Talk:List of Serbs
I am feeling very uncomfortable having the link to that website in the list of external links. For instance, this is what the page writes about general Ratko Mladic: Leader of the Serbian army in the defensive war that gave rise to the Republic of Srpska. It was the Army of Republic of Srpska, which heroically prevented mass slaughter of the Serbian population in former Bosnia and Herzegovina, the way it happened in the World War II. This is a grotesque falsification of history. This is just one example from a very extremist website. Moreover, that external link is now included in several other articles, and content is copied from the site (with permission, I know). I regard this as a severe damage to Wikipedia's respectability, if readers realise, that we are citing such a source. I would like to hear other opinions here. -- Cordyph 13:32, 24 Sep 2003 (UTC)
- That was simply the only such link I found. Now that most people from that link have their articles on Wikipedia, it could be erased from here. And about these other articles, if text about Mladic is wrong, other texts need not be, and the quality of articles will improve over time anyway, any mistakes or falsifications in them will be corrected. Nikola 13:50, 24 Sep 2003 (UTC)
Another issue: Why is Leibniz included in this article? He was a Sorb, but what do Sorbs have to do with Serbs (apart from both being Slavic peoples)? -- Cordyph 13:32, 24 Sep 2003 (UTC)
- Sorbs=Serbs of Luzice. While Serbs of Balkan and Serbs of Luzice separated long ago, the link cannot hurt, as long as there is not a List of Sorbs. Serb rulers from the time of the separation will also be added to this page eventually... Nikola 13:50, 24 Sep 2003 (UTC)
- On Talk:Sorbs someone wrote the following: The Sorbs are distant relatives of all other Slavic peoples, such as Russians, Czeks, Slovaks etc. But the Serbs belong to the south Slavs and the Sorbs to the west Slavs. Occasionally people confuse Sorbs from Germany with Serbs from Serbia, and many believe that because they sound alike they are directly related. I did not find any reference to Serbian origin on the Sorbian website So where is your information from, that Sorbs and Serbs are of one origin? -- Cordyph 08:00, 25 Sep 2003 (UTC)
- As he said, many believe that because they sound alike they are directly related. He didn't mean that they are wrong. Root of name "Serb" is unknown, but it is sure that it is not of Slavic nor of Germanic origin so the tribes must have had the name before their separation, though I'm not sure are there any other data that confirm the common origin. Note that somewhat northern of Serbs of Luzice White Serbs also exist(ed). The separation did happen some 1500 years ago, though :) If you feel that Leibnitz doesn't belong here, delete him. Nikola 15:07, 25 Sep 2003 (UTC)
Could someone knowledgeable please edit this to change the diacritical marks? If someone were to click on one of the red links in order to create a new article, the resulting page would have a name with non-standard characters in it, and would be impossible to search for. RickK 02:36, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Here it is, almost done. Hope to help much more. Ninam 00:26, 13 Feb 2005 (UTC)
a link that could help your discussion (althow it is in serbian):
two excerptions in serbian:
Jan Skala, koji u svojoj pjesmi "Jugoslovenima" izražava bratsku ljubav i privrženost Lužičkih Srba prema našim narodima, i moli ih da pomognu njegov porobljeni narod u teškoj borbi za opstanak, oslobođenje i bolji život.
Početak te pjesme glasi:
"Braćo na jugu! Nema li u vas srca i duše koja bi gledala na Sjever, Tamo gdje se u njemačkom moru Bori mali narod Lužičkih Srba"
Naročitu nadu su polagali na bratsku Jugoslaviju. Jurij Rjenč, koji je svršio studije u staroj Jugoslaviji, dolazio je u Beograd. On je bio lijepo primljen i obećana mu je svesrdna pomoć A na Sveslovenskom kongresu u Beogradu je u proglasu rečeno:
"Mi ćemo da podržavamo jedni druge na političkom, ekonomskom i kulturnom polju i staraćemo se da ne propadne ni najmanji slovenski narod, da i najmanji naš čovjek sačuva svoj nacionalni opstanak, svoju nacionalnu kulturu i obezbijedi svoj nacionalni razvitak".
Contents |
To do
I have collected a few links which list famous Serbs, people listed there should also be listed here:
- (done)
- (done)
- (done)
Nikola 03:37, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Ovaj spisak mi niako nije jasan. Sav je nepregledan i nekako skelpan. Ljudi potpuno razlicitih profesija i iz potpuno razlicitih perioda iztorije svrstani su u istu kategoriju. Ratni zlocinci iz zadnjeg rata i vojvode iz prvog svetskog rata zajedno. Onda uopste mi nije jasan onaj deo "conected to Serbs" pa naveden Luk Beson samo zatos to je bio u braku sa Milom Jovovic?!?!?! Kakve veze pa to ima s nama? Jos pride i svojatanje poznatih ljudi koji su (mozda) bili Luzicki Srbi... ovo mi sve deluje veoma pateticno... Kao nesto sto bi npr. Hrvatska iz Tudjmanovog doba radila. Zar nemamo dosta poznatih i priznatih ljudi koji su sigurno nasi koje mozemo da navedemo?
