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photo of Videl

Anime Name Videl
Manga Name
Alternate Name(s)
Canon to Original Manga
First Appearance Issue #xx
Appears in Template:Appears in:DBZ, DBGT
Race Human
Family Connections
DB Character Listing - Category
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Videl in the Great Saiyaman Saga of Dragon Ball Z
Videl is a fictional character in the manga Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z and the anime Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. She is a human.

Videl is the daughter of Hercule Satan and her mother who died when she was young. Hercule is very protective of her, especially with respect to boys. She grew up learning martial arts hoping to be as great as her dad, when in fact, unknown to herself she was already better than him. She is a tough tom boy like character, raised with fame all around her.

After making Son Gohan teach her to how fly she slowly falls in love with him, for his kind and honest heart. She readily believes Gohan after he confesses he beat Cell and trusts him with her life. When she sees him severely wounded she tries to save him from an opponent she has no chance of beating, and is stopped only by being restrained by Goku. After hearing of his supposed death at the hands of Majin Buu she breaks down crying and confesses her love for him, denying that he was dead. However she wouldn't escape from Buu alive, as she was turned into chocolate and consumed by Buu. In heaven she searches for Gohan, along with Dabura, Chi-Chi and Bulma, but they cannot find him. However, even though she is dead, Videl is convinced that Gohan is still alive. She doesn't know that Gohan passes away when Buu annihilates Earth... After both she and Gohan come back to life and they meet again, Videl is happy at seeing 'the big jerk' again. They later get married and have a daughter named Pan.

In Dragon Ball GT, she and her husband get possessed by Bebi, Videl noticed on the planet New Plant, that Pan was helping other ones to become normal. Videl kicked Pan out of the air, demanding that she stopped with such action, and to become one of BebiĀ“s underlings. Videl and Gohan almost killed their own daughter, since Bebi ordered them to, but Uub intercepted and saved Pan. Videl is cured with the Sacred Water. She wants to fight along in the Super 17 saga, however, Goku and Android 18 have done the job already. She is also involved in the battle with Omega Shenron, along with her husband and daughter. Aflter Goku says goodbye to everyone, Videl, Gohan and Pan would live in peace


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