Chi-Chi is a fictional character in the manga Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z and the anime Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.
Chi-Chi also means arial woody sprouts produced from the trunk or branches by ginkgos, either from stress or old age.
Chi Chi was also the name of a Giant Panda which was resident at London Zoo from 1958. She was one of the first Giant Pandas in a western zoo.
Chi Chi is also a Singaporean children's game.
Chichi are basal woody sprouts produced from the base or roots by ginkgos, either from stress or old age.
Chichi is a nickname given to French president Jacques Chirac.
Chi-Chi's is a Tex-Mex restaurant chain.
Chi-Chi is a township in the Nantou County in Taiwan. It is where a famous earthquake took place (see Chi-Chi earthquake).
Chi Chi also means a hand charge game played in certain schools in Singapore. In this game, everyone charge to be able to attack. The following is about the version played in Nan Hua Primary School. The different basic signals are charge (clapping before two fingers pointing in front of you), block (to block off basic attacks), jump (to block off certain attacks) and dig (same effectiveness as jump but it can block off a different attack). The attacks are as the following:1 charge-Sin (there are different variations of pronunciations, able to attack opponent who charges), 2 charge-Grenade (able to attack opponent who charges, sin and jump), Groundigger (able to attack opponent who charges, sin, and digs), and bang (also 2 charge, able to attack opponent who charges, sin, grenade and groundigger), 3 charge-Rifle (able to attack opponent who charges, sin, grenade, groundigger and bangs), 4 charge-machine gun (able to attack opponent who charges, sin, grenade, groundigger, bangs and rifle), 5 charge-laser (only jump and dig can avoid this), 6 charge-missile (only dig can avoid this), 7 charge-bazooka (only dig can avoid this), 8 charge-explosive (only jump can avoid this), 10 charge-nuclear bomb (the absolute one, only nuclear satellite (15 charges) and nuclear combo (30 charges) can defeat this), 15 charge-nuclear satellite (only nuclear combo can defeat this) and finally, 30 charge-nuclear satellite (the most powerful). Currently, it is estimated that there are two hundred to five hundred pupils who play this game worldwide.