Brian Clevinger

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Brian Clevinger

Brian Clevinger is the author of the popular webcomic 8-Bit Theater and the novel Nuklear Age. He recently took over writing duties for the mini-comic in the back of the monthly City of Heroes comic with Jarrod Sievert providing the art. He is currently writing his second novel, a sequel to Nuklear Age. He is known primarily as a humorist, and tends to write jokes with long-reaching setups and many "call backs" or running gags.


Basic Information

Brian Clevinger was born on May 7 1978. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida, and lives with his girlfriend and their two cats. He attended college at the University of Florida for a number of years where he sought an English Major to further his goal of becoming a professional writer. Due to what he refers to as "administrative incompetence of epic proportions," he was forced into the Philosophy program against his will. He eventually left the university when his writing career began to take off just a semester before he would have earned his degree. He is regularly invited to speak at video game, electronics, and webcomics conventions.


Clevinger's popular webcomic is 8-Bit Theater, hosted on his site [Nuklear Power (]. The premise of the comic is that of four would-be fantasy heroes, all 8-bit quality graphic sprites taken primarily from the Final Fantasy game or photoshopped by Clevinger himself. For more information on the webcomic, see the relevant article.

He has also created the lesser known webcomic, Dynasty Memory.

Other Information

Clevinger's primary claim to fame is 8-Bit Theater. He also wrote a book, Nuklear Age, and is writing its sequel. 8-Bit Theater reportedly takes most of his time. As such he is supported primarily through income from Nuklear Power's advertising revenue, merchandising, and sales of Nuklear Age according to statements made by Clevinger. Some of the comic's images are made by Kevin Sigmund. Pierre-Luc Brunet is repsonsible for the site's maintenance.

See also

Nuklear Age

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