
de:Benutzer:Sjes:Usuario:Sjfr:Utilisateur:Sjja:利用者:Sjzh:User:Sjhe:משתמש:Sjar:User:Sjsimple:User:Sjnl:Gebruiker:Sj sw:User:Sjnah:User:Sjpl:Wikipedysta:Sj

Upcoming meetups around Boston : Boston | New York || Writing contests || Joost! (
Current projects: Q & Retro, SIGN 18/19, 'logueing, VOA conversion, Special:Booksources and its header, WM SIGs, trans

Test ( | Copyright | Status | About | Beauty | Output | Nexus | More | bon mots | MetaMe | wikt | wb

Missing image
This year's "Wikipedia is not toilet paper" award goes to Sj for his devoted efforts on behalf of toilet paper holders... (thanks (, bish)


blue lightning

Meta: About me and related projects : Physics wikiportal
Mirror: Pwned by Liff (356 ( ca. 11/21) ~ lingual ~ TALK ( to me!
Momentarily: Template:OriginalResearch, Template:Iwc1-nom
Writing: Quarto, Random log, Rec log, Touched pages (briefly: v), Sj-mesh
Reading: Essays (Iso), Fun (BOB (, &c.), History (Congo, Sammy, Sattelite, SS1), Meta-Lists; brilliant!, wanted, menial & stats
Projects: True | Fun | Promo | Peace(1,2,3,4,5 ) | ia (, books (
Tooling: Maximize Your Utils!, Messaging, Comm
Action: Press(releases, coverage, awards), Translation, Policy(Tank,Block,IP,Long), Ext Syntax (, Approval, ...
Cation: Arts by cat, WP:Cat, Sj ...

About Sj

nominally: Samuel Klein. Or better yet, just "SJ". See also xdi's sj (
loves phys, lang, The City+++, perma-tools, music, poetry, color, nature, meta-Lists
hates dichotomy, navels, myopia, wanton arrogation, sq adulation.
is not SJ, /SJ (, e-SJ (, sj (, SJK (, Sjc(+ (, SJK (, SV, Sjc196 (, Sjorford (, SJ Phone ( (, a Jesuit society (, a My-Br temperament, a Burgess bird, or a hiding girl ( I do hoard Klein bottles, and look snappy in a trenchcoat, but was not the model for Allan Levine's Winnipeg-based detective Sam Klein (
weighs 115/165 buff/suited  

Sweet Sorrow

S ic transit gloria mundi

  nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum

cf. User:GaryW

table cf. User:Seth Ilys
+/- : n,np/spd, vfd(l)
chg: rc, rcp, head
fight: m(r,ama)-a(r,pol)
arts: stb,old,att,cl,enc
trans: to, now, log

It is Thursday, 04:31 UTC :: en:count ([809]

mesh ^!admin*# - RC* ( - ^mediate*# - protected*!# -

?!articulate*#$ - !imagined*$ - !content*#

fat ^+New*# ~ Babel ~ ce|ref|vp ~ ^Arts(M|W|R) ~ Tr(logo)
+ + + : world clock ( | front: dyk, feature, itn

Boils - db Qs - TeX - chars - Topic list - sils's cheats
.| stats: Tabled, ( live, ( use, ( than..., ( activity |. #wp (

links ~ redirs +orphans +msg,elements ~
Logos Ant | Shell | W | Emb ( | Head | Worm | Lines | Star | In | Dots | Barc (   



* (initiated)
x (del/merged)
? (todo: d/m)
! (d/m by others)
+ (expanded)
- (reduced)
= (^NPOV)

