User:Sparky the Seventh Chaos

First and foremost, I would like to politely ask that no one edits my little page here, unless I'm breaking a rule or something. Feel free to leave stuff on the Talk, though. ^_^
Well, let's see... I'm a 17-year-old human female, but I often consider myself online to be a rather unconventional dragoness. I like to write, though what comes out is mostly fanfiction. I also draw, mostly with either a pencil or pen, but I do have an oekaki board I visit once in a while. I also (sporadically) keep a LiveJournal.
All the links to these things are down in the External Links section.
Sparky the Seventh Chaos, with variations such as sparky_7th_chaos, sparky_chaos, and the rare Sparky the Topaz Chaos/sparky_topaz_chaos (used mainly for places where more than one account is allowed), is my universal screename, except for at the GameFAQs ( message boards, where I rarely post but still lurk now and then. There, I'm called marli. Yes, lower-case m. This is because capping anything was a pain in the butt back when I pecked everything out letter-by-letter on an on-television-screen keyboard with a Sega Dreamcast controller.
I seem to have found my niche in Wikipedia adding articles on obscure things in general and obscure video games in particular. I also like adding U.S. measurements to articles with only metric, and vice versa, using this handy conversion website ( I also seem to have a compulsion to edit spelling and grammatical errors wherever they are found, typically with Microsoft Word's help. I think these tasks suit me quite nicely.
(October 10th, 2004) MUST. FIX. POKéMON ARTICLES. I've gotta fix 'em all! For now, I'm mainly working on the aspects of Pokémon that aren't main characters or Pokémon themselves. Things like general cleanup, adding the accent on the e, creating redirects where none exist for the unaccented e... stuff like that. The Search function shall be my friend.
I also occationally contribute to Wikiquote ( My user name is the same as it is here - as I said, Sparky the Seventh Chaos is my universal Internet alias.
On a totally random note, I seem to refer to this site as the Wikipedia a lot. I'm not sure why.
Contents |
And now, a list of some of my favorite things:
- video games
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Maria Robotnik
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Knuckles the Echidna
- various fan characters
- Metroid
- Samus Aran
- Squishy the Metroid (fan character/inside joke)
- various fan characters
- Ecco the Dolphin
- Ecco
- Trellia
- The Asterite
- Pilot the Mover
- Pilot's mother
- The Circle's temple keeper
- The Resistance leader
- Super Smash Bros. Melee
- Pokémon
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- The Legendary Birds
- The Legendary Dogs/Beasts (I usually call them the Legendary Dogs)
- Dragon-like Pokémon
- Jijiju the Pikachu (semi-fan character – he's heavily based on the Pikachu from Hey You, Pikachu! and Pokémon Channel)
- The Legend of Zelda
- Kirby
- Skies of Arcadia
- Rareware games
- Jet Force Gemini
- Juno
- Lupus
- Vela
- King Jeff and the other Tribals
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Fangy the Raptor
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Kazooie
- Banjo-Tooie
- Kazooie
- Jet Force Gemini
- Harvest Moon
- Earthworm Jim
- Jim
- Peter Puppy
- Evil the Cat
- Professor Monkey-for-a-Head
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Engrish
- "All your base are belong to us" and other Zero Wing phrases
- "Top of cool"
- "We all favorite (whatever)"
- "This is a warning of you!"
- "Let's (action) with me!" (Sometimes used as an edit summary as "Let's cleanup with me!")
- reading
- writing
- "Conventional" artwork (both on the drawing and seeing side [conventional as I think that pretty much anything created with the object to entertain somehow, with or without a higher purpose, is generally art. Not all art is good, no.])
- my main 'real' medium is pencil art, though I have dabbled in:
- On the computer, I work with:
- Microsoft Paint
- The very odd (okay, one) oekaki
- old comic strips
- animation (on the watching side)
- listening to music
- classic rock and roll
- videogame music
- Funyuns
- the Internet
- talking endlessly
I like to think I can generally see both sides of issues. There are some subjects, like with everyone, that are very hard to convince me I'm wrong about, though. So, here are a few things I dislike:
- bad grammar and spelling
- 1990's pop music
- the menstrual cycle (the bleeding phase)
- torture
- war
- People calling winged horses "Pegasuses"
- Bullheadedness
Note that these pet peeves vary wildly in importance. :)
I do not subscribe to any one religion or philosophy; rather, I mix ideas from a whole bunch. In short:
- Evolution is a fact of life (And those who confuse evolution with abiogenesis are misinformed)
- I like the idea of reincarnation
- I think of karma in a slightly modified way from the normal belief
- I think there's a paradise/Heaven
- I don't think there's a Hell
- I'm agnostic about any sort of god in the conventional sense
- This does not include beings who simply happen to be all-powerful; next idea explains that
- I believe in infinite multiple universes, or in other words in an infinitely large Multiverse
That's me. The local insane dragoness.
Sparky's licensing
I admit freely that I don't really understand any of this legal stuff very well, but these licenses seem sensible, so I'm adopting them. ^_^ Also, please note that these licenses only apply to article space. I also reserve the right to retroactively change these if I have to.
Template:DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Dual Template:MultiLicenseMinorPD
External links
- My fanfiction ( at (
- My original stories ( at (
- My art ( at Side 7 (
- My oekaki work ( at the Side 7 oekaki board (
- My LiveJournal ( (Updates at random and often long intervals.)