Professor Hubert Farnsworth
Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth is the extremely elderly proprietor of the Planet Express delivery service in the animated television series Futurama. The only living relative of Philip J. Fry (he is his great-great-...-great-grand-nephew — though never said, he is logically the descendant of Philip's only sibling, his brother Yancy Fry), the Professor is pushing the limits of even 31st century old age at about 160. The episode "A Clone of My Own" gives his birthday as April 9, 2841.
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The Professor roughly amounts to a mad scientist, with the same last name as Philo Farnsworth. He has taught at Mars University and worked for Mom Corp, but he currently spends his time inventing ridiculous devices and coming up with even more ridiculous missions for his crew. Some of his inventions end up threatening the fate of the universe; others are used to secure it. Some notable gadgets include the Smelloscope, the Death Clock, and the What-If Machine. He also invented several Doomsday Machines, at least one of which got him a Nobel Prize in Physics for creating it and a Nobel Peace Prize for not using it. Whilst at Mom Corp, he fell in love with the evil overlord and CEO, Mom. His favorite artist is Pablo Picasso.
The Professor is characterized by his catch-phrase "Good news everyone!" frequently followed by very bad news—often one of his semi-suicide missions. Another is his exclaimation of surprise "Sweet Zombie Jesus!", which is noted to be clumsily censored (or simply muted out) on some networks.
- Afterburners - Give 200% fuel efficiency.
- Albino shouting gorilla - To shout out his love for Mom from rooftops.
- Anti-pressure pill - a rectal suppository roughly the size of a standard pill container.
- Badass Gravity Pump - Affixed to the Planet Express Ship and used to move stars around. Co-invention with Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate of the Globetrotter University, seems to have disappeared after its application in stopping the time-skips he created. Cost all of Earth's money to build.
- Clonomat - Clones organisms. Can, in some cases, also give the clone the memories of the organism from which the DNA originated.
- The Cool-O-Meter, a hand-held device which measures the coolness of whoever it is pointed at, in units of "MegaFonzies".
- Dark matter engine.
- The Death Clock - A clock that tells the user how long they have to live when a finger is inserted. "Occasionally off by a few seconds, what with free will and all". Seems to be less reliable than the professor thinks.
- An array of Doomsday Machines - "I suppose I could part with one and still be feared."
- Electric frankfurter.
- F-ray - Similar to an X-ray except it can look through anything, even metal. Uses a controlled neutrino beam in some way. It can pop balloons and blimps when pointed at them and produces harmful radiation that is known to kill sperm. "You might feel a slight stinging sensation, all of you."
- Universal translator - Translates from any language into French, which is a dead language in the year 3000.
- Main Engines - They move the universe around the ship instead of moving the ship through the universe. Unknown if these are the same as the dark matter engines.
- The Maternifuge - An alien cross species genetic analyser that spins at 10,000 RPM to determine a subject's mother. Dr. Zoidberg lives in it. "Even I laughed at me when I created this."
- Smell-o-scope - Allows the users to smell odors from astronomically long distances.
- Superhuman Mutant Basketball Team - Instead of using accelerated growth, he harvested chronotons. The results nearly destroyed the space-time continuum.
- The Thinking Cap - An intelligence accelerating device that harnesses the power of sunspots to create cognitive radiation.
- What-if machine - Answers any what-if question, accurate to within 1/10 of a plausibility unit. He once cursed that it wasn't "worth the gold it's made out of."
- The Fin-longer - It's basically just a really long stick that attaches to the finger to make it appear longer. In Anthology of Interests I, he didn't really invent this, but he wishes he had using the previously mentioned What-if machine. However, it's revealed in The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz that he does invent it.
- A device that lets anyone sound exactly like him - used by Dwight and Cubert to send the crew on a fake delivery to Dogdoo 8.
- A machine that creates glow-in-the-dark noses that can be placed on one's face. A by-product of the machine is a large amount of toxic waste. It also performs forensic analysis on pieces of paper and translates from Alien into equally incomprehensible Galactic.
Hubert cloned himself in 2989 from skin cells on a growth on his back. The product, his son Cubert, is less enthusiastic about taking over the Professor's work when he's gone. Cubert goes to school with Hermes' son Dwight.
Professor Farnsworth is voiced by Billy West, who also voices Fry, Dr. Zoidberg and Captain Zapp Brannigan. He is probably named after Philo Farnsworth, often hailed as the inventor of television (although claims are also made for John Logie Baird).