In the fictional Pokémon universe, Max (known as Masato in Japan) is the younger brother of May (Haruka), another main character in the the Advanced Generation episodes of the Pokémon anime and the Ash & Pikachu manga series.
Both Max and May are the children of Norman and Caroline. The age of Max is unknown, but many believe that he is somewhere between six to eight years old. It is widely believed that his family may have moved from Johto prior to the start of Advanced Generation, but such speculation is mainly from trying to match the anime continuity with that of the game.
Max, a Pokémon enthusiast, is considered much of a bookworm, and, prior to the start of Advanced Generation, spends time reading about Pokémon and watching Pokémon battles. His ambition is to become a Pokémon trainer and succeed his father as the Petalburg Gym's leader. Max also idolizes Professor Oak, having collected many books he had written on Pokémon.
When Ash Ketchum arrives in Hoenn at the start of Advanced Generation, Max is surprised to encounter a trainer who he had saw on TV mere weeks prior, in the Silver Conference. Although Max respects Ash's abilities as a trainer, Max is quick to point out the fact that Ash lost in the quarterfinals of the tournament. He is also initially critical of May's selection of Torchic as her starter Pokémon, as he preferred Treecko. At the request of his father, Max joins Ash and May on their Pokémon adventure, despite the fact that he is not old enough to be a Pokémon trainer, so that Max could see the world of Pokémon from his own eyes.
Max carries around a miniature computer known as a Pokénav (incorrectly referred to as a Pokénavi in the English versions of early Advanced episodes; Pokénavi is the Japanese name of the Pokénav), a gift to him from his father.
In later episodes, Max also takes on some of the roles that Misty performed before Advanced Generation, such as dragging Brock away by the ear.
In the sixth Pokémon movie, Max is the person who grows closest to Jirachi.
He likes Roxanne, the Gym Leader of Rustboro city.
Max is too young to own his own Pokémon, yet. However, in a number of episodes he has obtained a Pokémon for a short time.
- Poochyena
- Trained it so that it would evolve into a Mightyena
- Shroomish
- Became friends with a Shroomish and saved its home from demolishion
- Poliwag
- Used while as a member of the Pokémon Trainer's School in Rustboro City
- Ralts
- Max promished to retun to Ralts and travel with it on his own Pokémon Journey.