- Spisak je u stalnoj izradi, i ako mislis da mozes da ga poboljsas, uradi to. Ljudi razlicitih profesija su jedni do drugih jer je spisak jos uvek relativno kratak. Ako bi izdvojio recimo posebno pesnike, posebno slikare itd. bilo bi mozda po 5 od svih u svakoj grupi i to ne bi imalo smisla. Iz istog razloga su i ljudi iz razlicitih istorijskih perioda zajedno, mozda bi resenje za taj problem bilo da se pored svakog coveka navedu datumi rodjenja i smrti. "Connected to Serbs" znaci upravo ono sto pise - ljudi licno povezani sa nekim Srbinom (Srpkinjom) ili sa Srbima i ne vidim zasto je lose imati spisak i njih, ili spisak ljudi koji su ucili srpski jezik, niko ne tvrdi da su oni Srbi. Mada su Luzicki Srbi mozda bili losa ideja. Svakako postoji mnogo vise poznatih Srba nego sto je na ovom spisku, ali pogledaj na primer spisak Bugara - mnogo je crven, hiljada ljudi od kojih deset ima clanke, i to stvara utisak da medju najpoznatijim Bugarima nema nesto mnogo poznatih ljudi. Zato ja mislim da ovaj spisak uglavnom treba da sadrzi ljude koji vec imaju svoje clanke nego da bude spisak svih poznatih Srba. Nikola 10:41, 3 Jun 2004 (UTC)
what about ceca ?
i think ceca is a must in the list of musicians ceca svetlana raznatovic, the famoust of the balkan
Pre Communist Politicans
Why is Svetozar listed as a comunist? Wouldn't a pre Comunist section be useful and then the Mixed section could be post communist?
Comments on the wiki-en list
I thoroughly enjoy your "Wikipedia" site. It's a great source of information and enlightenment. Being a Canadian, of Serbian descent, it's the cultural aspects that grab my attention. Not only for those that share my ethnic background. But, other groups as well.
I'm assuming that my e-mail will be directed to the proper channels. On your "List of Serbs" page, there are a few glaring omissions I wish to bring to your attention. I, for the most part, have supplied links which clearly indicate the person's Serbian heritage. These names should be under "List of Serbs." (1) Alex Lifeson (Zivojinovich) - Guitarist for the Canadian based rock band "Rush." > . (2) Brad Dexter (Boris Milanovich) - Hollywood actor > . (3) Lolita Davidovich - Hollywood actress > . (4) Paul Stojanovich - Hollywood producer/director for "World's Wildest Police Chases" and "Cops." > . (5) Rade Serbedzija - European/Hollywood actor (Currently listed amongst "List of Croatians" as an "ethnic Serb". While he was born in Croatia. Mr. Serbedzija is indeed Serbian. Thus, he should also be under "List of Serbs."). > . (6) Bill Vukovich - Won "Indy 500" twice. > . (7) Peter Vuckovich - Baseball player who won the Cy Young Award > (Read under "Brewers rally" and "Questions umpire"). (8) Walter Dropo - Baseball player who was named AL Rookie-of-the-Year in 1950. > . (9) Peter Zezel - Hockey (NHL) player from Canada. > . (10) George Yerich - Respected entrepreneur from Canada > . (11) George "Blind Bomber" Glamack - Basketball player who had his #20 retired by UNC and was a two-time NCAA Player-of-the-Year. (12) Bob O'Billovich - Football (CFL) coach who won the "Grey Cup" while with the Toronto Argonauts. (13) Mila Mulroney (nee Pivnicki) - Was Canada's "First Lady." > or . (14) Rose Ann Vuich - First woman to be elected to the State Senate in California. > . (15) Gregg Popovich - Basketball coach and two-time NBA champion. > (Read last "Q & A" under "David Robinson). (16) Mel Vojvodich - U.S.A.F. officer. > . (17) Mike Mamula - Football (NFL) player (now retired).
One name you can easily omit from the "List of Serbs" is that of actor John Malkovich. He's of Croatian ancestry. Not Serbian. Again, I hope this e-mail will be forwarded to the proper sources within "Wikipedia." Thanks so much for your time and patience. I look forward to a reply at your convenience. Cheers.
Michael D. Stojakovic Canada
Posted by Charles Matthews 15:04, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks, Charles. I verified and added all of them. Couldn't verify Mamula, but as it's known Serbian surname and all others were correct I added him too. Nikola 04:08, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)