The term Neo-Nazism refers to any social or political movement seeking to revive Nazism or Fascism, and which postdates the Second World War. Most of those who are part of said movements do not use the term to describe themselves, either eschewing the terms Nazism and/or fascism (out of either: tactical avoidance of the stigma surrounding them, or actual ideological distinctiveness from them) or rejecting the 'neo' prefixing their commitment to fascism or National Socialism. Template:Fascism Template:Nazism
Groups and movements that do not include as core tenets racial nationalism, antisemitism, or praise for Hitler, are discussed on the page Neo-Fascism. Groups and movements that have been called Neo-Fascist but are constructed around a religious identity or theology are discussed on the page Neofascism and religion.
The Neo-Nazi movement is identified by allegiance to Adolf Hitler, the insignia of Nazi Germany (e.g. the swastika, the Sig Runes, the red-white-black color scheme(which actually was inherited from Imperial Germany), and other features specific to Germany's Third Reich (1933 to 1945). This usually includes anti-Semitism, racism, and/or xenophobia, and may also include elements such as nationalism, militarism, and homophobia. These groups often draw membership from people who blame their society's problems, such as the disintegration of national unity and culture, and multicultural friction, on non-white immigrants and a Jewish World Conspiracy.
The Neo-Fascist (note uppercase 'F') movement is identified by admiration of Benito Mussolini, the insignia of Fascist Italy (e.g. the fasces, the Roman salute) and features specific to Italy. This usually includes ultranationalism, nativism, and various illiberal attitudes.
Neo-fascist (note lowercase 'f') movements can draw on an eclectic mix of attachment to Italian Fascism, German Nazism, and the fascisms of other nations.
It is exceptionally difficult to determine the exact extent of neo-Nazi organizations, because these groups are aware that public opinion concerning them is extremely negative, not to mention the existence of organizations dedicated to monitoring their activities (such as ADL and SPLC), and so while a small minority of neo-Nazis continue to draw public attention, the vast majority operate underground, in order that they may recruit, organize and fund-raise without the constant attacks which plague those few groups which have gone public. Current knowledge of Nazi activity though, indicates that it is at least a global phenomenon, with organized representation in literally every Western nation in the world, as well as strong cooperative networks and connections between groups internationally, making Nazism today the strongest it has ever been since the fall of the Nazi German government, and stronger than the original Nazi Party during the period in which it came to power; making it a more serious concern than even most experts on the subject would prefer to admit.
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Significant Nazi revivalists
Significant people in the effort to revive Nazism include Colin Jordan, George Lincoln Rockwell, Savitri Devi, Francis Parker Yockey, William Pierce, and David Myatt.
Holocaust revisionism
Many Neo-Nazi groups also espouse denial of the Holocaust, claiming that the intentional mass murder of 6,000,000 Jews in gas chambers is a grossly exaggerated lie, that the German Nazi government had no extermination policy, or at least that the extent of the Holocaust is greatly exaggerated. Some doubt that Neo-Nazi Holocaust revisionists believe these claims, and accuse them of using it as a means to make their ideology more palatable by removing the stigma of association with genocide. Those who don't deny mass killings by the Third Reich (usually those uninitiated into the claims of revisionism) have engaged in pointing out 'immoral equivalencies' (e.g. the fire bombing of cities, the ethnic cleansing of Germans in Eastern Europe) and/or justifications for the executions (e.g. retaliation or punishment for sabotage, terrorism, or subversion).
