The X-302 Experimental Fighter is a fictional spacecraft in the science-fiction television show, Stargate SG-1. It resembled the X-301, but was built entirely from Earth-constructed components, using reverse-engineered knowledge of alien tech.
It was first seen in the opening episodes of season 6. The X-302 has four sets of engines, two traditional jet engines, two aerospike engines, one rocket motor, and a naquadria-based hyperspace window generator. Its conventional engines are assisted by an inertial dampening system that allows the craft to achieve orbit. The first prototype was used to save the Earth from Anubis's plot to detonate the Earth stargate with an Ancient weapon system. Although it was lost in the process and its hyperdrive turned out to be too unstable to use safely, the X-302 was considered a success and went into production as the F-302.