# (redirect[ed])


last mesh update: may 2004

^Lists: 1-1000 | War(b) | Peace | 1935-1965, Compliance(x4), Feats, Folks
Coordination: Whole Earth* | multidim* | fat overload* | WP:Local Emb | Press Corps*
Hack: SethS* | SethF* | CodeCon* | DNA-L+ | T-52 Enryu* | ACS*
History: Eber+= Heber= Hebrew | ADK+
Life: BC3k* and Smart* | Mockus | Cola wars* | flight 800 | Louise Bryant
Man: 2-Color system* | Mental calculators*
Memorial: YPD+ | Ako Vendetta#
Plexity: SFI*, NECSI*
Social: Meetup+ | Dean | ADUni* | Rome derby* | Cloudmakers*
Worldwide: UN Global Compact*
Corporate: ArsDigita | | Restaurant chain
Touchy Subjects: Massacres (A-I war, Intifada) | Lebanon (Military action=, Qana/Hula) | remailers+! | art segmentation(see series)| WZO
Series: Civil War Origins | Newton (long bio)
Math: 1729)

Images: | ourobouros(x3) | book covers (x1) | Prix Ars Electronica logos (x3) | Webby logo (x1) | music star(x1)
| comic (x1) | famous geek (x1) |
Other Media: music(x0), shorts(x0) <just a NTS for now>


Overview: Community Main | Simple Main ( | multiling
Slimming: Sj/mesh | Sj Main
Community: Structure, Translation, Press
Semiotics: Naming(dab, salvaging key names), Topics



Jim, Lar, Mav~, Angel`, Martin~,
BV(sf (, td (, Mag, ErikZ. EM+, GWicke+, TimS, Tarq(+), JamesD, Ed`, Shai*, Av
new: Locke, PZ, Craig, Totti
Dec, Taco, Pcb, TK`, Dysp(+), Docu, Jen, Redd, Tan, Text, Morw, sann`, Cyp, JoshG
Till, º¡º, MRex, Nohat~*+, seav, Danny, Cunct~,
Gentg-b Mine, Bauder~, Dorian, Cam~, Cimon`, Ll` Del~, KF^, Imran,
Fab, Tomos, Francs, Fuz, Opt, Jiang, Secret, 172, Heph§, Turtle, MHard, Epopt~, Jdf~, Gutz~, Dante`, Rad
Simonides, Hem, McFinlay, MSnow, Tak, Uther, Kaihsu, EricD JakeN
StJ, CYD Paul, Wave, Ilya (ph), ChM*, XJamR, User:Paul August* || Trebor, LD`, Pe-rl
?: Merph | Anome | 戴眩(SV) | S.Else | Adam dvCannon
TonyS | Bdesh
far out: de: (, HK-YJMS
Fringed: Vera(lir) | Ster | Larry | SamSp | Pak(red fac) | W | chance0


(forthcoming) for now, cf. the words, prayers, and b-plate of others.
 todo: add TeX`ed eqns below (eipi,maxw,etc) in smallest font size.


  • Founder, editor-in-chief, tripartite publication Metametaphysical Stases
  • Manager, order-of-magnitude googlish proofreader services.
  • Top 10: Wikinews article contest, March 2005
  • 8th(4th) place: French Armada(Setec) multiplexed mystery hunt, 2004
  • 5th place: Amateur Eggalchemy awards, for Lemon Souffle, 2003
  • 3rd place: Cambridge area vegan cake stable height contest, 2002
  • 2nd place: NE Complexity Institute "complicated costume" ball, 2000
  • 1st place: High-Energy Metaphysics circle-tour marathon, 1998
  • 1st place: Unified Engineering design competition, 1997

In parting: "Humanity will be destroyed in about a billion years due to increasing sun temperature, and in about five billion years we'll be engulfed by the sun. Hopefully by then we will have colonized other planets, but if we haven't, Wikipedia will be destroyed ("

Warning: Please be aware that any information you may find on Wikipedia may be idiotic, misleading, offensive, dangerous or illegal. Wikipedia is not uniformly peer reviewed; while readers may correct errors or remove erronous suggestions they are not obligated to do so. If you need specific advice (medical, legal, psychosexual, career, arcane, &c.) please seek a licensed, bonded, and knowledgable professional. YOUR INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF ANYTHING FOUND IN WIKIPEDIA IS STRONGLY ADVISED.  Love, Sj.



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