The Moon Is Blue
The Moon Is Blue is a 1953 comedy film by Otto Preminger which tells the story of a young girl who tries to play two playboy suitors off against each other by claiming that she plans to keep her virginity until marriage. It stars William Holden, David Niven, Maggie McNamara, Dawn Addams and Hardy Krüger.
The movie was adapted by F. Hugh Herbert from his play. It was directed by Otto Preminger.
It was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Maggie McNamara), Best Film Editing and Best Music, Song (Herschel Burke Gilbert and Sylvia Fine for "The Moon Is Blue").
The film was condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decency for its plot in which a young girl makes fun of her parents' concerns for her virtue. It was the first film to use the words "virgin", "seduce" and "mistress" since the enactment of strict Production Code of Hollywood.
The film was filmed in an English language version and a German language version. In the German version (called Die Jungfrau auf dem Dach), the stars are Johanna Matz, Hardy Krüger, Johannes Heesters and Tom Tull. Krüger and Matz have small roles in the English language version, and Holden and McNamara play the same roles in the German version.
It was also featured in an episode of M*A*S*H.