Aloha and Šālôm! I am Gilgamesh, just another user of this fine Wikipedia.
- اَلْعَرَبِيَّة al-ʻArabiyyaḧ (Arabic)
- جِلْجَامِشْ
- Ǧilǧāmiš
- ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian)
- Kilikāmehe
- עִבְרִית ʻIḇrîṯ (Hebrew)
- גִּלְגֶּמֶשׁ
- Gilgémeš
- גִּלְגָּמֶשׁ
- Gilgāmeš
- 日本語 Nihongo (Japanese)
- ギルガメシュ
- Girugameshu
- 고려말 Goryeomal (Korean)
- 길가메시
- Gilgamesi
- Te Reo Māori (Māori)
- Kirikāmehe
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
- Kit Ka Mech
Brief Bio

- Real name: Not telling! ^_^
- Gender: Are you pronomially blind?
- Birthday: 29 May 1980
- Birthplace: Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
- Current home: Not telling! ^_^
- Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Characteristics
- Philo-Semitic (but strictly ambivalent towards Zionism and anti-Zionism, so far as they don't harbor hatred nor the removal of peaceful people)
- Permanent American expatriate. — “You can return the expatriate to America, but you can't force America on the expatriate.”
- Likes
- Atoll, Biblical Hebrew, Big Island of Hawaiʻi, Book of Mormon, Canaanite languages, Cat, Chocolate, Chrono Cross, Cognate, Cuttlefish, Etymology, Fuyu languages, Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy), Historical linguistics, Hugh Nibley, Orthography, Pearl of Great Price, Roseanne, Samurai Jack, Wild ARMs, Writing system, Xenogears, Yasunori Mitsuda
- Wants
- Pluralist egalitarian promotion of the Biblical Hebrew language for common study
- Space colonization (without any of the awful sci-fi geek/Trekkie factor)
- Benign gene splicing (no eugenics) to accomplish:
- Greater variety of natural-born eye color, hair color and skin color, in humans and cats, without the need for dyes
- Spawn of multi-various fertile human-compatible Jūjin (i.e. fictional world of Star Fox) and their 1:1 population distribution among ordinary human beings (i.e. fictional worlds of Xenogears, Chrono Cross, etc.)
- New volcanism in the rural Great Basin (something new to see, but away from population centers)
- Chocolate air
Gilgamesh enjoys contributing his studies to the knowledge pool of Wikipedia articles, and generally strives to remain neutral on all subjects and respect the wide range of opinion on subjects. He is not without his special interests, but believes his own interests are no less valid than the next person's interests. He's not a professional nor a doctorate, but simply an immersed bookworm and occasional Wikipedia editor. Gilgamesh is not named after the Sumerian king Gilgamesh, but rather the character Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V.
Articles significantly contributed by Gilgamesh
Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, Daniel Rona, Ebeye, Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy), Hebrew alphabet, Hebrew languages, Hebrew name, Israelite, Jaredite, John (name), Kemono, Lehi (Book of Mormon), List of ethnic slurs, List of Hebrew names, List of people with autism, Mormonism and Judaism, Mount Scopus, Mulek, Names of Jerusalem, Names of the Levant, ʻOkina, Oyaji, Samurai Jack, User_talk:Mustafaa :Þ, Uvular R
Public domain graphics constructed and distributed by Gilgamesh
- Flags
- Hawaiʻi Missing image
- Marshall Islands Missing image
- South Africa
- United States Missing image
- Hawaiʻi Missing image
- Symbols
- Xenogears
GNU Free Documentation License graphics constructed and distributed by Gilgamesh
Wikipedia is not a dating service
- Wikipedia is not a dating service. Using your user page to advertise your attributes in bed is a grievous disservice to this fine academic institution.
Wikipedia is not purely for lay people
- Wikipedia is not purely for lay people. All articles can afford a spectacular amount of academic detail. If encyclopedias were only to reflect what all lay people already understood, then there would be no point.
ʻOkina should be used where mandated
- In the bodies of articles, the Hawaiian ʻokina must always be formatted as ‘ or as ‘ at all times. The titles of articles can use ' or ` because of the constraints of US-ASCII, but should never be used as alternatives to the true ʻokina in words of Hawaiian origin, except when glued with English suffixes and made into a distinctly English word as with the word "Hawaiian", or when a word is specifically titled without ʻokina and used only in relevant contexts such as "U.S. State of Hawaii" or "Hawaii Five-O".
The Black Hills must be returned to the Lakota
The Black Hills must be returned, as much as possible, to the Lakota people. It is their sacred land, and they will not accept financial compensation.
Anti-French sentiment is petty and puerile
Anti-French sentiment is petty and puerile. There is nothing worse about France than there is about the United States. Constant French-bashing is not only malicious, but chauvinist and racist.
