Maryam Mursal

Maryam Mursal (born January 1, 1950) is a famous musician from Somalia. She is a composer and vocalist.

Mursal grew up in a Muslim family with four daughters. As a teenager, she broke tradition and began singing professionally in Mogadishu. She performed in nightclubs and her brand of music, featuring a mix of blues, soul African and Arabic influences, and known as "Somali jazz", became popular across the country. She performed solo and with Waaberi a 300-member music and dance troupe associated with the Somalian National Theatre. After criticizing the government, she was banned from singing for two years, and made her living driving a taxi.

During the civil war in her homeland, she and her five children undertook an arduous seven-month journey across four countries on foot and by hitchhiking to finally reach safety in Djibouti, where she found asylum in the Danish embassy. It was this odyssey that provided the germ of her solo recording The Journey, with guitars, sequencers and back-up vocals from Peter Gabriel.

Mursal is an exile, now residing in Denmark. She has toured Europe with Waaberi and appeared with Nina Simone. Her work has been produced by Peter Gabriel's Real World record label.


Traditional music is very important to me but I was also listening to people like Ray Charles, The Beatles, everything.
We as artists are responsible if something wrong is taking place in our society. It's very important for us to speak up, even though we may have to do it with a double tongue. We have to speak out for our people.
I was always the first woman. I was the first woman singing Somali jazz, I was the first star, and I was the first to drive a taxi! I was the first to drive a lorry, and now I'm the first woman from Somalis to have an international record.


  • New Dawn
  • The Journey

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