Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is a 1964 science fiction film that regularly appears on lists of the all-time worst movies ever made. It is regularly featured in the "bottom 100" list on the Internet Movie Database. It was directed by Nicholas Webster, and it stars John Call as Santa Claus. It also includes an 8-year-old Pia Zadora playing the role of one of the Martian children.
The story involves the denizens of the planet Mars, including Momar ("Mom Martian") and Kimar ("King Martian") who are worried that their children Girmar ("Girl Martian") and Bomar ("Boy Martian") are watching too much television. Following the advice of a Martian sage or wise elder, the Martians kidnap Santa Claus from Earth and bring him to Mars to make toys for the children of their planet. One warmongering Martian rebels and tries to destroy Santa Claus, as he believes that Santa is corrupting the children of Mars and turning them away from the original glory that Mars used to have. Like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and I married a Monster from Outer Space, the film has been said to have Cold War subtexts, i.e. the Martians are Soviets trying to deal with American capitalism.
One scene in the movie uses stock footage of military planes refueling in flight. This is the same footage used during the opening sequence of Dr. Strangelove.
The movie also features a song called "Hooray for Santy Claus" (composed by Milton DeLugg).
The movie is also the title (and the subject) of one of the most popular episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
External link
- Template:Imdb title
- Download the original (Non-MST3K) version) ( (Public Domain)