"Mormon" and "Mormonism" are pejorative terms
- The originally pejorative terms Mormon and Mormonism are still pejorative (and quite derrogatory) to this editor, because they were historically and in modern times a mark of ignorance and apathetic labeling, and should not be used as a neutral term in polite discussion, let alone a neutral context such as Wikipedia. Preferred terms are "Latter-day Saint" or "LDS". If "Latter-day Saint" is objectionable as being presumptuous, then the less-imposing acronym "LDS" can be most neutral in all cases.
It's impossible go against God's will unless God forbids it
- In theology, there is no such thing as to go against the will of God unless God forbids it. As such, additional human conduct outside the scope of God's specific prohibitions should not be governed by mortal review in the name of "God's will" without God's direct consultation, no matter how bizarre or socially abnormal that conduct may seem.
The laws of nature are unbreakable
- It is impossible to break the laws of nature, because the laws of nature govern what is possible for us to do. Therefore, if genetic engineering, cloning and reproduction by two parents of the same gender are possible, then they do not break the laws of nature. If they cannot be accomplished, then the laws of nature forbid them. It is as simple as that. This opinion does not endorse nor condemn the acts mentioned. (Though the safe and non-eugenic engineering of human-compatible jūjin would be so cool.)
God does not exist outside nature
- God does not exist outside nature, but God is more capable of understanding and manipulating nature than we in our mortal lives can ever begin to fathom. Although the scientific method is immensely useful much of the time, in this case it fails us because we cannot help but fail our limited selves in our use of it. As such, we are always, in some way, dependant on faith to get through our lives. Faith even governs our understandings of the scientific method and the laws of nature, because it takes faith at all to believe that what we are witnessing, measuring and experiencing is truly what exists. Conversely, our faith is itself an equally-refined science, but one of what we believe and what we do not believe. These truths make faith and science absolutely inseparable.
Nature is not a valid euphemism for ethics and morality
- "Nature" is not a valid euphemism for ethics and morality. Rather, nature is simply the way things exist, ungoverned by matters of conscience in any direction. This actually makes nature very different and separate from ethics and morality; one can be held accountable for their choices, but not accountable for their nature, and should therefore not be judged because of their nature.
Non-Christians are not "going to hell"
- Non-Christians are not by definition "going to hell". There are righteous people in every land, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. The only ones who are destined for Outer Darkness are those who are evil to their core, and who know they are evil, and revel in their evil. A person who has sinned but feels remorse is decidedly not "going to hell".
It is not sinful to believe Jesus isn't the Messiah
- Judaism, Samaritanism and other traditional Mosaic law religions are not "evil" nor "sinful" for not accepting Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah. It is also not an imperative that they be converted — they should have every freedom to accept what they wish to accept, and to exclude beliefs that they wish to exclude. They are not "going to hell". Creed cannot be forced upon anyone, and it is actually immoral to do so because it violates the person's sacred gift of free agency. Every individual must decide things for themselves, and must be told all essential details and personally convert themselves, or it is never a genuine conversion anyway. This opinion fully supports the separation of church and state.
Jesus is the Messiah, but Jesus is not our God
- Jesus is not God, as God is a distinction in this existence reserved only for the Father. Jesus is a child of the Father, and our brother, as well as a volunteer as Messiah to bear the weight of the Atonement, something He is able to do because He was created by the Father as the most perfect Lamb with an infinite capacity for bearing pain. Jesus is the beloved brother and best friend to whom we are asked to yield each and every one of our sins and pain in the repentance process. As He is not the Father, He should not be worshipped as being the same as the Father. He wishes all glory to be given to the Father only. To recognize Jesus as our Lord need not constitute worship, and to actually worship Jesus as if He were the Father could be idolatry. This opinion rejects the Nicene Creed, and recognizes all people who profess in Jesus as the Christ as being Christians. However, Jesus is a God, having been exalted, but remains our brother and is not our God.
Anyone can receive prophecy
- All children of God can receive prophecy relevant to the domain over which they preside. As such, depending on our position in life, we are all potential and real prophets. This statement recognizes Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha, Kŏng Fūzĭ, Muḥammad, Martin Luther King, Jr. and many many others possess genuine inspiration from God to various degrees.
A Church is simply an organization of faithful mortals
- A Church by nature is an organization of faithful mortals in devotion to their God. A Church is holy as far as its members are faithful and choose the right. But since it is an organization of imperfect mortals, it is only as perfect as its adherents. This opinion recognizes all the world's faiths — Christian or not — as equal in this respect. From an LDS perspective, even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has leaders who have lived lives and possessed hearts as flawed as any of their neighbors, but nevertheless had inspiration and prophecy from God because of their faith, works and grace.
