List of songs by name
Here is a list of songs in alphabetical order.
This page is reserved for songs of sufficient notability that they deserve an article for themselves in Wikipedia.
Note that songs may have the same name because:
- It's a remake (or "cover") of the original song.
- It's another version of the same song.
- It just has the same name even though the song is completely different.
List of songs by name:
0-9 - A -
B - C -
D - E -
F - G -
H - I -
J - K -
L - M -
N - O -
P - Q -
R - S -
T - U -
V - W -
X - Y -
Contents |
Adding entries
Wikipedia style: Songs are placed in quotation marks, albums are italicized and artists are left alone (i.e. The Doors song "L.A. Woman" comes from their Xth album L.A. Woman).
On song linkages: Don't link to a song that has no article unless you believe that the song most certainly deserves an article and/or you are willing to write a piece of more than one paragraph's length (ie. not a stub article).
Source of songs: Please try and include as much information as possible such as year of release/composition and what album the song (if any) originated from. It is standard practice to avoid sourcing greatest hits packages, compilations, live albums, and soundtracks, unless the song was previously unreleased by that artist/s.
Formatting entries
Singles only: A recommended format is this:
- "Song Title" - Artist(s) (Year made, Version*). Extra notes
an example is this:
- "Waterloo" - ABBA (1974, English version) Eurovision Song Contest entry.
*note version is not always needed as sometimes there is only one version of a song.
Songs from Albums: A recommended format is this:
- "Song Title" - Artist(s) (Album Title, Year Made). Extra notes
an example is this:
- "L.A. Woman" - The Doors (L.A. Woman, 1971)
Many other songs can be found in the year entries listed at List of musical events.
Songs with "A " and "The" in titles
Songs beginning with "A " and "The" are listed alphabetically according to the first letter of the second word in the title. This format is also found in other encyclopedias and indexes of books. For example:
"A Saucerful of Secrets" - Pink Floyd (A Saucerful of Secrets, 1968)
is listed under "S" for Saucerful rather than "A" for "A ".
"The Lemon Song" - Led Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin II, 1969)
is listed under "L" for Lemon rather than "T" for "The".
Songs that are not native English
If it has an English title:
- "English title" - singer (<Original script if available>, <Romanized version>, Year, Info, et al.)
- "Every Heart" - BoA (みんなの気持ち, Minna no Kimochi, etc.)
if it has a Native-only title:
- "Romanized title" - singer (<Native script>, <Translated>, Year, Info, et al.)
- "Itazura na Kiss" - day after tomorrow (いたずらなキス, Mischevious Kiss, etc.)
In this case, list the by the Romanized title.
Songs which have the same title but different artists are listed chronologically, with the earlier recording/composition listed first, eg:
- "Yesterday" - The Beatles (Help!, 1965)
- "Yesterday" - Chet Atkins (Chet Atkins Picks on the Beatles, 1965)
- "Yesterday" - Marianne Faithfull (Go Away From My World, 1965)
- "Yesterday" - Chris Farlowe (14 Things to Think About, 1966)
- "Yesterday" - Perry Como (Lightly Latin, 1966)
- "Yesterday" - Tom Jones (Live in Las Vegas, 1969)
- "Yesterday" - Frank Sinatra (My Way, 1969)
- "Yesterday" - Elvis Presley (On Stage: February 1970, 1970)
- "Yesterday" - Spirit (Son of Spirit, 1976)
- "Yesterday" - Bad Religion (Back to the Known, 1984)
- "Yesterday" - Michael Bolton (Timeless: The Classics, 1992)
- "Yesterday" - Wet Wet Wet