Unsolved problems in biology
Some unsolved problems in biology include:
- Life. How did it start? Is life a cosmic phenomenon? Are the conditions necessary for the origin of life narrow or broad? How did life originate and diversify in hundred millions of years? Why, after rapid diversification, do microorganisms remain unchanged for millions of years? Did life start on this planet or was there an extraterrestrial intervention (for example a meteor from another planet)? Why have so many biological systems developed sexual reproduction? How do organisms recognize like species? How are the sizes of cells, organs, and bodies controlled?
- DNA / Genome. Do all organisms link together to a primary source? Given a DNA sequence, what shape will the protein fold into? Given a particular desired shape, what DNA sequence will produce it? What are all the functions of the DNA? Other than the structural genes, which is the simpler part of the system? What is the complete structure and function of the proteome proteins expressed by a cell or organ at a particular time and under specific conditions? What is the complete function of the regulator genes? The building block of life may be a precursor to a generation of electronic devices and computers, but what are the electronic properties of DNA? Does Junk DNA function as molecular garbage?
- Consciousness / Self. What is it? Why is it necessary for many animals (especially mammals) to sleep? Or dream, come to that? What are the inheritable characterisitics of intelligence? What are the correlations between intelligence and race or intelligence and sex?
- Bioelectromagnetism: What are the mechanisms of biorhythms and chronobiology? Why do cells generate electrical fields? Why is magnetite in living creatures? How do animals possess long-range navigation and migration abilities? How was the homing ability developed? How can some animals detect earthquake precursors? What are organism's magnetic senses? What are the effects of natural electric fields?
- Viruses / Immune system. What causes immune system deficiencies? What are the signs of current or past infection to discover where Ebola hides between human outbreaks? What is the origin of antibody diversity? What leads to the complexity of the immune system? What is the relationship between the immune system and the brain?
- Humanity: Why are there drastic changes in hominid morphology? Why are there giant hominid skeletons and very small hominid skeletons? Is hominid evolution static? Is hominid devolution possible? Are there Human-Neanderthal hybrids? What explain the differences between Human and Neanderthal Fossils?
- Viking's methane. The Viking lander detected emissions of carbon-14-containing methane, which indicates the possible presence of life on Mars.
External links
- Science Frontiers (http://www.science-frontiers.com/) (bimonthly newsletter)
- Digests of reports that describe scientific anomalies.
- Engelmann, Wolfgang, "Unsolved problems (http://bioclox.bot.biologie.uni-tuebingen.de/Html_we/english/Books/ren96/ren96/node24.html)".
- "Electronic properties of DNA (http://physicsweb.org/article/world/14/8/8)". Physics World. August 2001.
- Wikibooks Unsolved problems in biology (http://wikibooks.org/wiki/Unsolved_problems_in_biology).