- Olinda is also a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- Olinda is also an agricultural area in Maui, Hawaii.
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Igreja da Sé
Olinda (means "oh beautiful") is a city in Pernambuco, Brazil, next to Recife and Paulista.
Olinda has a lot of tourist atractions, like:
- historical centre (human heritage)
- churches
- Carnival: The carnival in Olinda is a popular street party, very similar to traditional Portuguese carnivals, with the addition of African influenced dances. Unlike Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, in Olinda you don't pay for the best places. All the party is in the streets. No "bleachers" nor "cord of rope". There are hundreds of little musical groups (sometimes one person), in various categories.
External link
- Official website (http://www.olinda.pe.gov.br)
- Olinda Carnival Story (http://www.gringoguides.com/olindacarnival.shtml) - First hand account of the fancy dress celebrationsde:Olinda