Andrea Palladio
The Palladian style is named after him, a style which adhered to classical Roman principles, as opposed to the rich ornamentation of the Renaissance. Palladio designed many churches, villas, and palaces, especially in Venice and the surrounding area.

Palladio's architecture also inspired a classical music piece by the Welsh composer Karl Jenkins, called Palladio. Many people know it by its first movement, which was used for a De Beers diamond television commercial.
Palladio was the son of Pietro 'della gondola'. He frequented the workshop of Bartolomeo Cavazza, from whom he learned some of his skills. The most important influence was by the noble Gian Giorgio Trissino, who invented the classical name of Palladio for his friend and pupil Andrea. In 1541 Palladio went to Rome to study the ancient monuments.
Significant dates:
- 1540: Began his first work, villa Godi in Lonedo.
- 1544: Begins construction of villa Pisani in Bagnolo.
- 1545: Involved in the refurbishment of the Basilica of Vicenza.
- 1550: He produces drawings for palazzo Chiericati.
- 1552: He began work on the palace of Iseppo De' Porti.
- 1556: In Udine he works on casa Antonini and in Vicenza begins with palazzo Thiene. While his assignments increase along with his fame, he collaborates with the patriarch of Aquileja on the edition of a book on 'Vitruvio', providing the drawings.
- 1557: He begins Villa Badoer in the Po river valley
- 1558: He realises a project for the church of S. Pietro in Castello in Venice and probably in the same year begins the construction of villa Malcontenta.
- 1559: He begins Villa Emo in the village of Fanzolo di Vedelago.
- 1561: He begins the construction of villa Pojana Maggiore and at the same time of the refettorio for the Benedictines of St. George in Venice, and subsequently the facade of the monastery Monastero per la Carità and villa Serego.
- 1562: He began the facade of San Francesco della Vigna and work on San Giorgio Maggiore.
- 1565: He begins the construction of villa Cagollo in Vicenza and villa Pisani in Montagnana.
- 1566: palazzo Valmarana, Cornaro and villa Zeno.
- 1567: Begins works for the Villa Capra "La Rotonda"
- 1570: He is nominated Proto della Serenissima (Illustrious citizen of Venice) and publishes in Venice I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura (The Four Books of Architecture).
- 1571: He realises: villa Piovene, palazzo Porto Barbaran, the loggia del Capitanio and palazzo Porto Breganze.
- 1574: He prints the 'Commentari' (commentaries) of Caesar and works on studies for the front of S. Petronio in Bologna.
- 1577: He begins the construction of the Redentore.
- 1580: He prepares drawings for the interior of the church of S. Lucia in Venice and in the same year on the 23rd of March he oversees the beginning of the construction of the Teatro Olimpico.
External link
- Andrea Palladio (
- Andrea Palladio ( Palladio
es:Andrea Palladio fr:Andrea Palladio it:Andrea Palladio ja:アンドレーア・パッラーディオ nl:Andrea Palladio sv:Andrea Palladio pl:Andrea Palladio pt:Andrea Palladio