Greetings. I'm Bender. I've been a Wikipedian since September of 2003, but I really began contributing in earnest in 2004. My first article of 2004 (10 hours into the new year) was for the anime, City Hunter. Since March 3, 2004, I've also been a sysop.
Wikipedians tend to form into groups according to responsibilities they choose. I form part of the group that does a lot of tedious and remedial cleanup work. We usually lay low and don't stir up trouble, primarily avoiding controversial articles. This is how I can be in the top 50 in number of edits, but not everyone knows who I am. :) It's great for this Wikipedian's sanity, however. Working behind the scenes is just as rewarding as being the up-front diplomat on the front lines of contentious articles, but without all the stress and pain. I'd rather have 50,000 minor edits toiling in obscurity than 1,000 "important" edits and be burned out in dealing with people.
Anyways, personally, I do a lot of formatting work: making sure that every person with an article gets their birthday/date of death info added to the appropriate day and year articles, formatting links, adding categories, etc. I certainly write plenty of articles, of course, but many are basic information articles designed for future expansion as things happen (like sports and entertainment articles) and others are basic, repetitive articles (like Dallas Area Rapid Transit stations or Texas Congressional Districts). I also upload lots and lots of images: fair use corporate and sports logos, public domain military and government images, and so forth.
In my real life, I do many jobs, including running two companies: a web design shop ( and an online bookstore ( It's not easy, but I enjoy it.
Some things I'm interested in and occasionally write articles about:
Thank you for coming here. Of course, if you have a message, my talk page is always open.
 This is my town.