

Hello, I'm P. A. Zetler, and I live in Puzzletown, Pennsylvania, two miles to the southwest from Newry. I was born on the 29th of October in 1986 in Altoona, about twenty miles to the north. I'm a Democrat, a new user greeter, a Trekkie, and a slugabed. I know how to play chess, Risk, Monopoly, mancala, hearts, Egyptian ratscrew, and checkers; drink tea properly; play guitar; use a hatchet, axe, and maul; operate a Unix prompt; use a camera; type on a qwerty keyboard properly; write in Latin; make a snowball; build a fire; use 'whom' correctly; tell a Miranda class starship from a Soyuz; write a shell script; and walk through Manhattan without dying. My favorite color is orange and my least favorite is yellow. I like God; photography; Pittsburgh; Linux; Unix in general; computers in general; Baltimore; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; earlobes; Radiohead; MegaTokyo; Washington, D.C.; Star Trek: The Next Generation; tea; free stuff;; Star Wars; The Adventures of Pete and Pete; cities; They Might Be Giants; Cowboy Bebop; the U.S. Constitution; kittens; the color pink; Soul Coughing; checkerboard patterns; open-source software; Invader Zim; Boston; sedation; music; superscripting and underlining the 'c's in 'Mc'- surnames and the 'st's, 'nd's, 'rd's, and 'th's in ordinals; Pennsylvania; pretty girls; New York City; LCARS; Germanic languages; &c. as an abbreviation for 'et cetera'; kiwifruit; Sonic Youth; FLCL; strings of Christmas lights, white or colored; garage rock; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; bebop; Stratocasters; the United States; soup; M*A*S*H; fog; Sigur Rós; Philadelphia; bus trips; cold weather; beagles; hounds in general; dogs in general; mammals in general; and animals in general.

Articles started, major edits done, and images uploaded:

User:Djinn112/Greeting, User:Djinn112/To do

All edits under the username Djinn112, except for those in the user and user_talk namespaces, are released to the public domain.


Lay it on me, Bubba.


Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928)
Talented Scottish Arts and Crafts/Art Nouveau architect and furnishings designer

Alan Alda (1936-)
Creative consultant for and actor in the TV show M*A*S*H, which he used to speak out for equality, particularly between men and women

Michael Okuda (?-)
Graphic designer for Star Trek movies and series, most notably the inventor of the LCARS style of graphics

Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)
Technically and creatively skilled psychedelic blues-rock guitarist; died at age 27, possibly due to a sleeping pill overdose

George Fox (1624-1691)
Founder of the Religious Society of Friends; dismissed theologians as 'notionists' and believed in people's capability to find divine truth within themselves

Alan Turing (1912-1954)
Groundbreaking computer scientist and cryptanalyzer; committed suicide, likely due to his forced government hormone treatment as a homosexual

Joel and Ethan Coen (1954-) / (1957-)
American screenwriters and film directors known for unusual films

Winsor McCay (1871-1934)
Cartoonist and Vaudeville performer known for his 1905-1911 comic strip, Little Nemo in Slumberland

Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991)
Creator of Star Trek and a firm believer in the equality of all humans

Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)
Brilliant American poet who focused on the common people and the city of Chicago

Conan O'Brien (1963-)

Kevin McDonald (1961-)
My favorite Kid in the Hall

Yuval Gabay (1963-)
Hip-hop drummer most well known for his work with the group Soul Coughing

John Linnell (1959-)
One-half of They Might Be Giants and notable for his songwriting ability

Steve Burns (1973-)
Former host of Blue's Clues and indie rock guitarist

Charlie Parker (1920-1955)
Bebop saxophonist known for his high-speed solos

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
Early 20th century American architect known for opposing the modernism movements of that period with his organic, free-flowing designs

Robert Pershing Wadlow (1918-1940)
Tallest person in recorded history at 8'11", Wadlow was reportedly a shy, gentle person who loved his family and neighbors; he died at age 22 from a blister caused by a faulty leg brace

J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973)
Creator of the fantasy world of Middle-earth, replete with many and varied peoples and people, a large and detailed history and geography, and several languages, most notably Sindarin and Quenya

Richard M. Stallman (1953-)
Computer programmer, founder of the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation, and well-known popularizer of the concept of open source software

Maria Bamford (1970-)
Stand up comedian and a sometimes television actor and voice actor; both adorable and a dependable source of the funny

Marc Okrand (?-)
Well-known conlanger; among his creations are the Klingon and Atlantean languages

Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)
Popular science fiction author and Shakespeare annotator; he once sat next to my paternal grandmother at a dinner and told her dirty limericks

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)
Obscenely rich steel guy who built a whole lot of stuff throughout the Pittsburgh area; Henry Clay Frick ran that whole Homestead fiasco, so don't blame him for that

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