16th century in literature
See also: 15th century in literature, other events of the 16th century, 17th century in literature, list of years in literature.
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New Books
- 1501 - The Book of Margery Kempe (posthumous)
- 1503 - The Thrissill and the Rois - William Dunbar
- 1505 - The Passtyme of Pleasure and The Temple of Glass - Stephen Hawes
- 1508 - The Goldyn Targe - William Dunbar
- 1509 - In Praise of Folly - Erasmus
- 1512 - Fulgens and Lucrece - Henry Medwall
- 1513 - First translation of the Aeneid into English language (Scots dialect) by Gavin Douglas
- 1515 - The New Chronicles of England and France by Robert Fabyan
- about 1516 - Utopia by Thomas More
- 1527 - Historia Scotorum - Hector Boece
- 1535 - Huon of Bordeaux - John Bourchier, 2nd Baron Berners
- 1539 - The Castel of Helth - Sir Thomas Elyot
- 1540 - Historia Scotorum of Hector Boece, translated into vernacular Scots by John Bellenden at the special request of James V of Scotland
- 1541 - Baptistes and Jephtha - George Buchanan
- 1542 - The Union of the Two Noble and Illustrate Famelies of Lancastre & Yorke - Edward Hall
- 1545 - Toxophilus - Roger Ascham
- about 1553 - Gammer Gurton's Needle and Ralph Roister Doister, the first comedies written in the English language
- 1559 - The Elizabethan version of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, which remained in use until the mid-17th century and was the first English Prayer Book in America.
- 1560 - The Geneva Bible - William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson
- Bullein's Bulwarke of Defence againste all Sicknes, Sornes, and Woundes - William Bullein
- Gorboduc (play) - Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville
- Jack Juggler (play) - anonymous, sometimes attributed to Nicholas Udall
- The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Irelande - Raphael Holinshed
- The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies - Richard Eden
- A True Discourse of the Late Voyages of Discoverie…under the Conduct of Martin Frobisher - George Best
- Euphues: the Anatomy of Wit - John Lyly
- First Fruits - John Florio
- Honest Excuses - Thomas Lodge
- The Schoole of Abuse - Stephen Gosson
- Divers Voyages - Richard Hakluyt
- Rerum Scoticarum Historia - George Buchanan
- The Anatomy of Abuses - Philip Stubbe
- The Araygnement of Paris - George Peele
- A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia - Thomas Hariot
- Historie of the Reformatioun of Religioun within the Realms of Scotland - John Knox
- The Raigne of Edward III - anonymous, attributed by some to William Shakespeare
- The Arte of English Poesie - attributed to George Puttenham
- Primera parte de la Angélica - Luis Barahona de Soto
- Pappe with an hatchet, alias a figge for my Godsonne - John Lyly
- Arcadia - Sir Philip Sidney (posthumous)
- Rosalynde - Thomas Lodge
- Astrophel and Stella - Sir Philip Sidney (posthumous)
- Diana - Henry Constable
- The Spanish Tragedy (play) - Thomas Kyd
- The Tragedy of Mr Arden of Feversham (play) - anonymous (previously attributed to William Shakespeare)
- Groatsworth of Wit - Robert Greene
- Foure Letters and certaine Sonnets - Gabriel Harvey
- The Shepherd's Garland - Michael Drayton
- Peirs Gaveston - Michael Drayton
- The Battle of Alcazar (play) - George Peele
- Cleopatra (play) - Samuel Daniel
- Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie - Richard Hooker
- The Seamans Secrets - Sir John Davys
- Colin Clouts Come Home Againe - Edmund Spenser
- Poemata - Thomas Campion
- An Apologie for Poetrie - Sir Philip Sidney (posthumous)
- Orchestra, or a Poeme of Dauncing - Sir John Davies
- The Civell Warres of Edward the Second and the Barrons - Michael Drayton
- The Faerie Queene - Edmund Spenser
- The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Beautiful Empyre of Guiana by Sir Walter Raleigh
- Englands Heroicall Epistles - Michael Drayton
- Every Man in his Humour (play) - Ben Jonson
- The Scottish Historie of James the Fourth (play) - Robert Greene
- Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury - Francis Meres
- Politeuphuia (Wits' Commonwealth) - John Bodenham
- Survey of London - John Stow
- Every Man out of his Humour (play) - Ben Jonson
- Hymnes of Astraea (poetry) - Sir John Davies
- Nosce Teipsum (poetry) - Sir John Davies
- The Love of King David and Faire Bethsabe (poetry) - George Peele
- Wits' Theater - John Bodenham
- 1515 - Roger Ascham
- 1547 - Miguel de Cervantes
- 1551 - William Camden
- 1555 - Lancelot Andrewes
- 1558 - Robert Greene
- 1558 - Thomas Kyd
- 1561 - Luís de Góngora y Argote
- 1564 - Christopher Marlowe
- 1564 - William Shakespeare
- 1570 - Robert Aytoun
- 1572 - Ben Jonson
- 1576 - John Marston
- 1577 - Robert Burton
- 1581 - Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft
- 1583 - Philip Massinger
- 1587 - Joost van den Vondel