List of military aircraft of Germany by manufacturer



  • AEG Helicopter, helicopter observation platform, 1933
  • AEG Kugelwaffen, (Ball Weapons), burning spherical attack probes (a.k.a. "Foo Fighter" weapon #2) see WNF Feuerball and Zeppelin Werke Kugelblitz also, 1942-1945 (mercury ion-plasma engine)

AGO, Aerowerke Gustav Otto

  • AO-192, Kurier (Courier) light liason
  • AO-225 Heavy fighter project





  • Ba BP 20, (Manned Flak Rocket)First versions of Ba-349, some Non-VTO fitted with fixed landing gear and solid nose for flight testing
  • Ba 349, "Natter" (Viper) VTO rocket interceptor

Baumgartl, Paul


Blohm & Voss

torpedo glider




Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug (DFS)

  • DFS See Adler, (Sea Eagle) seaplane prototype
  • DFS Mo 6, target glider (prototypes only), 1936
  • DFS Mo 12, target drone re-designated Argus As-292, first RPV fitted with Zeiss cameras for recon
  • DFS 39, Lippisch-designed tail-less research aircraft
  • DFS 40, Lippisch-designed tail-less research aircraft
  • DFS 108-49, "Granau Baby", 1932 glider
  • DFS 108-??, "Kranich" (Crane), 1935 glider
  • DFS 108-68, "Weihe" (Harrier), 1938 glider
  • DFS 108-70, "Olympia", planned 1940 Olympics glider
  • DFS 194, rocket-powered research aircraft, forerunner of Me 163
  • DFS 228, rocket-powered reconnaissance aircraft (prototype only)
  • DFS 230, transport glider
  • DFS 331, transport glider (prototype)
  • DFS-332
  • DFS 346, supersonic research aircraft (incomplete prototype only), reached Mach 1 in USSR in 1951 nicknamed "Viktoriya" (Victory)by Soviets
  • DFS 360, "Berserker" (Frenzied, violent noisemaker), explosives laden disc Mistel project (6 Argus 044 engines), 1945
  • DFS 464, proposed rocket carrier aircraft for DFS 360, project (rocket powered)


Aircraft by Dornier GmbH:

Elektro Mechanische Werke

  • EMW A-4B piloted V-2 missile project
  • EMW A-6 piloted V-2 missile project with aux. ramjet- origin of the X-15 rocketplane
  • EMW A-9/A-10 piloted A-9/A-10 ICBM project
  • EMW Wasserfall, (Waterfall) surface to air missile
  • EMW Taifun, (Typhoon) unguided AA rocket

Epp, Josef Andreas

  • Epp Omega Diskus, WW2 disc aircraft project (2 Pabst ramjets plus 8 Argus lift fans), built postwar in GDR with Soviet assistance in 1950. Known as Pirna Disc. First Soviet disc aircraft.
  • Epp Fliegenzeil, (Flying Target) WW2 second proposed disc project to Soviets, rejected

Fieseler Fieseler Flugzeugbau


Focke Achgelis

Focke, Heinrich

  • Focke Schnellflugzeug, Fast Aircraft "Rochen" (Aquatic Ray/Kite), circular turboshaft-driven aircraft project,

1939 (later re-designated as Fw VTOL aircraft)


Sportsflugzeuge Göppingen, "Göppingen"

Gothaer Waggonfabrik, "Gotha"



Hermann Goering Institute, Riva Del Garda









Luftfahrt-Forshungsanhalt Braunschweig-Volkenrode

  • LT 9.2, "Frosch" (Frog) torpedo glider


Mistel Composites

  • Mistel S-1, "Vater & Sohn" (Father and Son) Ju 88A + Me Bf 109F
  • Mistel S-2, Ju 88G-1 + Fw 190A-8
  • Mistel S-3, Ju 88A-6 + Fw 190A-6
  • Mistel 1, warhead nosed Ju 88A-4 + Me Bf 109F
  • Mistel 2, warhead nosed Ju 88G-1 + Fw 190A-6
  • Mistel 3, warhead nosed Ju 88G-10 or H-4 + Fw 190A-8 with doppelreiter (Double rider) overwing fuel tanks
  • Mistel Fuhrungsmaschine (Leading Machine)long-range recon project with manned Ju 88H-4 with radar + Fw 190A-8 with doppelreiter overwing fuel tanks serving as parasite escort
  • see DFS for DFS 360 + DFS 464 Mistel combo

Muck, Otto

  • 1938 Patent, unnamed circular winged VTOL tail-sitter- inspired Fw Triebflugel

Nagler and Rolz

Philipp, Franz

Reiseler, Walter


  • Rohrbach Roterra, 3 engined medium bomber,1930, was rejected by Reichswehr and licenced to Czechoslovakia as Avia 46 of 1932

Sack, Arthur

  • Sack A.S.6 "Bierdeckel" (Beer mat)prototype circular winged aircraft built in 1944, tested at Brandis AB
  • Sack A.S.7 circular winged aircraft project to mate Me Bf 109K-4 fuselage to AVA Gottingen K1253 circle wing, provisonally re-designated Me-600 Bussard (Buzzard), 1945


Schmidt, Paul

  • Schmidt Himmelsturmer "Sky Stomer" flight rocket pack composed of two Schmidt wearable pulse tubes, 1944



