

Flareon (#136) - Porygon - Omanyte (#138)

Name (Japanese), Number Porygon (Porigon), 137
Stage Basic
Evolves from (none)
Evolves to Porygon2²
Hit points 65
Attack 60
Defense 70
Speed 40
Special³ 75
Special attack² 85
Special defense² 75
Species Virtual Pokémon
Type Template:PokemonTypeNormal
Height 0.80 m (2 ft 7 in)
Weight 36.5 kg (80.5 lb)
Pokédex ColorPink
Shiny color The pink parts of its body become blue, and the blue parts of its body become light purple
Ability Trace
Signature attack Conversion
Gender distribution Genderless
¹ Stats for trading card versions may vary.

² Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

³ Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow

Porygon is listed as Pokémon #137 in the Pokédex.

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Name origin

The name Porygon originated from the word polygon.


Porygon is available in every Pokémon video game except Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Colosseum, though you can trade Porygon to those three games using Fire Red and Leaf Green.

To obtain Porygon, go to the Celadon City Game Corner prize area, where you have to pay a certain amount of coins, either 5999 (Crystal), 6000 (Blue), or 9999 (Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver).


Porygon is a man-made Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. It is capable of moving freely in cyberspace. Since it doesn't breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment. It is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.

Porygon came about as a result of extensive research. It is programmed with only basic motions and can only perform what is in its program.

Anime appearance

On December 16, 1997, an episode (called Electric Soldier Porygon) of the cartoon broadcast in Japan caused several children to have epileptic seizures. Japan's Fire Defense Agency reported 685 affected people were admitted into hospitals of 30 prefectures by the following day. The phenomenon was repeated when a news broadcast about the event inexplicably replayed the offending scene. It was discovered that the very quickly alternating red and blue patterns of the scene in question caused a reaction due to a previously undiagnosed (in Japan) form of epilepsy. The light was caused by a blast from when Team Rocket lasers Pikachu. (As it turned out, the American Federal Communications Commission, and equivalent agencies in most European countries, already knew that television used in this manner could sometimes invoke epilepsy, and had banned extremely high frequency color switching on television broadcasts in their countries years ago.) Some fans of the show have wondered why the offending scene was not simply removed, as it was the only scene in the episode to cause problems.

Possibly as a result of this incident, Porygon has not appeared in the animé since. However, one can be seen in the "Ash's Journey" segment that preceeds the Kanto and Johto movies.

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