Neo-Nazism and the law
Some Neo-Nazi groups espouse violence, and for this reason they are a source of concern to law enforcement. However, it is often surprisingly difficult to implicate Neo-Fascists in violence or illegality in any meaningful way. This is because these groups have adopted a proxy system whereby organizations which the Nazis intend to be financially, politically and socially successful are made to be extremely professional and respectable, whereas other, less important organizations and individuals are almost always the ones responsible for intimidations, violent acts and terror tactics. This makes it extremely difficult to track neo-Nazi criminal liabilities, because the culprits are often obscure and unimportant within the larger Nazi movement, and when groups or individuals are found guilty of crimes in these cases, they are almost always of little financial or political worth to the Neo-Nazi goals. In this way, prominent neo-Nazis may inspire, incite or even order violent crimes without much fear that their involvement will be traced in any meaningful way back to an organization which has a great deal to lose. Notable North American exceptions to this fact are Matthew F. Hale and the World Church of the Creator, which has essentially ceased functioning effectively since he was imprisoned for soliciting the murder of a federal judge, and Richard Butler of Aryan Nations, which lost a 6.2 million dollar lawsuit after low level security personnel at his compound opened fire on a passing vehicle. Aryan Nations has since lost its headquarters and paramilitary training grounds and split into three separate organizations, two of which claim to be the true successor to the group, but all of which are significantly reduced from the sum of the former groups parts.
Neo-Nazism in Germany
Nazi iconography remains to this day heavily restricted in Germany. As German law forbids the production of Nazi devotionalia, such items come into the country mostly (illegally) from the USA and northern European countries. Rock bands such as Landser have been outlawed in Germany, yet bootleg copies of their albums printed in the US and other countries are still sold. Current Neo-Nazi websites mostly depend on hosting in the USA and Canada and use other terms for Nazi ideas and symbols. They also invent new symbols reminiscent of the swastika and other symbols used by the Nazis, e.g. the sun disc, sun wheel, hooked cross, wolf's cross, wolf's hook, black sun, or dark star (see fascist symbolism).
In Germany immediately after World War II, Allied forces and the new German governments attempted to prevent the creation of new Nazi movements through a process known as denazification. With this and the total defeat of the Nazi regime, there was little overt neo-Nazi activity in Europe until the 1960s. Some former Nazis retained their ideology and racist beliefs, however, and passed them down to new generations (see Socialist Reich Party, Wiking-Jugend).
After German reunification in the 1990s, neo-Nazi groups succeeded in gaining more followers, mostly among teenagers in Eastern Germany. Many were new groups that arose amidst the economic collapse and subsequent high unemployment in the former East Germany. The activities of these groups resulted in several violent attacks on foreigners, creating a hostile atmosphere for foreigners in some towns. The violence manifested itself especially in attempts to burn down the homes for people in search of asylum in Germany.
- Attacks on accommodation for refugees: Hoyerswerda (17 - 22 September 1991), Rostock-Lichtenhagen (23 - 27 August 1992), Schwedt, Eberswalde, Eisenhüttenstadt, Elsterwerda (October 1991)
- Arson attack on the house of a Turkish family in Solingen (29 May 1993), two women and three girls die in the fire, seven people severely injured.
- Murder of three Turkish girls in an arson attack in Mölln (23 November 1992), nine more people injured.
("Arson attack" is a translation of the German word Brandanschlag, which implies throwing Molotov cocktails into houses (fire-bombing) in an attempt to burn them down.)
These events preceded demonstrations (Lichterketten, "candle chains") with hundreds of thousands of participants protesting against right-extremist violence in many German cities. In turn, these precipitated further massive neo-Nazi demonstrations, which continue today. Demonstrations often erupt in violence as Nazis and their anti-Fascist counter-protestors clash in the streets.
Official German statistics for the year 1990 record 178 right-wing-extremist-motivated crimes of violence (Gewalttaten). In 1991 there were 849 and in 1992 there were 1,485, with a significant concentration in the eastern Bundesländer (1999: 2.19 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in the eastern Bundesländer and 0.68 in the western ones). After 1992 the numbers went down, although they have risen sharply again in subsequent years. Because public opinion and media coverage concerning Neo-Nazi ideologies is still extremely negative, local authorities often attempt to suppress such large scale organizations by such groups (sometimes unsuccessfully, and almost always only temporarily) when they reach a certain size.
