The X-301 Experimental Fighter is a fictional spacecraft in the science-fiction television show, Stargate SG-1. The X-301 fighter visually resembles a cross between a Goa'uld Deathglider and a Nighthawk Stealth Fighter (F-117).
Initially seen in the Season 4 episode Tangent, the X-301 was Earth's first attempt to backwards engineer Goa'uld technology. The initial design of the craft used some components directly from two Deathgliders which almost proved fatal to its passengers when a preprogrammed booby trap sent the craft into outer space during a test flight. It did, however, pave the way for the development of the X-302 and X-303.
Unlike the later X-302, the X-301 was little more than a captured Goa'uld Deathglider that had been retrofitted to accommodate human technology. Earth engineers were unable to understand many of its systems (particularly the energy weapons), forcing them to remove or replace whatever they could not make functional. As such, the X-301 was equipped with a pair of naquadah-enhanced air-to-air missiles. Unfortunately, the technicians analyzing the Deathglider failed to discover a hidden 'recall device' which the System Lord Apophis had installed in the craft following Teal'c's betrayal. After Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c were rescued from the runaway craft during its first test flight, further work on the X-301 prototype was abandoned.