List of typefaces
This is a list of typefaces.
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- Adobe Serif
- Antiqua
- Aster
- Baskerville
- Bembo
- Benguiat
- Bodoni
- Bookman
- Cartier Book
- Caslon
- Computer Modern
- Espy Serif
- Nu Serif (Martin Pfeiffer ('s TrueType version of Espy Serif)
- Friz Quadrata (famous for being the font on some of Mariah Carey's albums)
- Garamond
- Gentium
- Georgia
- Goudy
- Legacy Serif
- Lucida Bright
- MS Serif (included with all Windows 3.x/9x versions)
- Century Schoolbook
- New York (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Palatino
- Book Antiqua (Monotype's imitation of Palatino)
- Plantin
- Renault
- Rockwell
- Roman (vector font included with Windows 3.1)
- Rotis Serif
- Souvenir
- Stone Serif
- Times Roman
- Versailles
Sans serif
- Abadi
- Adobe Sans
- Arial
- Avant Garde
- Bell (used in telephone directories)
- Caliban
- Charcoal (Mac OS 9 system font)
- Chicago (pre-Mac OS 9 system font, still included with Mac OS X)
- Espy Sans
- Nu Sans (Martin Pfeiffer ('s TrueType version of Espy Serif)
- Eurostile
- Franklin Gothic
- Frutiger
- Futura
- Geneva (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Gill Sans
- Handel Gothic
- Helvetica
- Impact
- Johnston
- Kabel
- Legacy Sans
- Lucida Sans
- Modern (vector font included with Windows 3.1)
- MS Sans Serif (included with all Windows 3.x/9x versions)
- Myriad (Mac OS X system font)
- News Gothic
- Optima
- Revue
- Rotis Sans
- Skia (the first QuickDraw GX font, still found in Mac OS X today)
- Stone Sans
- Tahoma
- Transport alphabet (used on British road signs)
- Trebuchet MS
- Univers
- Verdana
- Andale Mono
- Courier
- Fixed
- Fixedsys
- Letter Gothic
- Lucida Console
- Monaco (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Prestige (similar to Courier)
- ProFont (A freeware font designed for easy readability at small sizes)
- Sydnie (included with QuickTime)
- Apple Chancery
- Scriptina (freeware script font, comparable to Zapfino)
- Zapf Chancery
- Zapfino
- Ashley Script (bundled with Macintosh System 7; still found in Mac OS X)
- Comic Sans
- Dom Casual
- Kristen (very similar to Comic Sans; comes with Mac OS 8 and up)
- Lucida Handwriting
- Tekton
- Cupola
- Curlz
- Script (vector font included with Windows 3.1)
- Stone Informal
- Amienne (Cyrillic brush script font by Ray Larabie)
- Kochi
- Mincho
- Mona
- Gothic
- MS Gothic
- SimSun
- Tai Le Valentinium
- Tengwar Noldor
- Tengwar Quenya
- Tengwar Sindarin
- Wadalab
- ALPHABETUM (one of only 3 Unicode fonts to support the Supplementary Multilingual Plane)
- Arial Unicode MS (only supports up to Unicode 2.0)
- Bitstream Cyberbit
- Bitstream Vera (sans-serif version of Cyberbit)
- Code2000 (shareware Unicode font; supports the entire BMP)
- Doulos SIL (designed for IPA)
- Everson Mono Unicode (contains all non-CJK characters)
- Junicode (includes many obsolete scripts, intended for mediævalists)
- LastResort (Mac OS X fallback font)
- Lucida Grande (Unicode font included with Mac OS 9 and up)
- Lucida Sans Unicode (only supports ISO 8859-x characters)
- TITUS Cyberbit Basic (updated version of Cyberbit)
- Unicode fallback font (freeware fallback font for Windows)
Dingbat/Symbol fonts
- Apple Symbols
- Bookshelf Symbol 7
- Symbol (consists of Greek letters and mathemetical symbols)
- Wingdings
- Webdings
- Zapf Dingbats
- Ashley Inline
- Bauhaus
- Braggadocio
- Björk
- Cooper Black
- Grasset
- ITC Kahana
- Punk
- Pythagoras
- System (default system font in Windows 3.x)
- Terminal (CP437 Windows font)
cs:Seznam fontů hu:Betűképek listája pt:Lista de famílias tipográficas fr:Liste des polices