talk2me is a leading Norwegian CRM company.
Facts about the company
- Company name: talk2me AS
- CEO: Mr. Arild Horsberg
- Business enterprise organization number: NO 982 607 043 MVA
- Workforce: aprox 490 employees
- Workforce with key knowledge: aprox 70 employees
- Income and earnings in 2002: 218 MNOK / 15,5 MNOK
- Offices: Oslo, Kristiansand, Hamar, Hønefoss, Birkeland and Mandal
- Clients: Major Nordic companies
- Norways second largest Call Center
- Website:
- Consulting
- Market segmentation
- Customer Service
- Business Intelligence
- Customer data analysis
- Multi Channel Solutions
- Customer database design
- Database hosting and management
- Customer data capture & strategy
- Business Process Management
- Measurement and reporting
- Campaign Management
- Graphic Production
- Contact Center
- Call Center