A trial was held before the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitution Court), the highest court in Germany, about the prohibition of the NPD (National Democratic Party), considered (though not proven to be) a neo-Nazi party. In the course of the trial it was discovered that some high-ranking party members who should appear as witnesses worked as informants for the domestic intelligence service, the Verfassungsschutz (Constitution Protection). The trial turned into a major political scandal. It was first temporarily suspended and then finally rejected by the court because of the unclear influence of informants in the actions and image of the NPD. This issue has raised similar concerns globally, as attempts by all sides to discredit neo-Nazi parties often hinge on the availability of evidence that such groups are violent or illegal in some way. With informants and infiltrators in such groups so common, and the very purpose of these agents being to confirm suspicions of malevolent intent, it becomes difficult to discern whether a violent or illegal action is the product of the actual Nazi Party, or of the infiltrators own personal desire to see the party discredited.
In 2004, the NPD received 9.1% of the vote in the parliamentary elections for Saxony, thus earning the right to seat parliament members. The other parties are refusing to enter into discussion with the NPD.
Neo-Nazism in the USA
In the USA, the Constitutional guarantee for freedom of speech allows political organizations great latitude in expressing Nazi, racist or anti-Semitic ideology. Several White supremacist or white separatist groups share large parts of their ideology with Nazism. Due to First Amendment restrictions, the federal government generally cracks down on such organizations only after members engage in hate crimes and violence.
Organizations that describe themselves as being "Neo-Fascist" and/or "Neo-Nazi" or do not object to the label (note that some groups are explicitly "Nazi" in their orientation, whereas others have a perspective which agrees with/approves of the beliefs and actions of Hitler and the Third Reich but don't put it at the center of their doctrine) include:
- National Socialist Movement (NSM88)
- American Nazi Party
- Libertarian National Socialist Green Party
- National Alliance
- Aryan Nations
- Creativity Movement (formerly World Church of the Creator)
- White Aryan Resistance
- Aryan Brotherhood
- The Ku Klux Klan
Organizations which have been described as Neo-Fascist or Neo-Nazi, but which object to the label include:
- Jew Watch, a website that criticizes modern "Jewish/Zionist Supremacism".
- Stormfront, a White Nationalist Internet forum.
- Protest Warriors, a radical anti-left-wing group.
Neo-Nazism in the UK
The following British organizations have been described as neo-Nazi:
- The British Movement
- The British National Party
- The British Nazi Party also known as the November 9th Society.
- The International Third Position
- The National Front
- The National Socialist Movement - linked to London nail bomber David Copeland
- The NF Flag Group
- League of St. George
- Combat 18
- The White Nationalist Party
Neo-Nazism in Russia
Russia may seem like an unlikely place for a flowering of neo-Nazi movements due to the strong memories of the devastation that was wrought on the nation by the Nazi German invaders during World War II. Nevertheless, the post-Soviet era has seen the rise of a variety of extremist nationalist political movements, some of them paramilitary organizations of openly neo-Fascist or neo-Nazi persuasion. These organizations are characterized by extreme xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and an active interest among a few of these groups in overthrowing the government and taking power by force. However, neo-Nazis still represent a small minority when it comes to rebellious groups, with much of that category actually filled by Communists and Islamic extremists.
Social roots
The collapse of the Soviet economic system which culminated the early 1990s caused an economic and social meltdown of epochal proportions, one often described as far exceeding the devastation the USA has experienced during the Great Depression. There was a great deal of popular discontent with the widespread unemployment and poverty, as well as the widely perceived humiliation with the end of the Cold War that was generally seen as constituting an unconditional surrender to the nation's enemies.
This discontent found its main outlet in the major political parties that stood in opposition to the Boris Yeltsin government (1991-1998), especially the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossijskoj Federacii, KPRF) which generally advocated a return to the Soviet economic policies, and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Liberal'no Demokraticheskaya Partiya Rossii, LDPR) led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a xenophobic and chauvinist movement without a clear agenda beyond the opposition to the "democrats", i.e. the ruling political factions allied to Yeltsin.
However, soon enough it became clear that neither of these parties were capable of accomplishing any serious changes in the national policy, and indeed soon they came to be widely seen as having had "sold out" to the "anti-people regime" (anti-narodny rezhim, a label widely used by the Communists to refer to Yeltsin's government).
