Countries bordering the European Union
This is a list of countries bordering the European Union and its predecessor the European Community both at its current geographical extent and after all previous rounds of enlargement.
Contents |
As of 2004
- Western border of the EU
- Eastern border of the EU, north to south
- Northern border of Greece, west to east
- Cyprus demarcation line1
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 1995 to 2004
- Western border of the EU
- Eastern border of the EU, north to south
- Northern border of Greece, west to east
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 1990 to 1995
- Eastern border of the EC/EU, north to south
- Poland
- Czechoslovakia, subsequently Czech Republic
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Yugoslavia, subsequently Slovenia
- Northern border of Greece, west to east
- Albania
- Yugoslavia, subsequently Republic of Macedonia
- Bulgaria
- Turkey
- Enclaves within EC/EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 1986 to 1990
- Eastern border of the EC, north to south
- Northern border of Greece, west to east
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 1981 to 1986
- Southern French border
- Eastern border of the EC, north to south
- Northern border of Greece, west to east
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 1973 to 1981
- Southern French border
- Eastern border of the EC, north to south
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 1958 to 1973
- Southern French border
- Eastern border of the EC, north to south
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
From 2007 (projected)
- Eastern border of the EU, north to south
- Western Balkans
- Cyprus demarcation line1
- Enclaves within EU territory
- Bordering French Guiana2
1 Although the whole of Cyprus became part of the European Union on 1 May 2004, EU legislation only applies to the Republic of Cyprus, the Greek southern part of the island. EU legislation is suspended in the internationally unrecognised Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus is therefore de facto not part of the EU.
2 French Guiana is a French département d'outre-mer, and as such is fully part of France and the EU.
3 Montenegro will hold a referendum in 2006 on whether to remain in union with Serbia, or to become fully independent. Therefore, come 2007, the state of Serbia and Montenegro may no longer exist, and only Serbia would still border EU members.