Tu Wei-ming
Tu Wei-ming (杜維明 Pinyin: Dù Wéimíng) is an ethicist and a Boston Confucian. He assumed his tenure as the Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute in January 1996.
Born in Kunming, Mainland China, Tu received his B.A. at Tunghai University, Taiwan, and M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard University. Tu taught Chinese intellectual history at Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley, and since 1981, Chinese history and Chinese philosophy at Harvard University. Professor Tu is renowned for fostering discussion among his students, from freshman undergraduates taking his introductory course on Confucian Moral Reasoning to graduate students taking advanced seminars.
Tu wrote about two dozen books in Chinese and English, including:
- Neo Confucian Thought: Wang Yang-ming's Youth
- Centrality and Communality, Humanity and Self-cultivation
- Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation
- Wang, Learning, and Politics: Essays on the Confucian Intellectual