Consequently, a number of extremist paramilitary organizations of the neo-Nazi persuasion were able to tap into the wellspring of discontent and despair among those who saw no future for themselves under the established conditions, particularly among the marginalized, lesser educated, and habitually unemployed youth.
Of the three major age groups, the youth, adults, and the retired elderly, it was the youth who in a sense had been hit the hardest. The elderly suffered greatly due to inadequate, or often unpaid, pensions (social security benefits), but they found effective political representation in the Communists, and generally their concerns were addressed sooner or later through better budget allocation. The adults, though often suffering financially and psychologically, such as due to a breadwinner's loss of work, still were generally able to find some employment and get by. Moreover, an established egalitarian system of indoctrination instigated by the Soviet Union generally predisposed most against the message of right-wing extremists. The youth generally had no such prior inclinations. Also, the youth had only experienced the last days of the Communist regime, which were made up of brutal crack downs, but without any idealistic presence, and was thus similar to Nazism.
Russian neo-Nazi organizations generally defined themselves as standing outside of the political process, disdaining the electoral system and advocating the overthrow of the government by force. Their ideological programs centered on Russian national identity, defending the Russians against what they perceived as a takeover of the country by people from ethnic minorities, notably Jews and migrants from the Caucasus region. Cleansing the nation by killing or expelling the non-Russians was a generally accepted goal, claimed to be a way to solve pretty much all of the woes facing the country. Their ideology became epitomized in the short slogan "Russia for the Russians", a catchphrase adopted more widely by less extremist factions later on. They did not generally have discernible economic programs, quite unlike the German NSDAP.
The neo-Nazis did openly admire and imitate the German Nazis and Hitler. Mein Kampf stood high on their reading list. The most prominent organization, Russian National Union (Russkoe Nacional'noe Edinstvo) led by Aleksandr Barkashov, adopted a three ray swastika as its emblem (the Nazi swastika can be thought of consisting of two "rays", i.e. the _|¯ (Z) shaped segments). Some others preferred the original version. In order to harmonize Hitler's notion of the Germanic master race with the Russian national feeling, the doctrine was updated to include all Aryans or Indo-Europeans, both Germanic and Slavic. The definition explicitly excluded Jews and the people from the Caucasus (widely seen as alien and "black" because of a slightly darker skin color). On a more practical level, the neo-Nazis considered the Russians as a special and chosen nation, while looking down on others, including the non-Russian Slavic peoples.
These groups then exploited the vulnerability and discontent of young people, as explained above. However, Nazism did also attract many of the old, who while at times had adequate living conditions, still suffered greatly in the Soviet economic collapse.
The neo-Nazis made it an explicit goal to take over the country by force, and they did put in serious effort into preparing for this. The paramilitary organizations operating under guise of sports clubs organized training for their members in squad tactics and weapons handling. Weapons were stockpiled, generally illegally (due to very restrictive Russian gun laws) (Note: These gun laws were, and still are, for most part ignored. This is evidenced by the ease of which the Russian Mafia can obtain guns, especially Ak-47s.) Reputedly, many were interested in martial arts and unarmed combat, and did a good job organizing realistic hand-to-hand combat classes. Despite these extensive preparations, quite incredible by the standards of a Western nation, the neo-Nazis have not yet carried out any well-known attacks or otherwise come out into the open. Their most notable action so far was the participation in the armed defense of the building of the State Duma (Russian parliament) against government forces during the standoff between Yeltsin and the Communist dominated parliament in 1993, which Yeltsin won. The neo-Nazis did generate considerable anxiety because of their potential for pogroms against people they do not like and indeed of actual power seizure. No such things have so far materialized, although rumors of impending pogroms did circulate widely in the early 1990s. See also Pamyat.
