Jews in the United States | History of Jewish education in the United States (pre-20th century) | The Holocaust (ha-Shoah) | Holocaust denial | The Holocaust Industry | Holocaust theology | Holy Land | Holy of Holies | Hovevei Zion | Hosea | Hurva Synagogue


| Ilan Ramon | Immanuel the Roman | IMI | Immigration to Israel from Arab lands | Intifada | Irgun | Irv Rubin | Isaac | Isaac Abravanel | Isaac Klein | Isaac Luria | Isaiah | Islam and anti-Semitism | Israel | Israel ben Eliezer | Israel Central Bureau of Statistics | Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty | Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace | Israel Shahak | Israel Zangwill | Israel's Border Wars 1949-1956 | Israeli Air Force | Israeli Defense Forces | Israeli Embassy Attack in Buenos Aires | Israeli Gaza Strip barrier | Israeli Labour Party | Israeli settlement | Israeli terrorism | Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Israeli-Palestinian conflict timeline | Israeli West Bank barrier | Israelis and anti-Palestinian racism | Israelites | Itzik Feffer | Iyar


| Jackson-Vanik amendment | Jacob | Jacob Frank | Jacobi, Karl Gustav | Jaffa riots | Jehoiachin | Jeremiah | Jericho | Jerusalem | Jerusalem's Old City Walls | Jerusalem bus 2 massacre | Jerusalem Law | Jerusalem pogrom of April, 1920 | The Jerusalem Post | Jew | Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee | Jewish Autonomous Republic | Jewish Community Center | Jewish Council for Public Affairs | Jewish Defense League | Jewish denominations | Jewish diaspora | Jewish eschatology | Jewish fundamentalism | Jewish history in the United States (pre-20th century) | Jewish holiday | Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) | Jewish languages | Jewish legion | Jewish mythology | Jewish National Home | Jewish principles of faith | Jewish refugees | Jewish symbolism | Jewish Theological Seminary | Jewish view of marriage | Jewish views of religious pluralism | Jews as a chosen people | Jews in apostasy | Jews in the Middle Ages | Joab | Joel | Jonah | Jonathan Netanyahu | Josel of Rosheim | Joseph (dreamer) | Joseph Soloveitchik | Joseph Trumpeldor | Joseph Isaac Schneersohn | Josephus Flavius | Joshua | Jubilee (Biblical) | Judah | Judah Benjamin | Judah haNasi | Judaism | Judas Maccabaeus | Judensau | Judges


| Kabbalah | Kach | Kahanism | Kaifeng Jews | Karaites | Karine A | Kashrut | Kfar Kassem massacre | Kefar Sava | Kfar Etzion massacre | Kibbutz | Kielce pogrom | Kingdom of Israel | Kingdom of Judah | Kishinev pogrom | Kislev | Kitniyot | Klezmer | Knesset | Kohen | Kristallnacht


| Lachish | Ladino language | Lamentations | Land for peace | Lavon affair | Leah Goldberg | Lehi (group) | Leviticus | Likud | Lina Stern | List of aircraft of the Israeli Air Force | List of alleged conspiracy theories | List of Bible stories | List of Biblical figures | List of Biblical names | List of cities in Israel | List of famous Jews | List of Israeli military operation in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war | List of Israeli newspapers | List of Jews | List of prominent Zionist figures | List of universities in Israel | List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel | Lod Airport Massacre | Lubavitch


| Maalot Massacre | Maariv | Maccabees | Madrid Peace Conference | Mafdal | Magav | Maharal of Prague | Maimonides | Major prophet | Malachi | Marrano | Martin Buber | Marx, Karl | Masada | Masoretes | Masoretic Text | Matzo | Max Nordau | Meir Kahane | Mel Mermelstein | Menachem Begin | Menachem Mendel Schneerson | Merkava | Messiah | Messianic Judaism | Mesillat Yesharim | Mezuzah | Micah | Mickey Marcus | Middle East conflict | Middle-Eastern archaeology | Midrash | Minor prophets | Mishnah | Modern Orthodox Judaism | Moledet | Mordecai Anielewicz | Mordecai Kaplan | Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski | Mordechai Vanunu | Moriah | Mormonism and Judaism | Moscow State Yiddish Theater | Moses | Moshe Chaim Luzzatto | Moses Haim Montefiore | Moses Mendelssohn | Moshav | Mossad | Mount of Olives | Mount Scopus | Mount Sinai | Moshe Carmel | Moshe Dayan | Moshe Sharett | Moshe Ya'alon | Munich Olympic Massacre | Mussar Movement


| Nahal Brigade | Nahariyya | Nahum | Nahmanides | Names of the Jewish people | Nashim | Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Nazareth | Near Eastern archaeology | Negev Desert | Nehemiah | Netanya | Nathan | Neturei Karta | New Historians | New Israeli Shekel | Niels Bohr | Nisan | Nizkor Project | Noam Chomsky | Norman Finkelstein | Norman Lamm | Nosson Zvi Finkel | Nuremberg Laws