Sombold, Heinz

  • Sombold So 344, rocket-powered explosive warhead launcher aircraft project, 1944

SS Military Technical Branch E-IV

1940-44, several models produced

(a.k.a. V-7 weapon)


Thule and Vril Gesellschafts

  • Thule-Vril JFM "Jenseitsflugmaschine" (Other World Flight Machine) Germany's first disc aircraft, prototype, 1922-24
  • Thule-Vril RFZ "Rundflugzeug" (Round Aircraft) Series
  • RFZ-1, disc aircraft prototype 1937
  • RFZ-2, "Fliegende HeissWasserFlashe" (Flying Hot Water Bottle) disc aircraft prototype 1937
  • RFZ-3, disc aircraft prototype 1937
  • RFZ-4, disc aircraft prototype 1938
  • RFZ-5, disc aircraft, re-designated Haunebu I, 1939, 2 produced
  • RFZ-6, disc aircraft prototype 1940
  • RFZ-7, disc aircraft, re-designated Vril 1 Jager, 1941, several produced

Thule, SS Military Technical Branch E-IV

(all discs powered by Thule Triebwerk EMG engines)

Unknown Manufacturer

  • Lichtscheiben (Light Discs), unmanned light-guided small explosive discs directed by searchlight batteries against the RAF. Nicknamed "Gluhscheiben" (Glow Discs) by Flak Helferin (female searchlight battery auxilliaries)
  • Trenn Flying Platform 1930s patent, possible prototype circular flight platform, single pilot, markings D-EMK???

Von Braun, Werner

Vril, SS Military Technical Branch E-IV/E-V

(all discs except Andromeda-Gerat powered by Vril Triebwerk EMG engines plus Schumann SM-Levitators)

  • Vril 1 "Jager" (Hunter) disc aircraft, 1941, 17 manufactured
  • Vril 2 "Zerstorer" (Destroyer) disc aircraft project
  • Vril 3 disc aircraft prototype
  • Vril 4 disc aircraft prototype
  • Vril 5 disc aircraft prototype
  • Vril 6 disc aircraft prototypes, 2 built
  • Vril 7 "Geist" (Spirit) disc aircraft, 1944, several built
  • Vril 8 "Odin" (God Wotan) disc aircraft prototype, 1945
  • Vril 9 "Abjager" (Universal Hunter) disc aircraft prototype, 1945 over occupied Germany
  • Vril 10 "Fliedermause" (Bat) disc project
  • Vril 11 "Teufel" (Devil) disc project
  • Vril Andromeda-Gerat "Andromeda Device", 139 meter cylindrical Raumschiffen, 1945 1 built, 1 under construction, built exclusively by SS E-V Unit, powered by 4 Thule Triebwerk EMG engines plus 8 SM-Levitators
  • Vril Andromeda-1 Freyr (Norse God), captured by US Army 1945 partially completed
  • Vril Andromeda-2 Freya (Norse Goddess), one built
  • Vril DORN "Verteidiger" (Defender) unmanned delta craft weapon. "DORN" is either short for DORNier or means (Thorn), Sighted near Pescara, Italy postwar.
  • Vril Gammagische Auge, "Magic Eye" recon drone, prototype only


  • Nipolit explosive flying disc, flying anti-tank weapon based on Nipolit fashioned explosive disc grenades but on a larger scale and catapult launched or dropped from buildings. One hand-thrown "Frisbee" sized weapon used against a Soviet T-34/85 tank in 1945!!!


WNF, Weiner Neustadter Flugzeugwerk

  • WNF 342, Doblhoff jet helicopter prototypes 1-4
  • WNF Feuerball "Fireball" unmanned disc weapon (flattened circular turbojet) armed with electrostatic weapon (a.k.a. "Foo Fighter"), Nov 1944-Apr 1945 over Germany, August 1945 over Japan (via Axis technology transfer) based on sightings 50+ constructed

Zeppelin Werke

Related Content

External links

Book References

"Hitler's Luftwaffe", 1990, ISBN 0-86101-005-1 "German Helicopters 1928-1945", 1990, ISBN 0-88740-289-5 "Wings of the Luftwaffe", Reprint 1996, ISBN 1-85310-413-2 "Fighters of the Luftwaffe", 1993, ISBN 1-85409-139-5 "German Guided Missiles", 1993, ISBN 0-88740-475-8 "Bombers of the Luftwaffe", 1994, ISBN 1-85409-140-9 "Germany's Secret Weapons in World War II", 2000, ISBN 0-7603-0847-0 "Luftwaffe Secret Projects Fighters 1939-1945", 1997, ISBN 1-85780-052-4 "Luftwaffe Secret Projects Strategic Bombers 1935-1945", 2000, ISBN 1-85780-092-3 "Luftwaffe Secret Projects Ground Attack & Special Purpose Aircraft", 2003, ISBN 1-85780-150-4 "Luftwaffe 1946 Technical Manual, Projekt Saucer", 1998, Antarctic Press "Luftwaffe 1946 Technical Manual, Amerika Bombers, 1999, Antarctic Press "Disc Aircraft of the Third Reich" (1922-1945 and Beyond), 2005, Ice Reich Productions, Not yet published


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