Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

Windows XP Professional 64-bit Edition released on April 25 2005 by Microsoft is a variation of the typical 32-bit Windows XP operating system. It is designed to use 64-bit memory addresses which increases the maximum allowable system memory (RAM) past the 32-bit limit of 4 GB, though it is currently limited to 128 GB (237) of physical RAM and 16 TB (244) of virtual RAM. It is currently only available for sale as an OEM product.

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Compatibility with 32-bit applications

Windows XP 64-bit Edition uses a technology named WOW64, to allow it to run 32-bit applications using the IA32 instruction set. This consists of:

  • Wow64.dll - provides the core emulation services such as data type conversion and an interface to the Windows NT kernel
  • Wow64win.dll - provides a wrapper for the majority of the Win32 API
  • Wow64cpu.dll - provides for switching the processor between 32-bit and 64-bit modes

Since the AMD64 architecture includes hardware support for 32-bit execution, WOW64 can just simply switch the process between 32-bit and 64-bit modes. However, on the IA64 architecture, WOW64 has to translate 32-bit instructions into 64-bit that the processor can execute. This means the AMD64 based processors are much more efficient at running 32-bit applications than IA64 based processors.

Although 32-bit applications can be transparently run, the mixing of the two types of code within the same process is not possible. A 64-bit application cannot load a 32-bit DLL into its process space, and similarly a 32-bit application cannot load a 64-bit DLL into its process space. This may lead to the need for DLL and COM developers to provide their libraries in both 32-bit and 64-bit editions, in order to accomodate being loaded by an application of either bitness. Windows XP 64-bit Edition includes both a 32-bit and a 64-bit edition of Internet Explorer in order to allow for the possibility that some third-party browser plugins or ActiveX controls may not yet be available in a 64-bit version. 32-bit drivers are not supported by Windows XP 64-bit Edition, so the users will have to wait until all their hardware is supported by the hardware vendor with 64-bit drivers [1] (

The WOW64 subsystem also redirects the following services when dealing with 32-bit applications:

  • Windows Registry - 32-bit applications see a different version of the registry to ensure compatibility between DLL and COM object registrations in 32 and 64-bit modes. WOW64 further provides a registry reflector that intelligently incorporates safe parts of the 32-bit registry tree with the main (64-bit) registry.
  • File System Redirection - the directory "%systemroot%\System32" is used by the 64-bit operating system for DLL files. WOW64 transparently redirects 32-bit requests for this directory to the "%systemroot%\SysWOW64" directory, where 32-bit DLLs are stored.

Compatibility with 16-bit applications

Unlike other versions of Windows XP, Windows XP Professional 64-bit Edition does not support the execution of 16-bit Windows or DOS code.

External links


zh:Windows XP Professional x64 Edition


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