According to Theophylaktos Simokattes, Uar, along with the Hunnoi, are the names associated with the two biggest tribes of "Procopius's White Huns". They were called Varkhon or Varkunites (Ouarkhonitai) by Menander, perhaps inspired by the name of the God Vulcan, and settled Europe in the Balkans and Pannonia. They are supposed to have united around 460 under the rule of one of the five Yuezhi families - the Hephthal.
Simokattes's term Uar (also sometimes written War or Var) is similar to Hua, the name the Hephthalites used of themselves according to the Chinese classic Liang chih-kung-t'u, and they are identified as the "true" Avars of the east and the true political force behind what he calls the "pseudo" Avars who eventually settled down in Transylvania.
According to Theophylaktos Simokattes though the White Huns were initially composed of two nations, the Uar and the Hion tribes, they were also joined near the end of the 6th century by the Zabender, Tarnach and Kotzagerek Huns. During the 7th century the Bulgars who were also part of their empire revolted. These six groups were joined around 670 by Kuber's Onogurs, from whom the name Hungary derives. The Onogurs themselves were composed of three groups. See also Avars and Kabars.
The subjugation of the Uyghurs by the Var is a claim which raises its head from time to time. The story goes that one branch of the Juan Juan was called Uar (if true we need a solid original source reference and Chinese character), and they were placed at the head of the Uyghurs after subjugating them (need original source references). Are the "Uar/Var" people in question the same as Hua (滑)?