Xenogears terms
Xenogears is a role-playing game for the Sony PlayStation. This is a glossary of names and terms in the game.
- Abel
- As a young boy living in the Cosmic War era, he came into contact with Zohar when he accidentally stumbled upon a facility housing a Deus/Zohar connection experiment. The Wave Existence gave Abel its power so one day he could destroy Zohar, which would free the Existence to ascend back to the higher dimension. Abel had been searching for his mother when he made contact, and his desire to be with her imparted the Existence with a mother's will when he made contact. It constructed a woman using the biological computer Kadomony, a component of the Deus system, to be with Abel, but Deus transformed the woman into the original Miang. Abel was the only human survivor of the Eldridge crash. See also Abel.
- Aveh
- One of the two kingdoms of the Ignas continent. As the story begins, it is at war with the kingdom of Kislev. Aveh was losing the war with Kislev until the Gebler military force from Solaris began assisting Aveh with military support. It is located in the desert of Ignas and was founded by Roni Fatima five hundred years before, after the great war with Solaris. See also Ab.
- Eldridge
- A Philadelphia Class interstellar war ship. The Eldridge was sent to Miktam04B, the planet destroyed by Deus, to collect survivors and retrieve the weapon. Eldridge was to transport the weapon to an uninhabited planet but Deus realized what was happening and took control of the ship. The captain tried to regain control, but could not. He decided to self-destruct the ship, and its remains crash-landed on an unidentified planet, where the game's events transpire. Abel, the child who had made contact with Zohar, was the sole survivor of the crash. It is interesting to note that Eldridge is the name of the small US Navy ship alleged to have been involved in the famed Philadelphia Experiment. See also Eldridge.
- Emperor Cain (0001 - 9999)
- The first human to be born on the planet along with the Gazel Ministry. Assassinated by Kharan Ramsus in the year 9999 after Eldridge's crash See also Cain.
- Ethos
- A monastic sect dedicated to the collection and preservation of knowledge and technology, they are the main source of maintenance for the world's Gears. They exist in all countries, and are a strong influence in each government. The Ethos are responsible for organizing the Kislev Battling competitions, and for regular extermination of the Wels monsters. See also Spirit, Ethics.Missing image
Wikipedia_xenogears_ethos.pngSymbol of Ethos
- Gazel
- A term used when referring to pure-blooded citizens of Solaris.
- Gears
- Human-shaped robots used for fighting. Most Gears are powered via slave generators that draw energy from Zohar.
- Gebler
- The special military force of Solaris used to conduct operations on the ground.
- Ignas
- The largest continent. It is made up of the kingdoms of Aveh, Kislev, and Nisan. Aveh and Kislev have been at war with each other for hundreds of years, while Nisan has avoided conflict while maintaining close ties between its religious leaders and Aveh's royal family.
- Kislev
- A country on the continent of Ignas. Kislev is in the northern part of the continent. It was founded around five hundred years before the main events in the game, after the war with Solaris. Kislev has been at war with neighboring Aveh for hundreds of years but has currently gained the upper hand in the war due to better resources found in the ruins within Kislev's borders. See also Kislev.
- Kim Kasim (6055 – 6083)
- A brilliant doctor and scientist. Born during the Zeboim era in the year 6055 after the Eldridge's crash. Is considered the creator of the Nanotechnology later developed by Krelian and Taurus (Taura) Melchior. Driven by his girlfriend's (Elly) inability to give birth due to the expanding radioactive poisoning, he allied himself with the Ravine rebel group to sponsor his studies in Molecular Machinery, thus creating Emeralda. He was assassinated alongside Elly by the Zeboim Militia in 6083 and Emeralda was sealed.
- Lamb
- Term used by the people of Solaris when referring to people that live on the planet's surface.
- Lost Jerusalem
- The name given to Earth in the year T.C. 0016. Due to unknown reasons Earth became inaccessible to humans during that time. Since then it has been called Lost Jerusalem and is considered a holy place. See also Jerusalem.
- Miktam04Beta
- The planet destroyed by Deus in its disastrous initial test in T.C. 4767.
- Neo Jerusalem
- The name of the planet that the humans settled after Lost Jerusalem became inaccessible. Neo Jerusalem was discovered in the year T.C. 294. Neo Jerusalem is located in the M24 Milky Way Star Cloud within the Sagittarius constellation.
- Nisan
- The third major country of Ignas, located in an island in a meteor crater lake on an island immediately northwest of the Ignas mainland. Traditionally a peaceful and religious country, all the historic queens of Aveh were also called the Holy Mother of the Nisan religious sect. See also Nisan.Missing image
Wikipedia_xenogears_nisan.pngCross of Nisan
- Shevat
- A country that floats in the sky and opposes Solaris. Shevat used to be at the top of Babel Tower but is currently airborne. After the resurrection of Deus, Shevat fell from the sky and landed in the snowfields near the planet's south pole. See also Shevat.
- System Deus
- Said to have been created by the humans during the Cosmos War. The main component of Deus was called Omega-1, and its power source was Zohar. During the initial test of the system, it went out of control, and Zohar connected to a higher dimension to attain more power. The resulting connection pulled the Wave Existence from the higher dimension and trapped it inside Zohar. The power it got for the Wave Existence was too much, and Deus went out of control and destroyed a colony planet, Miktam04B, before it shut down. The war ship Eldridge was sent to the planet to search the system and recover any surviors that were left. See also Tetragrammaton. See also Deus.
- Tammuz
- Tammuz is another country. In the official English language translation, the name was transliterated Thames. See also Tammuz (month).
- Transcend Christ
- In the year A.D. 2510, the world-wide central management organization responsible for the space emigration plan changed the current calendar from A.D. to Transcend Christ (T.C.).
- Wave Existence
- A being from a higher dimension. It was trapped inside Zohar during the initial test of the Deus System. It is responsible for the energy that powers the Gears and people's ether abilities. See also U-DO.
- Yggdrasil
- A state-of-the-art sand cruiser, the traditional flagship of Aveh. It is held by Prince Bartholomew Fatima and his rebel forces, and is their main vehicle of opposition against Aveh's dictator Shakhan and the Gebler forces. See also Yggdrasil.Missing image
Wikipedia_xenogears_yggdrasil.pngFlag of the Yggdrasil
- Zohar
- A monolith-shaped object that was found on Earth in the year 2001. The scientists that studied it discovered that it was capable of producing almost infinite amounts of energy. In the year T.C. 4767 it was made into the power source of System Deus. In Episode V, Zohar is responsible for the ether power that the people of the world use and is the main power source of all the Gears in the world. See also Zohar.
- Zeboim
- A civilization that existed 4,000 years before the game's events. The Zeboim were a technologically advanced civilization that had mastered nanotechnology, but the population was dwindling due to genetic damage. In order to restart the human race to provide better material for Deus, the Gazel Ministry started a nuclear war that destroyed over 90% of the planet's population.
External Links
- An encylopedia of Xenogears terms at "Xenogears: God and Mind" (http://www.xgam.org/xenogears/encyclopaedia/)