Living things without free agency are "going to heaven"
- All living things that do not possess free agency (the capacity to choose right from wrong), are "going to heaven". When they die, they do not simply cease to exist. Every cat, dog, tree, mold, bacterium, and living convecting planet has a spirit, and will exist in the afterlife. As such, every pet-owner can be reunited with their beloved companions.
Samurai Jack is so cool
- Samurai Jack is so cool!
Other helpful Wikipedia users
- Jallan
- Oozes with Tiberian Hebrew knowledge, as well as incredibly good paragraph structure on talk pages.
- Marshman
- Mustafaa
- Very knowledgeable on...well, lots of things. :P
- Yoshiah_ap
- Zestauferov
- Very rational.
Random stuff
Moab Rehabilitators' Brigade
I'm conspiring to rehabilitate the Moabites.
The Best Cookies Ever
These cookies are compatible with the Word of Wisdom, as well as the Tôrāh; I can't vouch for Talmûdh kashrûth but it's probably compatible with that as well. But make no mistake — they are poisonous, so enjoy them in moderation. ^_^ The recipe can be halved or quartered. I encourage you to improve upon this recipe.
- sugars:
- for standard recipe:
- 2 cups (400 cc) white sugar)
- 2 cups (400 cc) brown sugar)
- for low-sugar recipe:
- 4 cups minus 2 tbsp (775 cc) oven-safe sugar substitute of your choice
- Acesulfame potassium (Sunett™, Sweet One) may cause gas and bloating.
- Aspartame (NutraSweet®, Equal®) will not work, as it does not withstand baking or other extreme heat.
- Sucralose (Splenda®) should not be eaten by people who are sensitive to or allergic to chlorine.
- Sugar alcohols may cause a laxative effect.
- 2 tbsp (25 cc) molasses
- 4 cups minus 2 tbsp (775 cc) oven-safe sugar substitute of your choice
- for standard recipe:
- 2 cups (400 cc) presoftened unmelted butter
- Margarine is discouraged. And do not soften in the microwave!!!
- 4 eggs
- Organic brown eggs are the best. ^_^
- 2 tsp (10 cc) baking soda
- 2 tsp (10 cc) baking powder
- 2 tsp (10 cc) salt
- Sea salt is the best. ^_^
- 2 tsp (10 mL) vanilla extract
- Real vanilla is better than artificial vanilla. ^_^
- 3 cups (600 cc) flour
- 6-7 cups (1200-1400 cc) quick oats
- completely optional: lots of chocolate chips! ^___^
Combine ingredients in mixing bowl until homogeneous. Bake at 375-400°F (200°C) for 6-8 minutes. DO NOT OVERBAKE, or cookies will change flavor. Texture should be like hot mud — this is normal. Let cool on pan until solid enough to be moved without disintegration. Remove cookies to clean flat dry paper surface. Makes approximately 48 cookies in four batches, but they'll all probably vanish within 24 hours. :)
The cookie dough can be frozen for longterm storage and can be baked at any time in smaller batches, if desired.
Gilgamesh accepts no legal responsibility for diabetes or catastrophic blood sugar crash that these cookies may cause. :P
Orthography Quick Reference
Hebrew alphabet
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י ך כ ל ם מ ן נ ס ע ף פ ץ צ ק ר ש ת
Tiberian Hebrew transliteration
ʼ Ḇḇ Bb Ḡḡ Gg Ḏḏ Dd Hh Ww Zz Ḥḥ Ḫḫ Ṭṭ Yy Ḵḵ Kk Ll Mm Nn Ss ʻ Ġġ P̱p̄ Pp Ṣṣ Qq Rr Šš Śś Ṯṯ Tt
Əə Ĕĕ Ăă Ŏŏ Ii Íí Īī Îî Ēē Êê Ee Éé Ệệ ª Aa Áá Ậậ Āā Ââ Oo Ōō Ôô Uu Úú Ūū Ûû
Standard Hebrew transliteration
ʼ Vv Bb Gg Dd Hh Vv Zz Ḥḥ Tt Yy Ḫḫ Kk Ll Mm Nn Ss ʻ Ff Pp Ẓẓ Qq Rr Šš Ss Tt
Əə Ii Íí Ee Éé Aa Áá Oo Óó Uu Úú
Arabic alphabet
ا ٱ ب ة ت ث چ ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ى ي ئ ء ـ
ʼ Bb Tt Ḧḧ T̈ẗ Ṯṯ Ǧǧ Ḥḥ Ḫḫ Dd Ḏḏ Rr Zz Ss Šš Ṣṣ Ḍḍ Ṭṭ Ẓẓ ʻ Ġġ Ff Qq Kk Ll Mm Nn Hh Ww Yy
Aa Áá Āā Ii Íí Īī Uu Úú Ūū
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
Aa Āā Ee Ēē Hh Ii Īī Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Ōō Pp Uu Ūū Ww ʻ