User:One Salient Oversight

User:One Salient Oversight/Mutual Obligation page

Greetings to all visitors from cyberspace. My official website is still in the pipeline and this site is my Wikipedia user page. Feel free to look at all the articles I have written for Wikipedia below, as well as articles I have edited or contributed to. If you feel brave, you may even like to do some contribution of your own. If you don't know what Wikipedia is, click here.

Wednesday 12 March 2025
UTC Time: 09:46 EST +10 hours, +11 Daylight saving
Article Count: 809

~Personal Details~
Full Name:Neil Cameron
Previous Moniker:Neilinoz
Date of Birth25 July 1969
Date registered as Wiki User:4 February 2004 (as Neilinoz)
Abode:Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Church:Charlestown Presbyterian Church
MBTI:INTJ [1] ( [2] (
Nolan chart:Centrist

Personal Issues 50%

Economic Issues 40%

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Template:User en





Mandrake Linux

Current PC Setup


Scene from Millennium, Episode #1

Man: "I'm Peter Watts, from the Group." [He hands Frank an envelope.]

Watts: "I would have faxed you, but I wanted to introduce myself."

Frank: "I heard you were down looking at the body. Did you find anything?"

Watts: "A few things slipped by. One salient oversight... "

Why I like contributing to Wikipedia

Ever since 1998 when I went online, I found that I was engaging in all sorts of intellectual debate in message boards. Too many times the debates ended up being trolled and I dreaded going back to debates. I also found that I spent a huge amount of time researching and preparing these responses - and then realising after 2-3 weeks that no one read them and that they were lost forever.

Wikipedia allows me to create articles and modify articles without having to bump into direct conflict. Because I have to be NPOV it means that I have to be reasonable in my prose which is less likely to cause offense.

Wikipedia also allows me to work on it whenever I feel like it. There are no deadlines. I do not have to contribute on one particular day if I don't want to. It is always there for me to go to whenever I feel like it.

And finally the work I do on Wikipedia is meaningful. I am creating text that people can use and think about. Even if my work gets modified, the fact is that it has been used to build something better. Moreover, the work seems likely to endure. It could be that in 20-30 years my work on Wikipedia will still be available and accessed by many.

Pages I am heavily involved with

The average Wiki article is 2.5 kb in size. (
I am aiming to have at least three and a half times the average - say around 8.8kb per article.

The Adolf Hitler article is 47.6k (6929 words). This gives an idea of how complete a particular article can be.

I am also aiming to have every article re-worked for the Simple English Wikipedia (
The average Simple English article is 1.4kb, which means I am aiming for a 4.8kb sized Simple English article as well.

Articles in bold are ones that I started or created
Articles in Yellow are smaller than 8.8kb
Articles with SE have a Simple English Wikipedia article

Reformed Topics

Charismatic and Pentecostal Topics

Other Christian Topics


Really interesting pages

Favourite adages

Useful areas of / for Wikipedia

I recommend the following Web Pages

Greek Characters

α β γ δ ε ζ
η θ ι κ λ μ ν
ξ ο π ρ σ ς
τ υ φ χ ψ ω

&alpha; &beta; &gamma; &delta; &epsilon; &zeta;
&eta; &theta; &iota; &kappa; &lambda; &mu; &nu;
&xi; &omicron; &pi; &rho; &sigma; &sigmaf;
&tau; &upsilon; &phi; &chi; &psi; &omega;


&Alpha; &Beta; &Gamma; &Delta; &Epsilon; &Zeta;
&Eta; &Theta; &Iota; &Kappa; &Lambda; &Mu; &Nu;
&Xi; &Omicron; &Pi; &Rho; &Sigma;
&Tau; &Upsilon; &Phi; &Chi; &Psi; &Omega;

Descriptions of MBTI

Derived from

  • ISTJ Robot
  • ISTP Frat Boy
  • ESTP Show Pony
  • ESTJ Pawn
  • ISFJ Sheep Dog
  • ISFP Poonce
  • ESFP Drama Queen
  • ESFJ Cannon Fodder
  • INFJ Sticky Beak
  • INFP Back-seat driver
  • ENFP Loser
  • ENFJ Drill Sergeant
  • INTJ Smartass
  • INTP Little Hitler
  • ENTP Weirdo
  • ENTJ Arsehole

Why don't they have this?

