
How are ballet, country dances, etc., not "ethnic" dance styles? "Ethnic" doesn't just mean "funny little foreign (person or thing)." -

"Folk dances" could be seen as "ethnic dances" indeed. Ballet dance crosses ethnic boudaries from its very origin.
"Country dances" are formally kind of "folk dance", but the original use of the term, (as well as to a large extent, the modern one) is to oppose to grand dances of high folk, ball dances. A similar opposition is in the term "barn dances" known in the USA.
mikkalai 17 Nov. 2003

"decontextualized pedestrian movement" -- what about wheelcheir dancing? -- Tarquin

Added to the List of dances page. Can you write something about it?
mikkalai 17 Nov. 2003

I moved this good example:

<<Fight scenes such as in martial arts films are essentially complex dances in which participants simulate hand to hand combat and need careful choreography to avoid injury.>>

into the choreography page. Besides, martial arts themselves are akin to dancing. What we see in films is actually pantomime, i.e., artistic imitation of real-life activity.

mikkalai 17 Nov. 2003

I added the translation from the Polish page, which has surprisingly little overlap with the English version. Someone who has better than mine command of English please blend these two texts.

By the way, I cannot figure out why the Table of Contents doesn't pop up on the Dance page.

mikkalai 20 Nov. 2003

I removed the rest of the pseudo-historical rambling from the article. This is not original material! This is plagiarized from Project Gutenberg's online publishing of "Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes" by J.M. Judy. The plagiarism is almost word-for-word in most cases, with little attempt to rework the information. You can find the full etext at Project Gutenberg: Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes by J.M. Judy ( It was originally published by Western Methodist Book Concern in 1904.

The use of this text is not only quite questionable ethically (plagiarism), scholarly (have we learned anything in the last 100 years... like, duh!?), but probably also legally (copyright infringement). Read Chapter IV. DANCING (search for "DANCING" to get there quickly), and find out why dancing ranks along with tobacco, drunkenness, gambling and theatre-going as "Questionable Amusements". Take heart, though, because this very (very, very, very) conservative Christian view believes that reading, social recreation, friendship, travel and home-making are "Worthy Substitutes". Don't take my word for it, read it yourself.

Perhaps someone wants to take a "real" stab at a more scholarly "History of dance". There would certainly be plenty of material.

Sfdan 17:59, 18 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Drawn to this article solely by the fact that the most recent editor was named "Jesus Saves," I found the following passage introducing the history of dance: With the savages the dancers work themselves into a perfect frenzy, into a kind of mental intoxication. But as civilization has advanced dancing has modified its form, becoming more orderly and rhythmical. Kinda POV, no? The biblical stuff was also fairly POV (and still is, for that matter. Now, I know nothing about dance--I do not know how to dance, nor do I know its history--but something is very wrong here. Can someone more knowledgeable take a look. Danny 00:39, 21 Dec 2003 (UTC)

i think this page needs refining, some of the information belongs in realated articles. the disambigulation should also appear here for clarity. some catergorisation of the infromation of the page would be good too Ohka- 01:15, 1 Jun 2004 (UTC)


large edit

an explaination:

i have made a large edit to this page in short my reasons are

  • dance is linked in the main page and is also a first port of calll for many visitors. the page should be a flagship example of dance content
  • a large number of pages link to dance,
  • each linking page contains information of how it relates that does not need replicating here (this page should be about dance in general)
  • the information on the page was of mixed quaility and poorly organised - difficult to read
  • there was a lack of refernces and external links

i have looked at various Wikipedia:Featured articles whilst putting this together and used my discression as to how i think it can be apllied to this page.

i'm sure that some poeople may disagree with this edit, but i hope that the majority will find it a positive porgression. Ohka- 21:25, 3 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Working on reworking this page

So, with the Dance WikiProject getting underway, this page should become 1- the portal to the entire project, and 2-a GOOD article. My goal would be to work towards featured article status, so with that in mind, I'm going to work on outlining what should be in the article, and trying to analyze each section to see how they are, here. That is, as soon as I have time. :-) Lyellin 08:53, Aug 9, 2004 (UTC)

--- Alright, so I see nine different sections currently listed on the page, and my goal right now is to list them, figuring out what needs to be done for each, along with how long each should be, if a change needs to be made.

  1. Lead Section - Should probably be reworked with a goal towards the lead section "ideal".
  2. History of Dance - Perhaps a bit longer? 2-3 paragraphs, with link
  3. Dance and Music - Maybe rework first paragraph, gloss over
  4. Choreography and Notation - Try to improve flow with rest of article
  5. Dance Studies - Clearer descriptions of the various types, maybe a bit of extension
  6. Categories of Dance - I think this needs to be expanded/explained much better
  7. See Also - make it fit better with article? Move into above sections?
  8. Further Reading - No real changes
  9. External links - No real changes

Also, all the redlinks need to be gone through and articles begun to be made for those links.

Lyellin 15:10, Aug 9, 2004 (UTC)

* good list - will work towards this too, i'm not so hot on spelling etc due to my dsylexia but i will try to add what info i think is needed so it can be further worked on and then get making the redlinks blue. i think the page also needs a dancesport / dance as sport section - perhaps this belongs in a explaintion of catergories.. 桜花 20:42, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
don't worry about spelling/etc. That I am more than willing to do- and is probably more a strength for me than dance knowledge. Good pairing ;) Lyellin 10:58, Aug 11, 2004 (UTC)

What Makes Dance

The folowing piece removed.

Dance is not only made up of technique, but also of passion. Passion is the main part in dance, if u don't have passion for dancing, you won't be able to dance and express yourself in such a way as if u did have passion. It will make you want to dance, you will be able to feel and express words with your body. In dancing our body is our instrument, such as a paintbrush is for a painter. We use and express our whole body to tell a story. People come out to see a story told, not a bunch of people dancing around with no feel for the music or anything around them. So if you want to dance, you have to love it.

Indeed, something like this must be added here. But unfortunately "as is", this piece is appliable to performance dance only. Mikkalai 04:33, 5 Nov 2004 (UTC)




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