User:Asa Winstanley

Hello I am Asa. I live in London, UK. I discovered Wikipedia when it was listed on Slashdot in July 2001. I then started tinkering with various bits. I continue to do so when I have a bit of time.

Here on Wikiepedia, I sign myself: aw or AW. My user name used to be just Asa, but that was needed for an article (should have thought more before i used that user name really!). Software changes now mean I could have the user Asa again, but this one is fine :)

Only just noticed that some cheeky so-and-so edited my page to make it look as if I LIKE The Matrix. Of course the fact that he/she did this over a year ago leaves me with substantial amounts of egg on my face...


Some articles I have contributed to




History and Politics


Todo - stuff I have (vaugely) lined up to do at some point
Talk - if you want to talk to me, put it on this page

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Musings and Projects

  • Early September 2001: searched for "Linux" and modified most references to "Linux" the OS to read "GNU/Linux". Exceptions: personal opinion (Wikipedian's personal pages, /Talk pages and general reporting of opinion), quotes (book and essay names) and titles (e.g Mandrake Linux).
So someone put the Linuxs back annonymously after a bit of a row in the Talk on GNU/Linux. It was certainly an interesting experiment anyway  :)
  • 5th Dec. 2001 - Searched for all instances of Papacy and made sure they were linked to the article i started. :) I was seeking distraction, ok?!

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