Some indication as to the absolute size of the pictured tokamak would be useful.
Saying it is the "smallest" doesn't mean much without that reference.
The article states that the only way to confine a plasma is with magnetic fields. Surely a plasma can also (albeit momentarily) be confined by its own inertia. Such is the principle of inertial confinement devices after all.
Most plasma in the universe is confined by gravity.
The explanation given in the article for the spelling of tokamak (with a final 'k', to avoid orthographic similarity with 'magic') seems quite dubious. More likely is that the 'g' of 'magnitnaya' is subjected to the typical Russian language devoicing of consonants at the end of a word.
Alodyne 04:25, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
to avoid analogy with the word magic
- The Russian word for magic??? I'm confused. - Omegatron 00:03, May 4, 2005 (UTC)
"Tokamak" comes from Russian "toroidalnaya kamera s magnitnoi katushkoi" (toroidal camera with magnetic coil).