Talk:Upper Canada
I removed the bit about Algoma and Nipissing. I have an 1888 map showing them as part of Ontario, an 1892 map showing them as part of Rupert's Land, and a 1904 map showing Algoma as part of "New Ontario," along with the rest of the north. Further research needed.
- I think they were originally districts of the Northwest 1904 (or, actually, I think 1905) most of the NWT was added to Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, giving them their current boundaries. I guess I'd need to see those maps, but most maps I've seen label them as part of the NWT. Adam Bishop 15:19 1 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- The 1888 map is at
. The 1904 map is on the same site.
- The 1888 map is at
- Okay, apparently I am thinking of completely different districts then :) I thought Algoma extended to Hudson Bay and James Bay. That area was part of the NWT. Adam Bishop 05:13 3 Jul 2003 (UTC)
- That's assuming the map is correct. One of the 1888 and 1904 maps must be wrong, or at least misleading. I'll be checking this out once I'm over my current cold. Puzzled in t-dot
I found an authority at [1] ( and have modified the article as required. The things we learn as we get old. John FitzGerald 18:07, 2 Sep 2004 (UTC)
First paragraph cumbersome
The first paragraph would be incomprehensible to anyone not living in Ontario or familiar with its geography. A map of Upper Canada would eliminate the need for this cumbersome description of boundaries. Upper Canada = Ontario (less HBCo lands beyond the Hudson's Bay watershed). Notwithstanding all the misinformation, the north shore of Lake Superior and of Lake Huron (within the Great Lakes watershed) have always formed part of Upper Canada), but for practical purposes there is no need to go into this as Upper Canada 1791-1840 was the pioneer period of southern Ontario. Later consolidation of Empire Ontario into Northern Ontario is well explained in the Ontario article, and need not be repeated in the Upper Canada article. The bibliography I added may help others to improve this article which is still pretty weak. --BrentS 00:51, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)
A British North American colony
Upper Canada is best described as a British North American colony created by statute of the Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1791 and governed by a governor and legislative assembly. Prior to that it was the pays d'en haut of New France and part of the Province of Quebec (1763-1791). Upper Canada was a political and judicial unit, like any other British colony (Nova Scotia, Barbados, New South Wales), not some vague geographical territory. Ontario celebrated its bicentennial in 1984, that date chosen mainly because it coincided with the end of the American Revolution and the influx of Loyalist refugees and military personnel. We need to know our history better, folks.--BrentS 01:01, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)