Human right groups expressed concerns over what they see as inability or unwillingness of the Russian police and security establishment such as FSB to act against the activities of the domestic neo-Nazi movement. Allegations have been made that the failure of the government to take decisive measures suggests a possibility to use paramilitary groups as a potential tool in a future struggle for power. Disturbing and unfortunate parallels have been drawn between this situation and the situation in 1930s Germany, just before the NSDAP took power. In Germany, the rich and the powerful in government often supported the Nazis, if for no other reason than because, of the three major political powers at the time (being the Communists, the National Socialists and the democrats), the Nazis were the only group with the strength and will to actually do something about the rising tide of Communism, making them at least practically, the defenders of the traditional German upper-class. This, of course, backfired when the Nazis took power after crushing the Communists, anyway.
Neo-Nazism in Scandinavia
The following Scandinavian movements, parties and associations have been described as neo-Nazi:
- Norges Nasjonalsosialistiske Bevegelse (Norway's National Socialistic Movement) - Norway
- Vigrid - Norway
- Nationalsocialistisk Front (National Socialist Front) -Sweden
- Vitt Ariskt Motstånd (White Aryan Resistance) - Sweden
- Svenska Motståndsrörelsen - (Swedish Resistance Movement) - Sweden
Neo-Nazism in other countries
In many European countries there are laws that prevent the expression of Nazi, racist or anti-Semitic ideology, thus no political party of significant importance will describe itself as being neo-nazi.
Organizations that have been described as 'Neo-Nazi', or Neo-Fascist, with varying degrees of justification, include the following:
- Mouvement National Républicain - France
- Front National - France
- Imperium europa - Malta
- Heritage Front - Canada
- White Noise - (promoters of nationalist skinhead/Oi bands such as Skrewdriver)
- Blood & Honour - militant neo-Nazi network, distributing racist music
- Liberal Democratic Party of Russia - Russia
- Noua Dreaptă - "New Right" - Romania
- National Action - Australia
- Patriotic Youth League - Australia
- New Zealand National Front - New Zealand
- National Power Unity - Latvia
- National Socialist Japanese Workers and Welfare Party
- National Socialist Iranian Workers Party (SUMKA) - Iran
See also
- White Power
- Esoteric Hitlerism
- Antifa
- National Socialist black metal
- Neofascism and religion
- Entryism
Primary sources
- Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics by Francis Parker Yockey (using the pen name Ulick Varange) 1947, ISBN 0911038108
- The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi, (1958 (written 1948-56; ISBN 0937944149)
- White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell (1967; John McLaughlin, 1996, ISBN 0965649288)
- This Time The World by George Lincoln Rockwell (1961; Liberty Bell Publications, 2004, ISBN 1593640145)
- National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future, Selected Writings of Colin Jordan (ISBN 8787063409)
- Merrie England — 2000 by Colin Jordan
- The Turner Diaries by William Pierce (under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald), (1978, ISBN 1569800863) .
- Siege: The Collected Writings of James Mason edited and introduced by Michael M. Jenkins (Storm Books, 1992) or introduced by Ryan Schuster (Black Sun Publications, ISBN 0972440801)
- Hunter by William Pierce (under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald) (National Vanguard Books, 1984, ISBN 0937944092)
- Faith of the Future by Matt Koehl (New Order; Rev edition, 1995, ISBN 0964853302)
- Serpent's Walk by Randolph D Calverhall (pseudonym) novel (National Vanguard Books, 1991, ISBN 093794405X)
- The Nexus periodical edited by Kerry Bolton
- Deceived, Damned & Defiant]] -- The Revolutionary Writings of David Lane by David Lane, foreword by Ron McVan, preface by Katja Lane (Fourteen Word Press, 1999, ISBN 0967812321)
- Resistance Magazine published by National Vanguard Books
Academic surveys
- The Beast Reawakens by Martin A. Lee, (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1997, ISBN 0316519596)
- Fascism (Oxford Readers) by Roger Griffin (1995, ISBN 0192892495)
- Beyond eagle and swastika: German nationalism since 1945 by Kurt P Tauber (Wesleyan University Press; [1st ed.] edition, 1967)
- Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890 edited by Philip Rees, (1991, ISBN 0130893013)
- Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (1998, ISBN 0814731112 and ISBN 0814731104)
- Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International by Kevin Coogan, (Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY 1998, ISBN 1570270392
- Hate: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party by William H. Schmaltz (Potomac Books, 2000, ISBN 1574882627)
- American Fuehrer: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party by Frederick J. Simonelli (University of Illinois Press, 1999, ISBN 0252022858)
- Fascism in Britain: A History, 1918-1985 by Richard C. Thurlow (Olympic Marketing Corp, 1987, ISBN 0631136185)
- Fascism Today: A World Survey by Angelo Del Boca (Pantheon Books, 1st American edition, 1969)
- Swastika and the Eagle: Neo-Naziism in America Today by Clifford L Linedecker (A & W Pub, 1982, ISBN 0894791001)
- The Silent Brotherhood: Inside America's Racist Underground by Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt (Signet Book; Reprint edition, 1995, ISBN 0451167864)
- "White Power, White Pride!": The White Separatist Movement in the United States by Betty A. Dobratz with Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile (hardcover, Twayne Publishers, 1997, ISBN 0805738657); a.k.a. The White Separatist Movement in the United States: White Power White Pride (paperback, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2000, ISBN 0801865379)
- Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right by Jeffrey Kaplan (Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, 2000, ISBN 0742503402)
- Blood in the Face: The Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi Skinheads, and the Rise of a New White Culture by James Ridgeway (Thunder's Mouth Press; 2nd edition, 1995, ISBN 156025100X)
- A Hundred Little Hitlers: The Death of a Black Man, the Trial of a White Racist, and the Rise of the Neo-Nazi Movement in America by Elinor Langer (Metropolitan Books, 2003, ISBN 0805050981)
- The Racist Mind: Portraits of American Neo-Nazis and Klansmen by Raphael S. Ezekiel (Penguin (Non-Classics); Reprint edition, 1996, ISBN 0140234497)
- Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (2001, ISBN 0814731554)
- Free to Hate: The Rise of the Right in Post-Communist Eastern Europe by Paul Hockenos (Routledge; Reprint edition, 1994, ISBN 0415910587)
- The Dark Side of Europe: The Extreme Right Today by Geoff Harris, (Edinburgh University Press; New edition, 1994, ISBN 0748604669)
- The Far Right in Western and Eastern Europe by Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson, and Michalina Vaughan (Longman Publishing Group; 2nd edition, 1995, ISBN 0582238811)
- The Radical Right in Western Europe : A Comparative Analysis by Herbert Kitschelt (University of Michigan Press; Reprint edition, 1997, ISBN 0472084410)
- Shadows Over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe edited by Martin Schain, Aristide Zolberg, and Patrick Hossay (Palgrave Macmillan; 1st edition, 2002, ISBN 0312295936)
- The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds: An Up-Close Portrait of White Nationalist William Pierce by Robert S. Griffin (Authorhouse, 2001, ISBN 0759609330)
- Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture by Jeffrey Kaplan, Tore Bjorgo (Northeastern University Press, 1998, ISBN 1555533310)
- Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism by Mattias Gardell (Duke University Press, 2003, ISBN 0822330717)
External links
- Antifa Britain ( - Anti-Fascist Action, organization in the UK
- Google directory for Society > Politics > Fascism > Nazism > Neo-Nazism ( links
- Holocaust Denial and Nazism (National Socialism) (, the Skeptic's Dictionary.
- Santa Monica College Library help for getting started in research about neo-nazism (
- Informationsportal Rassismus & Antisemitismus (, a collection of links to racist, Neo-Nazi and Antisemitic groups and websites (in German, but with many English sites).
- Template:De icon Informationsdienst gegen Rechtsextremismus (
- Vexillologist collection of Neonazi flags (
- "Mainstreaming Neo-Nazism" ( by John Sutherland on the ADL's website
- List of websites filtered by German and French Google (
- National Vanguard from the National Alliance (
- Stormfront White Nationalist Community ( - Internet
- ( site) "The interface between white supremacy and reality"
- (