Possible Extensions for Mozilla Firefox

  1. An option to have a clock somewhere visible on the browser that is NOT dependent upon the System clock but upon the ISP server - thus showing time in UTC if you choose.
  2. An ability to adjust the fonts on individual web sites, rather than having one chosen font for all web sites.
  3. An IRC chat that you can have open in one of the tabs.
  4. Internet connection stats that are visible in an open tab.
  5. An embedded .pdf reader that doesn't require you to open a new program when you click on pdf files.
  6. Games that can be played in open tabs.
  7. Blocking Java applications from certain sites, much in the same way as images are blocked from certain sites.

For Wikipedia

  1. Larger Fonts.

U2 albums - OSO's favourite song from each

OSO's top 100 songs (in no particular order)

~One Salient Oversight's Hottest 100~
  1. Leave Them All Behind - Ride
  2. Seagull - Ride
  3. Chelsea Girl - Ride
  4. Mouse Trap - Ride
  5. Black Night Crash - Ride
  6. Coming Up for Air - Ride
  7. Nowhere (live) - Ride
  8. Bone Machine - Pixies
  9. Vamos - Pixies
  10. Debaser - Pixies
  11. No. 13 Baby - - Pixies
  12. Dead - Pixies
  13. Velouria - Pixies
  14. Planet of Sound - Pixies
  15. Sunburst on the Cayman Trench - Sh'Mantra (
  16. Pit and the Pendulum - Sh'Mantra (
  17. Life Speeds Up - The Church
  18. Fools Gold - The Stone Roses
  19. Love Spreads - The Stone Roses
  20. Head Like a Hole - Nine Inch Nails
  21. Wish - Nine Inch Nails
  22. Gave up - Nine Inch Nails
  23. Happiness in Slavery - Nine Inch Nails
  24. Closer - Nine Inch Nails
  25. March of the Pigs - Nine Inch Nails
  26. A Warm Place - Nine Inch Nails
  27. Perfect Drug - Nine Inch Nails
  28. We're in This Together - Nine Inch Nails
  29. Where is Everybody? - Nine Inch Nails
  30. Ripe (with decay) - - Nine Inch Nails
  31. The Bends - Radiohead
  32. Just - Radiohead
  33. Paranoid Android - Radiohead
  34. Come to Daddy - Aphex Twin
  35. Interstellar Overdrive - Pink Floyd
  36. Let There Be More Light - Pink Floyd
  37. Corporal Clegg - Pink Floyd
  38. One of These Days - Pink Floyd
  39. Echoes - Pink Floyd
  40. Time - Pink Floyd
  41. Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
  42. Sheep - Pink Floyd
  43. Comfrtably Numb - Pink Floyd
  44. Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert - Pink Floyd
  45. Won't get fooled again - The Who
  46. Pinball Wizard - The Who
  47. Go to the Mirror! - The Who
  48. A Quick One While He's Away - The Who
  49. Jesus Christ Pose - Soundgarden
  50. Spoonman - Soundgarden
  51. The Day I Tried To Live - Soundgarden
  52. Pretty Noose - Soundgarden
  53. Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
  54. Desolation Row - Bob Dylan
  55. Nothing Lost - Nothing Gained - Midnight Oil
  56. Cold Cold Change - Midnight Oil
  57. Back on the Borderline - Midnight Oil
  58. Koala Sprint - Midnight Oil
  59. No Reaction - Midnight Oil
  60. Don't Wanna Be the One - Midnight Oil
  61. Power and the Passion - Midnight Oil
  62. Kosciusko - Midnight Oil
  63. Hercules - Midnight Oil
  64. Mountains of Burma - Midnight Oil
  65. Truganini - Midnight Oil
  66. What is and what should never be - Led Zeppelin
  67. Achilles Last Stand - Led Zeppelin
  68. When the Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin
  69. Nobody's Fault But Mine - Led Zeppelin
  70. Love Burns - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
  71. White Palms - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
  72. Stop - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
  73. 16 shells from a thirty-ought six - Tom Waits

DVD Collection

~DVD Collection~


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