
Welcome to my brand new ID. (Acquired 2004-06-11 ca. 16:30 UTC or 17:30 British Summer Time)

My name's Alex Wright and I'm a 18-year-old South English boy and sixth form college student. I'm unashamedly left-wing, pro-Palestinian, pro-Chechen separatism (e.g. see my Chechnya H2G2 article (, and anti-Zionist and against US imperialism. I also support drugs legalistation (especially marijuana legalisation). I enjoy reading Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, and Robert Fisk. I do try to add NPOV entries to articles though. (I do spend a lot of time changing "terrorist" to "militant" in Palestinian articles, and I reckon that's making the article more neutral).

I completely condemn all attacks on civilians and other war crimes, and particularly despair of the massacres of thousands of civilians committed by Western democracies in their wars. (For example, in 1999 US President Clinton, British PM Blair and International Development Secretay Clare Short--who apparently condemned the war on Iraq--claimed a Serbian TV station was a military target, and it was legal to murder 16 journalists just to keep it off the air for a few hours. I'm sure they wouldn't consider CNN, FoxNews and the BBC military targets).

I speak quite a bit of German (I'm studying German for A-level) and I have also done GCSE (English secondary school leaving) exams in French and Spanish. I managed to memorise most of the Russian Cyrillic and Greek alphabets without that much effort, although I don't know many words. I keep meaning to learn some Esperanto but never get round to it.

I added the original "Critisism of Reagan" section (now split up into smaller bits) to the late Ronald Reagan's article, shortly after his death. Although after some spelling corrections it mysteriously disappeared until I put it back on 11 June 2004.


Diego Garcia

I dont know what I am saying.

In Memory of Yasser Arafat

During March 9-13, 1997 (and perhaps earlier), Arafat met personally in Gaza with the leaders of Hamas and other militant groups, and gave them the "green light" to resume terrorist attacks. Following those meetings, Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak told Israel Radio on March 23, 1997: "Organizations such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad have an understanding from the Palestinian Authority to carry out attacks." After the outbreak of the violence in September 2000, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah coordinated together under the umbrella of the "Nationalist and Islamic Forces," led by Fatah.

In a memorandum captured in Operation Defensive Shield, the Secretary-General of the Fatah office in Tulkarm requested that Arafat provide $2,000 to each of 15 specifically named "Fighting Brethren" of the Tanzim military wing of Fatah. According to Israeli military sources, each of the "fighters" was involved in the planning or execution of suicide attacks. With his own signature in Arabic, Arafat authorized the payment of $800 to each of the "fighters" on April 5, 2001.

On September 19, 2001, Arafat personally approved a request for payment of $600 to three people including Ra'ad Karmi, commander of the Tanzim in Tulkarm, who was personally involved in at least 25 shooting attacks against Israelis. Arafat funded Karmi even though Israel had placed Karmi on its "most-wanted" list just three months earlier.On the same day, Arafat approved payment to Amar Qadan, a member of his own Force-17 "Presidential Guard," who was involved in terrorist operations.

A second request was faxed to Arafat to fund 12 more terrorists. According to Colonel Miri Eisin of the IDF Intelligence Branch, "Every single one of them was on our wanted list...these are Tanzim members, which is Arafat's own party."Arafat knew well that these individuals were involved in terrorism. Nevertheless, on January 7, 2002, "Arafat himself - in his handwriting, with his signature...agreed to pay the money."

On January 17, 2002, two and a half weeks later, a Palestinian killed six Israelis and wounded twenty-six at a bat-mitzvah party in Hadera, initiated and planned by one of those on Arafat's list – Mansur Saleh Sharim, who was already responsible for the deaths of at least three Israelis. Senior Fatah figures in Israeli custody, like Marwan Barghouti, admitted subsequently that Arafat approved funding for Fatah operatives with the knowledge that it would be used to finance terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.

Dual Licensing

I agree to multi-license all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages, as described below: Template:DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Dual

My website ( (includes one page in French and soon some in German and Spanish)

H2G2 Personal Space ( My name: Alex(ander) Wright

Russian: Александр Давидович Райт

Greek (I think): Αλεξάνδρσς Ράητ

Esperanto: Aleksander Rajt (Transcription) or Aleksandro (Translation)

Your question about Lebanese terrorists

I don't know what pro-Israeli Wikipedians would revert. You might ask one. Incidentally, this debate belongs here. Quadell (talk) (help)[[]] 21:06, Nov 16, 2004 (UTC)


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