Timeline of Portuguese history
This is a historical timeline of Portugal. The list is incomplete. You can help Wikipedia by adding dates to it.
Main article: History of Portugal
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Events previous to independence
- 1st century BC – Lisbon (Olissipo) is the capital of Hispania Ulterior, a Roman province
- 711, March 15 – Moors invade the Iberian Peninsula; in the following years, the Peninsula is conquered from its Celtic and Visigothic owners, except from the northernmost part, in the Asturias. Resistance to Moorish occupation (reconquista) starts from these strongholds, leading to the creation of the Iberian kingdoms: León, Asturias and Galicia.
- 905 – Navarre becomes a kingdom
- 1035 – Sancho III of Navarre, Aragon and Castile dies and distributes his lands among his three sons; Castile and Aragon become kingdoms
- 1037 – Ferdinand of Castile acquires the kingdom of León through marriage
- 1095 – Crusaders help king Alfonso VI of Castile to defeat the Moors; Henry of Burgundy marries princess Teresa, becomes Count of Portugal and over is government desires the autonomy of the county.
- 1109, July 25 – Afonso Henriques is born
- 1112 – Afonso inherits the County of Portugal, a fiefdom of Castile
- 1128, July 24 – Defeats his mother, Teresa that governs the county after her husband's death, in Battle of São Mamede and becomes sole ruler after demandes for independence from the county's people, church and nobles.
First Dynasty: Burgundy
- 1139, July 26 – Independence of Portugal from the Kingdom of Leon declared after the Battle of Ourique: count Afonso Henriques becomes Afonso I, king of Portugal
- 1143 – Treaty of Zamora. Alfonso VII of Leon and Castille recognizes the Kingdom of Portugal
- 1147 – The city of Lisbon is conquered to the Moors
- 1174 – The kingdom of Aragon recognizes Portugal as independent
- 1179 – Pope Alexander III recognizes Afonso I as king and Portugal as an independent country
- 1185 – Sancho I of Portugal becomes king
- 1212 – Afonso II of Portugal becomes king
- 1233 – Sancho II of Portugal becomes king
- 1246 – Pope Innocent IV declares Sancho II an heretic and orders his removal of the throne
- 1247 – Afonso III of Portugal becomes king; Sancho II is exiled to Toledo
- 1254 – First official reunion of the Cortes, the kingdom's general assembly
- 1272 – Afonso III conquers Faro to the Moors, thus removing all Muslim communities of Portuguese soil
- 1276 – John XXI becomes the first and only Portuguese Pope (died 1277)
- 1279 – Dinis of Portugal becomes king
- 1297 – Dinis signs a treaty with Ferdinand IV of Castile to define the borders between Portugal and modern Spain; this treaty is valid until the present day
- 1308 – First Portuguese commercial treaty, signed with England
- 1325 – Afonso IV of Portugal becomes king
- 1355 – Ines de Castro is killed by royal order; begins civil war between Afonso IV and his heir Pedro
- 1357 – Pedro I of Portugal becomes king; Ines de Castro is removed from her graved and crowned Queen of Portugal
- 1367 – Fernando of Portugal becomes king
- 1383/1385 – Civil war and political anarchy: 1383-1385 Crisis
Second Dynasty: Aviz
- 1385 –
- April – João I of Portugal acclaimed king by the Portuguese; Castilians do not accept this claim
- August 14 – Battle of Aljubarrota: João I defeats the Castilians and secures the throne
- 1386 - Treaty of Windsor, an alliance between England and Portugal
- 1394 – Henry the Navigator, son of João I, is born
- 1415 – João I conquers the city of Ceuta in northern Africa
- 1419 – Madeira Islands discovered by João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz Teixeira
- 1427 – Azores Islands discovered by Diogo Silves
- 1433 – Duarte of Portugal becomes king
- 1434 – Gil Eanes crosses the Bojador Cape: exploration of the African coast begins
- 1438 – Afonso V of Portugal becomes king
- 1444/1460 – discovery and settling of Cape Verde islands
- 1481 – João II of Portugal becomes king
- 1483 – João II executes Fernando, the third Duke of Braganza, and Diogo, the Duke of Viseu, putting an end to high nobility conspiracies
- 1484 – Diogo Cão discovers the Congo river
- 1491 – Bartolomeu Dias becomes the first European captain to cross the Cape of Good Hope
- 1494 – The Treaty of Tordesilhas signed between Spain and Portugal, dividing the colonisable world in two halves
- 1495 – Manuel I of Portugal becomes king
- 1498 – Vasco da Gama reaches India through navigation around Africa
