StarCraft universe

Template:StarCraft The StarCraft universe is a fictional universe in which the StarCraft series of computer games and books are set.


Computer games set in the StarCraft universe

Strategy games

Third-person shooter

Books set in the StarCraft universe

Amazing Stories Articles


Locations and territories

Koprulu Sector

The Koprulu Sector is the region of space colonized by the Terrans in the StarCraft series. Much of the series' action is set in it, and it is comprised of several planets, possibly distributed around different stars.

  • Tarsonis is a Terran colony, landing site of the primary supercarrier Nagglfar. It was the most advanced of the three original Terran colonies, and at the beginning of StarCraft Episode I was still the intellectual and political center of the sector. It was the base of operations of the Terran Confederacy until it was destroyed by Zerg lured there by psi-emitters. The Zerg still visit the planet occasionally, but it is mostly empty.
  • Moria is a Terran colony, the most resource-abundant of the original three; landing site of the supercarrier Argo. The colony is administered by the Kel-Morian Combine. It was on Moria that Jim Raynor and Fenix located all the resources for the uprising of Kerrigan against the United Earth Directorate forces occupying Korhal IV.
  • Umoja is a Terran colony, one of the original three; landing site of supercarrier Reagan and crash site of supercarrier Sarengo. It is administered by the non-militaristic Umojan Protectorate.
  • Korhal IV is a Terran colony. This planet rose up against the Confederacy, and in retaliation the Confederacy launched a massive planetary bombardment of nuclear weaponry aimed at eliminating the dissents, transforming the planet into a nuclear desert. By the time of the Brood Wars, the planet had detoxified enough to allow resettlement. More recently, the planet changed hands among the Terran Dominion, the United Earth Directorate, and the Terran Dominion again.
  • Chau Sara was an outlying, but nevertheless important Terran colony. It was the first Terran planet to be invaded by the Zerg. Little is known about its current state, except that since then it has been purified of all life by the Protoss.
  • Mar Sara was an outlying Terran colony. This planet was second to be invaded by the Zerg. Its fate was similar to Chau Sara's. Homeworld of James (Jim) Raynor.
  • Antiga Prime was an outying Terran colony, the first world to openly revolt against the Confederacy since the incineration of Korhal IV. The renegade terrorist/freedom fighter group known as the Sons of Korhal was responsible for instigating the rebellion. During the battle of Antiga Prime, a psi-emitter was planted in the Confederate base by agents of the Sons of Korhal to attract the Zerg and destroy the Confederate forces. It is now a lifeless, purified world. It is also upon this planet that General Edmund Duke crashed and was saved and recruited by Mengsk.
  • Dylar IV had been an important Terran colony, a core world of the Confederacy. It was overrun by the Zerg, and subsequently purified by the Protoss. Since then, it has been recolonized by the Dominion, and several shipyards have been constructed in planetary orbit around it. It was the location of the first major spaceship battles between the Dominion and the United Earth Directorate.
  • Brontes had been an important Terran colony, a core world of the Confederacy, until it was overrun by the Zerg. Little is known about its current state.
  • Tyrador IX was an important Terran colony, a core world of the Confederacy and home of an alcoholic drink, the Tyrador Mindbender. Little is known of its current state, but it is rumored that it escaped Zerg infestation. If it is still populated, it is most likely a planet of the Dominion.
  • Braxis, a small moon, was a Terran Dominion colony by the time the United Earth Directorate fleet reached the Koprulu Sector. Much earlier, it had been a Protoss colony, by the name of Khyrador. Little is known about when Terran colonization started. It is presumed that it is the closest Koprulu Sector object to Earth, since the UED fleet first landed here. The Psi Disruptor was set up there once it was captured at Tarsonis and shipped to Braxis. Recently, a disaster has struck Braxis. Homeworld of the Ursadon.
  • Vyctor 5, a wasteland planet a day's travel from Umoja, which features a stable weather formation, the Fujita Pinnacle. It was a Terran Confederacy world and is featured in StarCraft: Ghost.

Outlying Worlds

  • Aiur is the homeworld of the Protoss. Jungles and oceans cover most of the planet. It was the primary target of the Zerg infestation. All Protoss are thought to have fled the planet by now, and the Zerg have moved on, thus it probably remains idle and uncolonized, unless some Protoss have recolonized it. This remains unconfirmed.
  • Shakuras is a planet devoid of vegetation. It was the place the Protoss Dark Templar fled to when they were exiled long ago by the Conclave. More recently, Protoss survivors from Aiur sought refuge there. Zerg infestation was cleansed with the help of an ancient Xel'Naga temple, and the twin crystals Uraj and Khalis. The Protoss race currently resides there.
  • Zerus is the planet that was the homeworld of the Zerg, located near the core of the galaxy. An inhospitable ash-world that was once full of insectoid creatures, it served as the birthplace of the Zerg race.
  • Char is a heavily volcanic planet. It is not clear whether it is officially a part of the Koprulu Sector or not. It was the staging area of the Zerg during their search for, and consequent invasion of, the Protoss homeworld of Aiur.


  • StarCraft homepage at Blizzard Entertainment (
  • StarCraft Compendium (
  • Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
  • Underwood, Peter, Chris Metzen and Bill Roper. StarCraft: Brood War (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.

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