The One With the Candy Hearts

The One With the Candy Hearts is an episode of the television situation comedy Friends.

First aired: February 2, 1995

This episode of Friends takes place around St. Valentine's Day. Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel decide to spend the evening together. Joey convinces Chandler to go on a double date with him. Ross has a date with Kristen, a woman from his building who once lent him an egg.

During Ross' date, Carol, his ex-wife, and her lesbian life partner, Susan, also arrive at the restaurant. Susan leaves the resturant early and Ross invites Carol to join him and his date for dinner. During the course of the evening, Ross attends to Carol so much that Kristen leaves unnoticed. Ross confides in Carol of his difficulty accepting their divorce.

At Joey and Chandler's double date, they realized that the woman who is to be Chandler's date is Janice, who he has already dumped four times. Joey leaves early with his date and gives Chandler his credit card. Chandler and Janice end up back together, much to Chandler's dismay and to his friends' amusement, and he is left with the task of dumping her once again. He dumps her at Central Perk after she gives him customized candy hearts with the inscription "Chan and Jan 4 ever".

Back at Monica and Rachel's apartment, the girls perform a cleansing ritual to rid themselves of their bad luck with men. The ritual ends with a small fire, caused by Paolo's grappa and firefighters are called.

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