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Seaking (#119) - Staryu - Starmie (#121)

Name (Japanese), NumberStaryu (Hitodeman), 120
Evolves from(none)
Evolves toStarmie
Video game base stats¹
Hit points30
Special attack²70
Special defense²55
SpeciesStarshape Pokémon
Height2'7" (79 cm)
Weight76 lb (35 kg)
Signature AttackRecover
Ability Illuminate/Natural Cure
Pokédex ColorBrown
Shiny colorIts extremities become gray and its gem turns light blue
Gender distributionGenderless
¹ Stats for trading card versions may vary.
² Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

³ Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow

Staryu (Hitodeman in Japanese) is a basic water-type Pokémon, which resembles a five-armed starfish with some sort of yellow metal wrapped around the center. The metal has a red glowing gem-like spherical organ in the center, called the "core". Similar to starfish, it has the ability to regenerate damage to its body, presumably including severed limbs; however, this is only possible if the core is intact, a limitation that starfish don't have. This fact means that it is unlikely a Staryu would grow back into five Staryus if all its limbs were severed and thrown back into the ocean, unlike a starfish. One of the limbs has a hole in the tip; this limb is used for spraying water in attacks such as Water Gun or Hydro Pump. Staryu evolves into Starmie with the aid of a water stone. Because it has no gender, it can only breed with Ditto, and can't learn any moves through breeding.

In the Pokémon Anime, Misty has a Staryu that she uses for battling.

Name Origin

Staryu's name probably comes from the words "Star" (due to its shape) and "You."


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