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ˇˇHappy April Fool's Day!!

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User:Sj r:jeSUs jS:resU

From Wikipedia, "the" "free" "encyclopedia".


Mirror: WP fool. ~ in love ~ TALK to me, or leave a message (, for fun or clarification.
Reading: Fact (John McPhee), Fun (BOB (, &c.), History (CongoFS, Yongle, WWIII), Meta-Lists; fresh!, wanted, minimal & static
Writing: Touched pages (briefly: v) Overviews
Projects: True | Wild | Writ | Mind | Fun | Promo | Policy | Peace(1,2,3,4)
Tooling: Maximize Your Utils!, Messaging, Communication

About Sj

loves phys, lang, The City+, perma-tools, music, poetry, color, nature, meta-Lists
hates dichotomy, navels, myopia, sq adulation.
is not SJ, Sjc(+ (, SJK (, SV, Sjc196 (, Sjorford (, a Jesuit society (, or a partridge in a tree.

Sweet Sorrow

Sic transit gloria mundi!

cf. User:GWBush

+/-: n,np / spd, vfd, log
chg: rc, rcp, head
fight: m(r,ama)-a(r,pol)
arts: stb,old,att,mess
lang: to, now, log, cpv
links: red, orph, msg, elt
stats: ch (, cmp (,

ind (, T (, tr (, use (, than (, #wp (

It is Sunday, September 22, 2024, 18:14 UTC :: en: ([809]

{ Plate - db - TeX - chars - Topic list - activity - sils's cheats }
} smack: ^!admal*# - users* ( - ^medial*# - prot*!# -
!articulated*#$ - !imagined*$ - !contented*# {
|| fat: ^+New*# ~ Babel ~ ce|ref|vp ~ ^Arts(M|W|R) ~ Tr(logo) ||

| More: world clock ( | front: dyk, feature, itn |

Logos: Ant | Shell | W | Emb ( | Head | Worm | Lines | Star | In | Dots | Barc (


* (initiated)
x (del/merged)
? (todo: d/m)
! (d/m by others) 
+ (expanded)
- (reduced)
= (^NPOV)
# (redirect[ed])


^Lists: 1-1000 | War(b) | Peace | 1935-1965, Compliance(x4), Feats, Folks
Coordination: Whole Earth* | multidim* | fat overload*
Hack: SethS* | SethF* | CodeCon* | DNA-L+ | T-52 Enryu | ACS
History: Eber+= Heber= Hebrew | ADK+
Life: BC3k* and Smart* | Mockus | Cola wars* | flight 800 | Louise Bryant
Man: 2-Color system* | Mental calculators*
Memorial: YPD+ | Ako Vendetta#
Plexity: SFI*, NECSI*
Social: Meetup+ | Dean | ADUni* | Rome derby | Cloudmakers
Corporate: ArsDigita | | Restaurant chain
Touchy Subjects: Massacres (Arab-Israeli war, Al-Aqsa Intifada) | Lebanon (Military action=, Qana/Hula) | remailers+! | article segmentation
Series: Civil War Origins
Math: 1729)

Images: | ourobouros(x3) | book covers (x1)
Other Media: music(x0), shorts(x0) <just a NTS for now>


Overview: Community Main | Simple Main ( | multiling
Slimming: Sj/mesh | Sj Main



Jim, [[Larry_Sanger|Lar]g], Mav~, Angel`, Martin~,
BV(sf (, td (, Mangus, ErikZ. EM+, GWicke+, TimS, Tarq(+), Jamesd, Ed`, Shai*
Dec, Pcb, TK`, Dysp(+), Docu, Jen, Redd, Tan, Text, Morw, sann`, JoshG
Till, MRex, Nohat~*+, Danny, Cunct~, Gentg-b Mine, Dorian, Cam~, Cimon`, Ll` Del~, KF^ Imran
Fab, Fuz, Opt, Jiang, Secret, 172, Heph§, Turtle, MHard, Epopt~, Jdf~, Bauder~, Gutz~, Dante`, Rad
Hem, McFinlay, MSnow, Tak, Uther, Kaihsu, JakeN Pe-rl
StJ, CYD Paul, Wave, Ilya (ph), ChM* || Trebor, LD`
?: Merph | Anome | 戴;&#30505(sv) | S.Else | Adam dvCannon
far out: de: (
Fringed: Vera(lir) | Ster | Larry | SamSp | Pak(red fac) | W


   (forthcoming)  for now, cf. the words, prayers, and boilerplate of others.
   todo: add TeX`ed eqns below (eipi,maxw,etc) in smallest font size.


  • Founder, editor-in-chief, tripartite publication Metaphysical Metastases
  • Manager, order-of-magnitude googlish proofreader services.
  • 8th place: French Armada multiplexed mystery hunt, 2004
  • 5th place: Amateur Eggalchemy awards, for Lemon Souffle, 2003
  • 3rd place: Cambridge area vegan cake stable height contest, 2002
  • 2nd place: NE Complexity Institute "complicated costume" ball, 2000
  • 1st place: High-Energy Metaphysics circle-tour marathon, 1998
  • 1st place: Unified Engineering design competition, 1997

Warning: Please be aware that any information you may find on Wikipedia may be inaccurate, misleading, offensive, dangerous or illegal. Wikipedia is not uniformly peer reviewed; while readers may correct errors or remove erronous suggestions they are not obligated to do so. If you need specific advice (medical, legal, psychosexual, career, &c.) please seek a licensed, bonded, and knowledgable professional. YOUR INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF ANYTHING FOUND IN WIKIPEDIA IS STRONGLY ADVISED.  Love, Sj.

This page was last modified 00:27, 2004 Apr 1. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). Disclaimers. Wikipedia is powered by MediaWiki (, an open source wiki engine.


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