Rail usage statistics by country
Rail usage statistics by country
Contents |
Passenger rail
Passenger-km of rail transport by country, in billion/year:
- China 405
- India 404
- Japan 241
- Russia 141
- Germany 73
- Egypt 68
- France 67
- Ukraine 48
- USA 42
- Italy 41
- South Korea 30
- UK 29
- Poland 26
- Pakistan 19
- Spain 18
- Indonesia 16
- Netherlands 14
- Belarus 13
- Romania 12
- Argentina 11
- Thailand 10
- South Africa 10
- Kazakhstan 9
- Austria 8
- Sweden 7
- Belgium 7
- Switzerland 7
- Czech Republic 7
- Hungary 7
- Iran 6
- Turkey 6
- Denmark 5
- Australia 5
- Portugal 4
- Myanmar 4
- Bangladesh 4
- Bulgaria 4
- Finland 3
- Sri Lanka 3
- Slovakia 3
- Viet Nam 3
- Uzbekistan 2
- Morocco 2
- Mexico 2
- Greece 2
- Cuba 1
- Ireland 1
- Canada 1
- Malaysia 1
- Tunisia 1
- Algeria 1
- Mongolia 1
- Latvia 1
- Croatia .9
- Serbia and Montenegro .9
- Lithuania .7
- Chile .7
- Slovenia .6
- Zimbabwe .6
- Tanzania .6
- Israel .5
- Nigeria .5
- Bolivia .5
- New Zealand .4
- Georgia .4
- Zambia .4
- Kenya .3
- Saudi Arabia .3
- Cameroun .2
- Philippines .2
- Ghana .2
- Estonia .2
- Republic of the Congo .2
- Uruguay .2
- Syria .2
- Côte d'Ivoire .2
- Ethiopia .2
- Republic of Macedonia .2
- Zaire .1
- Peru .1
- Sudan .1
- Albania .1
- Gabon .09
- Senegal .08
- Brazil .06
- Namibia .05
- Armenia .05
- Malawi .02
- Colombia .02
- Uganda .01
- Venezuela .00015 (?)
Source: http://www.worldbank.org/transport/rail/rdb.htm
Distance travelled by rail per inhabitant in km/year:
Japan 1900 Switzerland 1730 Belarus 1300 France 1100 Ukraine 1000 Russia 1000 Denmark 1000 Austria 1000 Egypt 900 Netherlands 900 Germany 900 Sweden 800 Belgium 700 Italy 700 Czech Republic 700 Poland 700 Hungary 700 South Korea 600 Romania 600 Norway 566 Kazakhstan 500 United Kingdom 500 Spain 500 Portugal 400 India 400 China 300 Argentina 300 South Africa 200 Thailand 150 US 140 Pakistan 120 Iran 90 Myanmar 90 Turkey 90 Indonesia 70 Bangladesh 30
Freight rail
Freight rail by billions of tonne-kilometers
United States 2238 China 1231 Russia 1205 India 282 EU 240 Germany 71 France 55 Poland 55 Japan 23 Italy 23 England 18 Korea 10
Source: [1] (http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cove/5750/raildata.html)
Freight rail by tonne-kilometer per capita
United States 7312 Russian Federation 6948 China 991 EU 641