The Laziest Men on Mars
The Laziest Men on Mars is supposed to be a band, but is in fact the brainchild of Jeffery Ray Roberts. Mostly associated with Something Awful, a humor website, the "band" is known primarily for their musical tribute to (site creator) Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka's famous ICQ prank "Space Robot Bonanza" and "Invasion of the Gabber Robots", otherwise known as the background music to the popular "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" Flash animation floating around on the Internet. They have been mentioned in Time magazine.
The "All your base..." music is actually a remix of the video game music by Tatsuya Uemura.
The name "Laziest Men on Mars" is a reference to a line from the cult film Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. In the film, the King of the Martians, Kimar, identifies the comic relief (as such) martian, Dropo, as "the laziest man on Mars".
External Link
Official site (