- 1500 –
- Easter Day – Pedro Álvares Cabral discovers Brazil
- Manuel I orders expulsion or conversion of the Portuguese Jews
- 1521 – João III of Portugal becomes king
- 1542 – Portuguese explorers are the first Europeans to land in Japan
- 1557 – Sebastião of Portugal becomes king
- 1578 –
- Portuguese troops utterly defeated in Africa, in the battle of Alcacer-Quibir; king Sebastião disappears in the battle never to be seen again
- Cardinal Henrique I of Portugal becomes king
Third Dynasty: Habsburg (Spanish rule)
- 1580 – Philip II of Spain becomes Philip I of Portugal and the country loses independence to Spain
- 1598 - Philip III of Spain becomes Philip II of Portugal
- 1621 - Philip IV of Spain becomes Philip III of Portugal
Fourth Dynasty: Bragança
- 1640, December 1 – The Duke of Braganza becomes king João IV of Portugal: end of Spanish control
- 1656 – Afonso VI of Portugal becomes king
- 1668 – Afonso VI is declared incapable of govern; his brother Pedro becomes sole ruler (but not king)
- 1683 – Pedro II of Portugal becomes king
- 1706 – João V of Portugal becomes king
- 1750 – José I of Portugal becomes king
- 1755, November 1 – The Lisbon earthquake destroys the city to the ground; an enormous tsunami wave washes away what remained standing
- 1759, January 13 – All members of the Tavora family are executed for high-treason and attempted regicide by orders of the Marquis of Pombal
- 1777 – Maria I of Portugal becomes queen; consort king is her uncle, Pedro III of Portugal
- 1807 – Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France invades Portugal and the Portuguese Royal Family is transferred to the colony of Brazil and the colony is elevated to the status of kingdom and center of the Portuguese Empire. Portugal chances the official name from Kingdom of Portugal and Algarve to Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve.
- 1816 – João VI of Portugal becomes king
- 1820 - Metropolitan Portugal demandes the return of João VI to Lisbon. Joao VI advises his son, Pedro, to declare the independence of Brazil and become its emperor, to ensure its continued rule by the Bragança dynasty.
- 1822 - Brazil declares independence. Pedro becomes Pedro I of Brazil
- 1826 – Emperor Pedro I of Brazil becomes also king Pedro IV of Portugal
- 1828 – Miguel I of Portugal becomes king, rival to Pedro IV: civil war
- 1834 -
- July 24, the Duke of Terceira wins the battle of Lisbon - end of the civil war: Miguel I exiled to Germany
- Maria II of Portugal becomes queen; consort king is prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Fernando II of Portugal)
- 1853 – Pedro V of Portugal becomes king
- 1861 – Luis I of Portugal becomes king
- 1889 – Carlos I of Portugal becomes king
- 1908 –
- February 1, King Carlos and his son prince Luís Filipe are killed in Lisbon by republicans
- Manuel II of Portugal becomes king
Early Republic
- 1910, October 5 – A popular revolution puts an end to monarchy: Portugal becomes a Republic; king Manuel II exiled to England
- 1917 – Portugal joins the allied forces in World War I
Fascist Regime
- 1926, May 28 – A coup brings fascist leaders to government
- 1933 - A new fascist regime entitled Estado Novo is installed
- 1949 - Portugal is a founding member of NATO
- 1961 – The Portuguese colonial war starts in northern Angola
- 1974, April 25 – The Carnation Revolution puts an end to fascist regime, Marcello Caetano exiled to Brazil
- 1975 –
- Independence is granted to all Portuguese colonies in Africa and independence is promised to East Timor
- March 11 – A right-wing coup fails: A turn to the left in the revolution happens and major industries and big properties are nationalized by government
- November 25 – Another coup removes extreme-left influence in politics
- December 7 – East Timor is violently annexed by Indonesia
- 1980 – Prime minister Francisco Sá Carneiro and defence minister Amaro da Costa killed in a plane crash; accident or terrorist attack still discussed today
- 1984 – Carlos Lopes wins the first Olympic Gold Medal for Portugal in the Los Angeles '84 marathon
- 1986, January 1 – Portugal becomes a member of the European Economic Community, today's European Union
- 1998 – Lisbon organizes the World's Fair Expo '98
- 1999, January 1 – Macao, the last overseas Portuguese colony, is returned to China
- 2002, January 1 – Portugal adopts the euro as currency
- 2004, Summer – UEFA European Championships are held in Portugalde:Zeittafel der Geschichte Portugals