List of linguistic topics
See also
- Main article: linguistics.
- Linguistics basic topics for a pared-down list.
- List of linguists.
- List of cognitive science topics.
Contents: Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
abbreviation - abessive case - ablaut - absolutive case - abugida - accusative case - acute accent - accent - acronym - adessive case - adjective - adjunct - adposition - adpositional phrase - adverb - adverbial - adverbial phrase - affix - affricate consonant - agglutination - agglutinative language - allative case - allomorph - allophone - alphabet - analytic language - anaphora - anthropological linguistics - alveolar consonant - antonym - approximant - article - articulatory phonetics - aspect - areal feature asterisk - augment - auxiliary verb
back-formation - backronym - bilabial consonant - breathy voice - breve
calque - capitalization - capitonym - cardinal vowel - case - cedilla - circumfix - circumflex - clefting - click consonant - closed-class word - cognate - cognitive science - coherence - colloquialism - comitative case - common phrases in different languages - comparative - comparative linguistics - comparative method - compound noun and adjective - compound verb - computer-assisted language learning - computational linguistics - conjugation - conjunct - conjunction - consonant - constructed language - context - copula - corpus - corpus linguistics - cranberry morpheme - creaky voice - creole language - cryptanalysis - cuneiform
dangling modifier - dative case - decipherment - declension - defective verb - descriptive linguistics - dental consonant - derivation - determiner - diacritic - diaeresis - dialect - dictionary - diphthong - discourse - disjunct - dislocation - double acute accent - dual grammatical number
ecolect - eggcorn - elative case - endangered language - English pronunciation - entailment - ergative case - error - essive case - Ethnologue - etymology - etymologist - evolutionary linguistics - example-based machine translation - expletive
false cognate - false friend - formal language - fricative consonant - function word - fusional language - future tense
gender - general semantics - genitive case - gerund - glottal consonant - glottal stop - glottochronology - grammar - grammatical mood - grammatical number - grammatical voice - grave accent - Great Vowel Shift - Grimm's law - guttural consonant
hacek - Heaps' law - High rising terminal historical-comparative linguistics - historical linguistics - history of linguistics - homonym - hypernym - hyponym
ideogram - idiolect - idiom - illative case - impersonal pronoun - impersonal verb - implication (pragmatics) - Indo-European languages - inessive case - infinitive - infix - inflected language - inflection - initialism - initial-stress-derived noun - instructive case - interjection - International Phonetic Alphabet - IPA chart for English irregular verb
labiodental consonant - language - language acquisition - language education - language families and languages - language game - The Language Instinct - language isolate - laryngeal theory - lateral consonant - lemma - lexeme - lexical semantics - lexicography - lexicology - lexicon - linguist - linguistic layers - linguistic anthropology - linguistics - linguistics basic topics - liquid consonant - List of linguists - loanword - locative case
machine translation - macron - manner of articulation - meaning - meronymy - metathesis - minimal pair - mispronunciation - mora - morpheme - morphology
naming - nasal consonant - natural language - natural language processing - natural language understanding - neologism - neurolinguistics - nominative case - noun - noun phrase - null morpheme
onomatopoeia - open class word - optimality theory - origin of language - orthography - object subject verb - object verb subject - oxytone
palatal consonant - paradigm - paroxytone - part of speech - participle - particle - partitive case - pharyngeal consonant - philology - philosophy of language - phonation - phone - phonetics - phonetic complement - phonetic transcription - phonology - phoneme - phonemics - phrase - phrase structure rules - pidgin - Place Manner Time - place of articulation - pleonasm - pluperfect - polysemy - polysynthetic language - portmanteau - possessive case - postalveolar consonant - postposition - pragmatics - prefix - preposition - prepositional phrase - prescription and description - presupposition - preterite - profanity - prolative case - pronoun - pronunciation - prosody (linguistics) - proparoxytone - pseudo-acronym - pseudo-Anglicism - psycholinguistics - punctuation
radical - retroflex consonant - retronym - rhotics - romanization - rounded vowel
SAMPA - Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - schwa - second language - semantics - semantic class - semantic feature - semantic property - semiotics - semivowel - sentence - shall - sign - sign language - sociolinguistics - slack voice - slang - sociolect - sound change - The sound pattern of English - SOV - speaker recognition - specialized lexicography - speech - speech act - speech disorder - speech processing - speech recognition - speech synthesis - speech therapy - spiritus asper - split infinitive - standard language - stop consonant - stratificational linguistics - structuralism - stylistics - superlative - suppletion - subject - SVO - supine - syllabary - syllable - synonym - syntactic ambiguity - syntactic categories - syntax - synthetic language
tagmemics - tense - thematic role - theoretical linguistics - thesaurus - thou - Time Manner Place - tonal language - tongue-twister - transcription - Transformational-generative grammar - translation - translative case - truth condition - T-V distinction - typology
umlaut - uninflected word - Universal grammar - uvular consonant
V2 word order - variety - velar consonant - verb - verb object subject - verb phrase - verb subject object - verbal noun - Verner's law - vocative case - vowel - vowel harmony - vowel stems -
will (verb) - word - word sense disambiguation - writing - writing systems - wug test
es:Glosario de términos lingüísticos fr:Liste des notions utilisées en linguistique sl:Seznam jezikoslovnih vsebin