User:Tobias Conradi/tango-database
Contents |
This page serves the coordination of the construction of a Tango-database
In the section Data there is something that is not relevant, for the milonga-calendar. Just ignore this for time beeing.
See User:Tobias_Conradi/tango-database/calendar - for table layout
- Time
- ISO 8601
- start time, end time, duration, repitition
- regular events
- weekly
- weekly, but not at Vollmond
- every 2nd sunday in a month
- weekly but not at vacation (summer), or special date because room is closed
- Space
- country ISO 3166-1, subcountry ISO 3166-2, city UN/LOCODE, postal code, street, number
- Different adresses for post and for coming
- Space independent contact data
- phone (1,2,.. mobile), emails, http://.... , bank account
- types of events
- festival, milonga, milonga-opening, course, practica, tournee
- locations
- types of people
- (male/female): teacher, showdancer, organizer, musician (bandoneon, violin, piano, vocal, )
- groups: couples (show, teaching), orchestras
- stuff
- clothes, shoes, fans (deutsch:Fächer), cds, magazines
- prices ISO 4217
- for events
- problem for practica; practica and milonga have their own time intervall, but you can only buy both together, or only milonga
- for information, for hard stuff (clothes,...)
- for events
- Rights / Responsibilities
- list upload? (not important)
- Filetypes
- Filter
- multilingual ISO 639
- Rights
- domains
Performance MySQL, PHP (I think: PHP5 comes with SQLite not MySQL)
Strategy / Publicity / Marketing
- create incentives for local support
- create killer aplications, so that everyone wants to use the DB
- organizers should be able to integrate data in their local websites
- cooperate with tangodanza
- ask for support.
- high ranking in Google (-> Output HTML, Tobias Conradi will do)
- intelligent crosslinks, good page titles and source code
- longterm - how to assure correct data?
- saludo has old data
- make interfaces easy for non IT-people!
- start in Germany
- for testing we have Berlin (TobiasC), Munic (JoergV), Hannover (MichaelZ), Stuttgart (Dino) support, we have to ask mark from Saludo for north Germany
- we can automatically create tables for, because this page is well known, people have incentives
What exists?
calendars Y!Groups have calendar, very easy to use but no export possibility
other (no DB but known for Go Tango Worldwide)
Who can offer what?
- marketing / domains
- MySQL Database, programming
- 2003-09-09 j.v.; Jörg Velletti MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, Flash usw
- 2003-09-09 t.c.; Tobias Conradi PHP
- Design
- Images
- regional calendar input,
- 2003-09-09 j.v.; Jörg Velletti PLZ 8x
- 2003-09-09 t.c.; Tobias Conradi PLZ 10x
- testing,
- proposals for improvements
- Email / Telefon Support new Users of System