In computing, Small-C is both a subset of the C programming language, suitable for resource-limited microcomputers and embedded systems, and an implementation of that subset. Originally valuable as an early compiler for micros, the implementation has also been useful as an example simple enough for teaching purposes.
The original compiler, written in Small-C for the Intel 8080 by Ron Cain, appeared in the May 1980 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. James E. Hendrix improved and extended the original compiler, and published The Small-C Handbook. Small-C was important for tiny computers in a manner somewhat analogous to the importance of GCC for larger computers. Like its UNIX counterparts the compiler generates assembler code, which then must be converted to machine code by an appropriate assembler.
The Z88DK Small-C cross compiler is capable of generating code for many Zilog Z80 based computers.
The Small-C implementation has been ported to many processors:
- Zilog Z8, Zilog Z80, Zilog Z8000
- Rockwell 6502 family
- Intel 8080, Intel 8085, Intel 8086, Intel 80x86, Intel 8051
- Motorola 6800, Motorola 6809, Motorola 68000
- Fairchild
Small-C has been ported to just as many Operating Systems:
- Ron Cain, "A Small C Compiler for the 8080's", Dr. Dobb's Journal, April-May 1980, pp. 5-19
- James E. Hendrix, The Small-C Handbook (Reston 1984) ISBN 0-8359-7012-4
- James E. Hendrix, A Small C Compiler: Language, Usage, Theory, and Design (M & T Books 1988)
- James E. Hendrix, Small C Compiler (Hungry Minds, Inc 1990)
External links
- Archived Small C page from Dr. Dobb's (
- Z88DK homepage (