| Obadiah | Old Testament | Operation Defensive Shield | Operation Entebbe | Operation Suzannah | Orthodox Judaism | Oslo Accords | Ovadia Yosef


| Pale of Settlement | Palestine | The Palestine Post | Palestinian exodus | Palestinian terrorism | Palmach | Paradesi Jews | Paratroopers Brigade | Passover Massacre | Peace Now | Peel Commission | Pentateuch | Persian Jews | Pesach, Passover | Petah Tikva | Pharisee | Plan Dalet | Pogrom | Polina Zhemchuzhina | Population groups in Israel | Prague Trials | Projects working for peace among Israelis and Arabs | Promised land | Protocols of the Elders of Zion | Pulsen | Purim | Psalms


| Qibya Massacre | Qiryat Shemona


| Ra'annana | Rabbi | Rabbi Akiva | Rabbinical Assembly | Rabbinic literature | Ramat Gan | Rambam | Rashi | Reconstructionist Judaism | Reform Judaism | Rehavam Zeevi | Rehoboam | Rehovot | Relationship of American Jews to the U.S. Federal Government (pre-20th century) | Relationships between Jewish religious movements | Rescue of the Danish Jews | Responsa | Rishon LeZion | Ritual murder | Riots in Palestine of 1929 | Robert Fisk | Robert Gordis | Rootless cosmopolitan | Rosh Hashanah | Ruth


| Saadia Gaon | Sabbatai Zevi | Sabbath | Saharon Shelah | Samaria, Samaritan | Samuel | San Remo conference | Sanhedrin | Saul | Saul Lieberman | Savoraim | Sayeret | Science and technology in Israel | Sderot | Second Temple | Seder | Semitic | Sephardi | Sephardic music | Septuagint | Seventeenth of Tamuz | Shavuot | Shayetet-13 | Shebaa Farms | Shemini Atzeret | Shevat | Shimon Peres | Shin Bet (SHABAK) | Shiv'ah | Shmuel Yosef Agnon | Shneur Zalman of Liadi | Shofar | Sholom Aleichem | Shtadlan | Shtetl | Shulkhan Arukh | Sicarii | Siddur | Simon Bar Kokhba | Simon Dubnow | Simon Wiesenthal | Simon Wiesenthal Center | Sivan | Solomon | Solomon Mikhoels | Solomon Schechter | S.S. St. Louis | Star of David | Stern gang | Sukkot | Sykes-Picot Agreement


| Taanit | Tabernacle | Tallit | Talmud | Tammuz | Tanakh | Tannaim | Tanya Reinhart | Targum | Technion | Tekoa | Tel Aviv | Tel Hai | Temple in Jerusalem (Temple of Solomon) | Temple Mount | Ten Commandments | Tenth of Tevet | Terrorism against Israel in 2000 | Terrorism against Israel in 2001 | Terrorism against Israel in 2002 | Terrorism against Israel in 2003 | Terrorism against Israel in 2004 | Tevet | Tevye | The Bible and history | Theodore Herzl | Tiberias | Timeline of Jerusalem | Timeline of Jewish history | Timeline of Zionism | Tisha B'Av | Tishrei | Torah | Torah Code | Tosefta | Trans-Israel pipeline | Tribe of Asher | Tribe of Benjamin | Tribe of Dan | Tribe of Ephraim | Tribe of Gad | Tribe of Issachar | Tribe of Joseph | Tribe of Judah | Tribe of Levi | Tribe of Manasseh | Tribe of Napthali | Tribe of Reuben | Tribe of Simeon | Tribe of Zebulun


| UN Security Council Resolution 242 (the Land for peace principle) | UN Security Council Resolution 338 (the Yom Kippur War cease fire) | UN Security Council Resolution 425 (Lebanon) | UN Security Council Resolution 478 (on the status of Jerusalem) | United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (equating Zionism with racism, rescinded by Resolution 4686) | United Torah Judaism | Uri Avneri | Useful Jew | Uzi submachine gun


| Valley of Rephaim | Vassily Grossman | Vilna Gaon | Violence against Israel | Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2000 | Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2001 | Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2002 | Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2003 | Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2004 | Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky


| Wailing Wall (Western Wall) | Waldemar Haffkine | West Bank | White Paper of 1939 | World Jewish Congress



| YAMAM | Yavne | Yedioth Ahronoth | Yehoshua Porath | Yehuda Bauer | Yehuda Halevi | Yellow badge | Yeshiva | Yeshiva University | Yevsektsiya | Yiddish language | Yiftach Brigade | Yigal Allon | Yigal Amir | Yishuv | Yisrael Meir Kagan | Yitzhak Rabin | Yitzhak Shamir | Yohanan ben Zakkai | Yom Kippur | Yosef Karo


| Zadok | ZAKA | Zealot | Zebah | Zechariah | Zefat (Safed) | Zephaniah | Zikhron Ya'aqov | Zion | Zion Mule Corps | Zionism | Zionism and racism | Zionology | Zohar

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